Dossier EVA/04/005 - Gribelin 1: papers relating to Abraham and Nicholas Gribelin's clocks and watches and Simon Gribelin's engravings

Zone d'identification




Gribelin 1: papers relating to Abraham and Nicholas Gribelin's clocks and watches and Simon Gribelin's engravings


  • n.d.–2011 (Création/Production)

Niveau de description


Étendue matérielle et support

1 folder of loose papers

Zone du contexte

Nom du producteur


Zone du contenu et de la structure

Portée et contenu

Includes correspondence, journal articles, cutouts and printouts of catalogue listings, brochures, photographs and notes. Also includes an early print of Simon Gribelin's engraving Pope Gregory sending St Augustin to convert the English.

Zone des conditions d'accès et d'utilisation

Notes de langue et graphie

Mostly English, some German

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