referentie code
- 1949–1976 (Vervaardig)
Omvang en medium
15 files in 2 boxes (0.33 linear metres)
Naam van de archiefvormer
Lewis Stafford Northcote (d.1977) was an early member of the Antiquarian Horological Society, who made considerable contribution to antiquarian horology. Together with the late Dr Beeson, he helped advance the study of turret clocks by discovering, recording and classifying clocks of importance, not least the significant clock at Idbury, with its two-plane escapement. He was also a superb draughtsman and many horological works published in the 1960s and 1970s bear evidence of his craftsmanship.
Geschiedenis van het archief
Directe bron van verwerving of overbrenging
Deposited at AHS as part of the large collection of material received from the estate of Arthur Mitchell.
Inhoud en structuur
Bereik en inhoud
This collection contains horological correspondence, research notes, photographs and printed material created and compiled by Lewis S. Northcote.
Waardering, vernietiging en slectie
Lewis S. Northcote’s archive has been fully catalogued and no further deposits are expected.
The collection is arranged into files as compiled by L. S. Northcote. The original folders and envelopes containing the papers were in very poor condition, so only their fragments containing addresses, stamps and other information have been retained.
The collection comprises three series
NOR/01: Correspondence files
NOR/02: Notes and articles
NOR/03: Printed material
Voorwaarden voor toegang en gebruik
Voorwaarden voor raadpleging
These records are mostly available for public access by prior appointment. Records containing personal information are subject to access restrictions under the UK Data Protection Act, 2018.
Voorwaarden voor reproductie
Taal van het materiaal
Schrift van het materiaal
Taal en schrift aantekeningen
Fysieke eigenschappen en technische eisen
Generated finding aid
Verwante materialen
Bestaan en verblifplaats van originelen
Bestaan en verblijfplaats van kopieën
Related units of description
Alternative identifier(s)
Onderwerp trefwoord
Geografische trefwoorden
Naam ontsluitingsterm
Genre access points
Identificatie van de beschrijving
Identificatiecode van de instelling
Toegepaste regels en/of conventies
Niveau van detaillering
Verwijdering van datering archiefvorming
Taal (talen)
Aantekeningen van de archivaris
Catalogued in May 2023 by the AHS Archivist.