Also includes eight photographs, typescripts of "Further notes on some Westmoreland Clock and Watch Makers" (1962) and "Former Clock- and Watch-makers of North Lonsdale" by J.L. Hobbs; handwritten notes on clocks, handwritten draft of L. Northcote's review of Clockmaking in Oxfordshire 1400–1850 by C.F.C. Beeson (1962) with a cover letter, and a copy of Cake and Cockhorse: the magazine of the Banbury Historical Society vol. 1 no. 2 (1961/62).
Handwritten copy. Also includes a provisional list of Reading clockmakers.
Includes handwritten genealogical notes, mainly on Seymour and Lambourn families.
Also includes notes. Map not included.
Includes typewritten obituary by L. Northcote, with list of work done by Hartley; handwritten notes and drafts for the obituary and the list; T.M. Hartley's outgoing letter book (1949–53); brochure and leaflet on John Smith & Sons (Midland Clock Works Derby Ltd); and related correspondence.
Mostly handwritten. Includes notes, sketches and calculations.
This series contains Lewis S. Northcote's correspondence on horological matters.
Includes copy correspondence and typescript copies of Electrical Horology Group minutes of 9th October 1970; "List of Works on Electrical Horology" compiled by Charles K. Aked; a list of articles on electrical horology compiled by Anthony Prasil; and a list of members interested in electrical horology, with addresses.
Also includes two b/w photographs.
Includes annotated typescript of "The Tompion Clocks at Greenwich and the Dead-beat Escapement" by Derek Howse, an article published in Antiquarian Horology (December 1970); pages from the Horological Journal (October 1962) on Tompion pallets; and Northcote's correspondence with Howse, with notes and sketches.
Includes newspaper cuttings about clock and watch sales.
Photocopies of annotated typewritten notes on aspects of the clock: chiming, striking to the nearest second, winding by electric motor, summertime. Includes diagram.
Includes signed typescript of L. Northcote's review of Clockmaking in Oxfordshire 1400-1850 by C.F.C. Beeson (1962); typescript of "Electronics in Timekeeping", a lecture given to the Electrical Horology Group by J.D. Weaver at the Science Museum (6 Dec 1975); typescript of an article on "The Watchmaker's Guild of Copenhagen" (n.d.), and handwritten notes and comments on the Flamsteed / Towneley correspondence and Towneley's pallets as revised by Tompion.
This collection contains horological correspondence, research notes, photographs and printed material created and compiled by Lewis S. Northcote.
Northcote, LewisThis series contains notes, typescripts and publications compiled by Lewis S. Northcote, authored both by himself and others.
Printed copy of an article "communicated at Lancaster, 14th September 1933",
Three prints, with a compliment slip from Thanet Printing Works.
This series contains prints of Northcote's map of Oxfordshire and an auction catalogue.