This series contains cutouts and photocopies of twentieth- and early twenty-first-century catalogue entries and advertisements describing seventeenth- and eighteenth-century bracket clocks, annotated by Jeremy Evans. Some files also include photographs, journal articles and related correspondence and reports.
This series contains cutouts and photocopies of twentieth-and early twenty-first-century catalogue entries and advertisements describing seventeenth- and eighteenth-century longcase clocks, annotated by Jeremy Evans. The files also include photographs and some related correspondence and reports.
Makers' surnames include: Abchurch, Addis, Aldworth, Allam, Allin, Antram, Appley, Archambo, Arnold, Aspinall, Asselin, Audouin, Austen.
Makers' surnames include: Baddy, Baker, Barber, Barbot, Barnes, Barnett, Barrett, Barrow, Bartram, Bayley, Beauvais, Beckman, Bell, Bennett, Berry, Bertrand, Betts, Bird, Blackborow, Blackburn, Blackford, Blanchard, Blundell, Bocket, Borell, Bosley, Bouquet, Bousquet, Bowly, Box, Boyce, Bradford, Bradley, Brass, Bray, Brewer, Brulefer, Brockhurst, Bryant, Buck, Bugden, Bumstead, Burgis, Burgiss, Burgess, Bushman, Butcher, Butterfield, Byard.
Makers' surnames include: Cabrier, Camden, Cartwright, Charleson, Chotard, Clarke, Clark, Clay, Cleghorn, Cleland, Clement, Clowes, Cole, Coleby, Collyer, Colston, Cotsworth, Cotton, Coulton, Coupe, Cowpe, Craike, Creak, Cressener, Crisp, Crockford, Crucefix, Cumming.
Makers' surnames include: Darke, Davidge, Davies, Davis, Debaufre, De Charmes, Delafosse, Delander, Dent, De St. Leu, Dewe, Dickie, Dingley, Dobson, Doughty, Drew, Drury, Du Chesne, Du Hamel, Dunlop.
Makers' surnames include: Eagle, Earnshaw, East, Ebsworth, Edlyne, Ellicott, Elliott, Etherington, Evans.
Makers' surnames include: Farmer, Farr, Faulkner, Faver, Fennell, Ferry, Field, Fitter, Fladgate, Flashman, Fleetwood, Fontaine / Torin, Fort, Foster, Frodsham, Froome.
Makers' surnames include: Galabin, Garner, Garon, Gerrard, Giroust, Goddard, Godden, Godfrey, Goode, Goubert, Gould, Grace, Grant, Grantham, Gray, Green, Greenhill, Gregg, Gregory, Grevill, Grey, Gribelin, Guepin, Guiguer, Gwilt.
Makers' surnames include: Haley, Hall, Hally, Halsey, Ham, Handiside, Harding, Harper, Harris, Harrys, Harwood, Hassenius, Hasenus, Hayle, Hebert, Hemings, Hemins, Herbert, Hester, Hewitt, Hewett, Heyes, Higgs, Hilderson, Hildeyard, Hill, Hindley, Hitchin, Hobart, Hoddle, Hodges, Holmes, Hough, Howes, Hubert, Hubson, Hughes, Humphreys, Hunt, Hunter.
Makers' surnames include: Ince and Mayhew, Ireland, Jackson, Jakeman, Jarratt, Jefferys, Jenkins, Jersey, Johnson, Jones, Jordan.
Makers' surnames include: King, Kipling, Kirk, Knight, Knottesford.
Makers' surnames include: Lagisse, Lamb & Webb, Lambert, Lampe, Land, Latham, Lee, Leroux, Lestourgeon, Lindsay, Liptrot, Loddington, Lowndes, Lumpkin.
Makers' surnames include: Macham, Maddock, Marchant, McCabe, McKensy, Man, Mann, Marchant, Margetts, Markham, Markwick, Marriott, Marshall, Martyn, Martin, Martineau, Mason, Massey, Massy, May, Mayhew, Maynard, Mayowe, Menis, Meriton, Michel, Miller, Mitchell, Mitchelson, Mondehare, Moran, Morrison, Mowtlow, Mudge, Murgatroyd, Murray.
Makers' surnames include: Naylor, Nethercott, Neve, Newman, Newton, Nicolason, Nicholson, Norcott, Norris, Norton, Ogden, Oosterwyck.
Makers' surnames include: Pain, Panchaud, Papavoine, Pare, Peckover, Pepys, Perigal, Perinot, Perry, Penny, Philp, Pinchbeck, Pingo, Pistor, Pleydell, Pluet, Poy, Prevost, Prime, Prior, Procter, Pryor, Puller, Purden, Pyke.
Makers' surnames include: Rainsford, Raymond, Raynsford, Richardson, Rigg, Rimbault, Rivers, Roberts, Robin, Robins, Robinson, Rogers, Romley, Rontree, Rule.
Makers' surnames include: Sadler, Sanderson, Sands, Scafe, Scott, Sebire, Seddon, Seymour, Sharpe, Shaw, Shepley, Simon, Simpson, Sly, Smalley, Smith, Snelling, Snow, Somersall, Speakman, Spencer & Perkins, Squire, Stanton, Steevens, Steiner, Stephens, Stone, Stones, Story, Strelley, Strigel, Stubbs, Style, Sully, Sympson.
Makers' surnames include: Tawney, Taylor, Templer, Thornton, Thorp, Threlkeld, Thuret, Tomkins, Tomlinson, Toppin, Toulmin, Tregent, Trewinnard, Trubshaw, Turnball, Turner, Tyler.
Makers' surnames include: Unite, Urquhart, Van Stryp, Vauguion, Vernier, Vernon, Vick, Viet, Vulliamy.
Makers' surnames include: Wady, Wagstaffe, Wainwright, Waldron, Walker, Walter, Ward, Warre, Warren, Watson, Watts, Webb, Weeks, Wells, Weston, Wheatley, Whichcote, White, Wightman, Wightwick, Willcox, Williams, Williamson, Willoughby, Wilmshurst, Wilson, Winrowe, Wise, Witherston, Wolfall, Wright, Wyche.
Makers' surnames include: Younge, Young. This file also includes some listings and articles about multiple clocks by various other makers (Miller, Hoddle, Hodgkin, Quare, Threlkeld, Pride, Jones, Hunsdon, Milles, Motley, DeCharmes, Garon, DuChesne, Antram, Markham, Cox, Higgs, Evans, Rimbault, Rivers & Son, and unknown makers).
Also includes a few pages of lantern clocks and general articles on longcase clocks and lacquer.
Makers' surnames include: Abbott, Abdell, Abraham, Ackerley, Adamson, Ainsley, Alder, Aldworth, Alexander, Alfield, Allam, Allaway, Allsop / Alsop / Alsope, Amyot, Anderton, Andrews, Appleford, Appley, Archambo, Archer, Argos, Arnold, Ashbrook, Ashton, Aslat, Asselin, Aubert, Austin, Avenell, Aylward, Aynsworth, Ayres.
Makers' surnames include: Bailey, Baker, Barber, Barnes, Barnet, Barnett, Barraud, Barrett, Barron, Barrow, Baseley, Bayford, Bayley, Beake, Beale, Beavis, Bedford, Behoe, Bennet, Bennett, Berry, Bertram, Bewley, Bicknill, Bilbie, Billings, Billop, Bird, Birt, Blackborough, Blackbourn, Blake, Blanchard, Blundell, Booth, Boreham, Bouquet, Bowyer, Boyce, Bradford, Bradley, Brafield, Brass, Bridge, Bridgman, Brooking, Brooks, Brown, Browne, Bryan, Buckingham, Bull, Bunce, Burges, Burgis, Burputt.
Makers' surnames include: Cabrier, Caldwell, Callam, Calver, Cam, Cannon, Card, Carrington, Carte, Carter, Cartwright, Catlin, Chapman, Chater, Chilcott, Chotard, Church, Clapot, Clark, Clarke, Clay, Clayton, Clegg, Clement, Clifton, Clowes, Cockey, Cole, Collins, Colston, Cook, Cooper, Cooper & Hedge, Corderoy, Corless, Coulon, Covington, Coward, Cox, Craig, Creak, Cressener, Crockford, Crolee, Cromey, Crosbey, Crow, Crucefix, Crucifix, Cruttenden, Cumming.
Makers' surnames include: Daniel, Davis, Davison, Day, Debenham, Debnam, De Charmes, Delaunce, Delance, Dene, Dent, Denton, Derve, Dewe, Dickerson, Dingley, Dobson, Dorling, Dorrell, Dorrill, Draper, Drew, Drury, Duchesne / Du Chesne, Duhamel, Dunlop, Dupont, Dutton, Dwerihouse / Dwerryhouse.
Makers' surnames include: Earnshaw, East, Eastwick, Eayre, Ebsworth, Eccless, Eck, Edwards, Elliott, Ellicott, Elliott, Elphinstone, Emery, Etherington, Eva, Evans, Ewer.
Makers' surnames include: Farwell, Faulkener, Fearnley, Fenn, Fennell, Fenton, Fenwick, Ferguson, Ferron, Fielder, Finch, Fish, Fladgate, Fleureau, Flook, Follit, Fontaine, Ford, Forde, Foster, Fowll, Fox, Freeman, French, Freshfield.
Makers' surnames include: Gardner, Garfoot, Garon, Gascoigne, Gatton, Gavell, Gavelle, Gazuet, Gibbs, Gill, Giroust, Glazior, Glover, Goddard, Goode, Goodman, Gould, Grant, Gratte, Gravell & Tolkein, Gray, Gray & Vulliamy, Green, Gregg, Gregory, Gribelin, Griffith, Grimes, Grimwade.
Makers' surnames include: Hackett, Halifax, Hall, Hally, Hampson, Hanson, Harbart, Harbert, Herbert, Hardinge, Harmer, Harper, Harris, Harrison, Harvey, Harvie, Hasius, Hatfield, Hawkins, Hayler, Hayley, Hebert, Henderson, Herbert, Hewitt, Hicks, Higgs, Hill, Hindley, Hindmore, Hocker, Hodges, Holland, Holloway, Holmes, Hopkins, Houlgrave, Howard, Howse, Hubbard, Hubert, Hughes, Hulbert, Hunt, Hunter, Huntsman, Hurt, Hutchin, Hutchinson, Hynam.
Makers' surnames include: Irland, Ireland, Irving, Ismay.
Makers' surnames include: Jackeman, Jackman, Jackson, Jacob, Jacques, James, Jarrat, Jarratt, Jeffreys, Jenkins, Jerman, Jersey, Jercelin, Jobson, Johnson, Jones, Jordain / Jourdain / Jourdian, Joyce.
Makers' surnames include: Kefford, Kember, Kening, Kent, Kenton, King, Kipling, Kirk, Kirkpatrick, Knifton, Knottesford, Knowles.
Makers' surnames include: Lakin, Lambe, Lambert, Langford, Latham, Lawley, Leadbetter, Le Bass, Le Count / Lecount, Ledgard, Lee, Leigh, Lester, Lestourgeon, Lindsay, Lock, London, Longland, Lovelace, Lowndes, Lowry, Lugg, Lumpkin, Lyons, Lys.
Makers' surnames include: Macham, Maggs, Mallet / Mallett, Manley, Margetts, Markham, Markwick, Marsh, Marshall, Martin, Martineau, Mason, Massam, Massey, Massy, Matham, Matthew, May, Mayhew, McCabe, Meredith, Mariton, Meriman, Merryman, Michel, Miller, Molyneux, Moncrief, Monkhouse, Moore, Mory, Morgan, Morland, Muddle, Mudge, Mundey, Murdock, Murphy.
Makers' surnames include: Nash, Neale, Newbrough, Newborough, Newby, Newton, Nicholls, Nickals, Norcott, Norris, Northcote, Northey, Norton, Nourse, Ogden, Olden, Ollive, Orton, Osborne, Overzee.
Makers' surnames include: Pace, Padgett, Page, Pain, Palmer, Pare, Parkinson, Parr, Parre, Patrick De Parshore, Pearson, Peckover, Peers, Penford, Penton, Penyston, Pepys, Perigal, Phillips, Philp, Pinchbeck, Pingstone, Pitcher, Pitt, Pleydell, Plimmer, Plumbe, Porthouse, Post, Poulton, Power, Poy, Prevost, Price, Prime, Puller, Purden, Pyke, Pyne.
Makers' surnames include: Rant, Ray, Rayment, Raymond, Raynes, Raynsford, Recordon, Redstall, Reed, Renouf, Rice, Richardson, Rigby, Rimbault, Risbridger, Rivers, Riviere, Robb, Robin, Robinson, Rogers, Rooker, Rose, Rouch, Rudrupp.
Makers' surnames include: Sadler, Saer, Sagar, Sampson, Savage, Scafe, Schofield, Scott, Seddon, Sellers, Sewell, Seymour, Shaw, Shelton, Shepard, Simcock, Simcox, Simmons, Skeggs, Skilmore, Smith, Smithyes, Smyth, Snelling, Snow, Soldano, Sparkes, Speakman, Spencer & Perkins, Spinney, Spurgin, Stanton, Stearn, Stedman, Steele, Steevens, Stevens, Stevenson, Still, Stillwell, Stock, Stockar, Stock, Stocke, Stokes, Stone, Storr, Stretch, Stringer, Stubb, Stubbs, Style.
Makers' surnames include: Tantum, Taylor, Thatcher, Thompson, Thorne, Thornton, Threlkeld, Thwaites, Tipling, Tolley, Tomlinson, Tortore, Toulmin, Tracy, Trail, Traunter, Trattle, Tregent, Trigg, Trigge, Trippett, Trout, Trubshaw, Tucker, Turnbull, Twigg, Tyler.
Makers' surnames include: Uffington, Urquhart, Utting, Vale, Valentine, Vans, Vauloux, Vernon, Vick, Viens, Viet, Vincent, Vines, Vise, Vulliamy, Vulliamy & Gray.
Makers' surnames include: Wade, Wadleton, Wady, Waldron, Walker, Walley, Ward, Warden, Washbourn, Wasson, Watson, Watts, Wattson, Webb, Weller, Wells, Westoby, Wheeler, Whichcote, White, Whitebread, Whittaker, Whittingham, Wieland, Wightman, Wild, Wilkes, Wilkins, Williams, Williamson, Willoughby, Wilmot, Wilson, Wimble, Winckles, Wise, Wither, Withers, Woolley, Wood, Woodward, Woodworde, Wrench, Wreghit, Wright, Wyche, Wyld.
Makers' surnames include: Yeates, Yoakley, Young, Younge.
This series contains files of correspondence and cutouts from catalogues, newspapers, journals and other publications, relating to the work of individual clockmakers and engravers.
Makers' surnames include: Adamson, Aske, Barnett, Bennett, Beyer, Boyce, Bradford, Buckenhill. The file contains correspondence, cutouts and photocopies of catalogue listings, photographs and notes.
Makers' surnames include: Cattell, Chambers, Constantin, Constantine, Cooley, Cotsworth, Creed, Crouch, Cuff. The file contains correspondence, photocopies of eighteenth-century newspaper extracts, cutouts and photocopies of catalogue listings, photographs and notes.
Makers' surnames include: Dent, Edlin / Edlyne, Finch, Gardner, Gerrard, Gordon. The file contains correspondence, photocopies of eighteenth-century newspaper extracts, cutouts and photocopies of catalogue listings, photographs and notes.
Makers' surnames include: Halstead, Halsted, Harris, Harrys, Harvey, Haughtin, Hodgkin, Holloway, Huddleston, Hudson. The file contains correspondence, cutouts and photocopies of catalogue listings, photographs and notes.
Makers' surnames include: Jacques, Jeffs, King / De King, Lindsay, Long, Martin, Merriman, Merryman, Newborough, Newbrough, Northcote, Paine, Parker, Rasher, Reith, Robinson. The file contains correspondence, cutouts and photocopies of catalogue listings, photographs and notes.
Makers' surnames include: Seignior, Sharpe, Smith, Sully, Tolley, Vick. The file contains correspondence, cutouts and photocopies of catalogue listings, photographs and notes.
Includes correspondence, photocopies of eighteenth- and nineteenth-century newspaper extracts, and cutouts of catalogue listings.
This collection comprises results of decades of Jeremy Evans’ horological research, including notebooks, assorted files on specific clockmakers, and a database of horological information extracted from seventeenth- and eighteenth-century newspapers, most notably a complete record of Daily Advertiser from the beginning of the eighteenth century to c.1753.
Evans, JeremyIncludes correspondence, photocopies of eighteenth-century newspaper extracts, clock descriptions, brochures, journal articles, cutouts of catalogue listings, photographs and notes.
Includes correspondence, photocopies of seventeenth- and eighteenth-century newspaper extracts, brochures, journal and newspaper articles, cutouts of catalogue listings, photographs and notes.
Includes correspondence, photocopies of seventeenth- and eighteenth-century newspaper extracts, newspaper articles, cutouts of catalogue listings, photographs, notes, and a transcript of Gretton's accounts of 1694.
Includes correspondence, journal articles, cutouts and printouts of catalogue listings, brochures, photographs and notes. Also includes an early print of Simon Gribelin's engraving Pope Gregory sending St Augustin to convert the English.
Includes photocopies of early publications, newspaper articles and photographs.
Gives name, trade, address, short summary of news where applicable, and date of publication. There is also a subject index section.
Includes Joseph Knibb's biography, photocopies of seventeenth- and eighteenth-century newspaper extracts, and cutouts and printouts of catalogue listings.
Includes correspondence, cutouts and photocopies of catalogue listings, newspaper articles, draft articles, photographs and notes.
Includes correspondence, cutouts and photocopies of catalogue listings, journal articles, draft articles, photographs and notes.
Includes correspondence, cutouts and photocopies of catalogue listings, journal articles, draft articles, photographs and notes.
Includes correspondence, cutouts and photocopies of catalogue listings, journal articles, draft articles, photographs and notes.
Includes correspondence, photocopies of seventeenth- and eighteenth-century newspaper extracts, photocopies of journal, dictionary and draft articles, photographs and notes.
This series contains prints from microfilms and photocopies of British newspaper extracts mentioning seventeenth- and eighteenth-century watches and watchmakers, compiled and annotated by Jeremy Evans. The newspapers include mainly the Daily Advertiser and other contemporary local papers such as The London Gazette, but twentienth-century catalogues and other publications are also present. Topics include mainly losses or thefts of watches, but also sales of goods, debts, bankruptcies, marriages, deaths, wills, appointments, absconsions, elopements, criminal charges, etc. The files also include some photographs of watches and clocks. Please note that some of the microfilm prints are not easily legible and in a few cases Jeremy Evans' attempts to decipher or identify the surnames were tentative, and alterative spellings of surnames are often provided.
Includes correspondence, photocopies of eighteenth-century newspaper extracts, and cutouts and photocopies of catalogue listings.
Includes correspondence, photocopies of eighteenth-century newspaper extracts, photocopies of journal articles, newspaper articles, cutouts and photocopies of catalogue listings, photographs and notes.
Makers' surnames include: A[...], Abbot, Abraham, Abrahams, Achurch, Ackers, Adams, Adamson, Addis, Addison, Adey, Adkins, Adney, Aimwell, Ainge, Ainsworth, Alder, Aldridge, Aldworth, Allam, Allaway, Alcock, Allcock, Allen, Alleway, Allix, Allsop, Allwood, Alsop, Alstead, Amey, Amy, Amyot, Anderson, Anderton, Andrews, Angelo, Angier, Angot, Anott, Ansoll, Anson, Ant, Antill, Antram, Antrim.
Makers' surnames include: Appley, Archambo, Archer, Arding, Aris, Ayris, Arland, Arlandy, Armand, Armstrong, Arnley, Arnold, Arson, Arundal, Arundell, Ashbee, Ashburne, Ashley, Ashman, Ashmore, Aslatt, Asselin, Astley, Aston, Atfield / Adfield, Atherley, Atkins, Atkinsin, Atwood, Aubert, Aubury, Austall, Aunale, Austin, Aveline, Avenell, Averton, Avery, Avril, Ayres, Ayrs, Ayscough, Azier.
Makers' surnames include: B[...], Babbington, Bachan, Bacharn, Bachofen, Backhouse, Bacon, Bacot, Baddin, Baddy, Badger, Badiley, Bagley, Bagyer, Baily, Bailey, Baley, Baillon, Baker, Balcher, Baldwin, Bale, Baley, Balie, Ball, Ballard, Balleure, Bamber, Bamford, Banks, Banister, Banner, Bannister, Banson, Banton.
Makers' surnames include: Barbarres, Barber, Barford, Barenger, Bargeau, Baringer, Barjohn, Barker, Barlow, Barnard, Barnes, Barns, Barnet, Barnett, Barnsley, Baron, Barput, Barraud, Barrett, Barret, Barrilett, Barrington, Barrow, Barry, Barston, Bartlett, Barton, Barugh, Barwell, Bashelin, Baskerville, Basomoine, Baston, Batard, Bateman, Bates, Bath, Batt, Batterson, Batyn, Baucamp, Baugh, Baxter, Bayes, Bayley, Baysallance.
Makers' surnames include: Beake, Beale, Beard, Beasley, Beate, Beaucamp, Beauchamp, Beauvais, Beavis, Bebley, Beccles, Bechoe, Beck, Beckett, Beckford, Beckman, Bedford, Beding, Beecham, Been, Beet, Beets, Behoe, Beighton, Belew, Belfield, Bell, Bellamy, Bellard, Bellette, Belling, Bellis, Bellwood, Bemish, Benban, Benbrick, Bence, Bendall, Benge, Benn, Bennet, Bennett, Benning, Benson, Bentley, Benton, Benyon, Berge, Bergeau, Berkeley, Bernard, Bernarde, Berridge, Berrington, Berry, Bertram, Beson, Best, Beste, Bethell, Betteridge, Betterton, Betts, Beverly, Bewley, Beyman.
Makers' surnames include: Biaudet, Biddle, Biddeston, Bidlake, Biggs, Bighten, Bill, Bille, Billinghurst, Bing, Bingley, Binks, Birchall, Bird, Birdsell, Birdwhistle, Birkhead, Birley, Birmingham, Bishop, Bishot, Bizot, Blackbrow, Blackborough, Blackborow, Blackburn, Blackbourne, Blackman, Blackmore, Blake, Blakescrum, Blakesly, Blakey, Blanchard, Bland, Blosterly, Blowers, Bludwick, Blundell, Blunt, Bly.
Makers' surnames include: Bocket, Bodenham, Bodker, Bodkers, Bodle, Bog, Boisson, Bold, Bollinger, Bolus, Bondolph, Bonet, Bonner, Bonneval, Booth, Borford, Bosley, Bostock, Bosvile, Bosworth, Boucher, Boullenger, Bolt, Boult, Boulton, Bouquet, Bourdon, Bourdeaux, Bournwash, Bousse, Bouvier, Boverick, Bowen, Bower, Bowes, Bowles, Bowley, Bowly, Boutell, Bowtell, Boyce, Boyd, Boyer.
Makers' surnames include: Br[...], Brabant, Brackley, Bradbury, Bradford, Bradgate, Bradley, Bradshaw, Brady, Brafield, Brayfield, Bramer, Bramston, Brand, Brasier, Brass, Brassett, Brather, Braun, Bray, Bredo, Brentwood, Brew, Brewer, Bride, Bridgeman, Bridges, Briggs, Brightridge, Bristow, Brittain, Broadbent, Brockbank, Brodu, Brogden [donbrog], Bromfield, Bromley, Brooke, Brooks, Brookes, Brooksby, Brosy, Brown, Browntree, Bruce, Bryan.
Makers' surnames include: Buank [?], Buchanan, Buck, Buckenhill, Buckingham, Buckman, Bucknall, Budgen, Budgeon, Buffet, Bull, Bulline, Bullock, Bumstead, Bunce, Burch, Burden, Burdet, Burfield, Burgi, Burgis, Burges, Burgess, Burn, Burnett, Burnham, Burport, Burry, Burton, Busby, Bush, Bushman, Buschman, Bushman, Bushnels, Butcher, Butler, Butterfield, Butts, Buxton, Byfield, Bynham.
Makers' surnames include: J.C., Cabrear, Cabrier, Cacket, Caillate, Calder, Calderwood, Callowe, Calloway, Caltro, Cambro, Cambden, Camden, Cameel, Cambell, Campbell, Cane, Cannon, Canton, Card, Cargill, Carlson, Carlyon, Carne, Carpenter, Carrington, Carte, Carter, Cartier, Cartwright, Carus, Cary, Castel, Castell, Castle, Cater, Catlin, Caton, Cattell, Cattle, Cawdron, Cawley.
Makers' surnames include: Ceaser, Cecil, Cellar, Cha[...], Chalkhill, Chaman, Chamberlain, Chamberlaine, Chambers, Champion, Chance, Chancey, Chandler, Chapeau, Chaplyn, Chapman, Chappell, Chappuzeau, Charlston, Charleson, Charlson, Charlton, Chater, Chatfield, Chaunter, Chauvel, Chavanes, Chaves, Chesson, Cheltenham, Cheltham, Chetingham, Cheneviere, Cheriton, Cheshire, Chesnon, Chesson, Chester, Chevenix, Child, Chillcot, Chipling, Chittenham, Chitty, Chivers, Chotard, Chotarde, Chrichlow, Christmas, Chubb, Church, Churchill.
Makers' surnames include: Clapot, Claypot, Clark, Clarke, Clarkson, Claverton, Clay, Clayton, Clegg, Cleland, Clement, Clementti, Clements, Clemison, Cleverly, Clifton, Clinton, Clive, Cloither, Clough, Clowes, Clyatt.
Makers' surnames include: Coates, Cobb, Cobham, Cochereau, Cock, Cockbill, Cockett, Cockey, Coggs, Coignand, Coke, Colard, Cole, Coleman, Colin, Collet, Colley, Colliber, Collier, Collyer, Collingridge, Collins, Collison, Collomby, Colomby, Columbell, Colston, Comans, Combes, Combs, Comens, Company, Compigne, Compton, Cone, Conor, Constable, Constantin, Constantine, Conyers, Cook, Cooke, Cooks, Coole, Cooley, Cooper, Cooper & Hedge, Coote, Cope, Copeland, Copp, Corbet, Corder, Cordwell, Corner, Cornill, Cornu, Coste, Coster, Cotsworth, Cotton, Cottenbelt, Couch, Coulon, Coulon & Bry, Coupar, Courstau, Court, Courtauld, Courtial, Cover, Cowan, Cowburne (Coburn?), Cowell, Cowes, Cowper, Cox, Coxeter.
Makers' surnames include: Craig, Craig & Nevill, Cramer, Creamer, Cramilion, Crammillion, Crampton, Crane, Crathorne, Craythorne, Crayl, Crayle, Crayton, Creak, Creake, Creber, Cressener, Cripps, Crocker, Crocket, Crooke, Croome, Cross, Crossgrove, Crosthwaite, Crouch, Crown, Crucefix, Crumpe, Crumpton, Cuff, Cullenworth, Culpepper, Culverwell, Cumins, Cumming, Cummings, Cundall, Cureton, Currey, Curteen, Curtis, Cushee, Cusson, Cuthley.
Makers' surnames include: E.D., Dakers (Dacres?), Dale, Dalgliesh, Dalton, Daniel, Daniell, Daniels, Dann, Darling, Davenport, Davidson, Davies, Davis, Dawson, Dawes, Day, Dean, Deane, Dear, Deard, Deards, Dearmer, Debaufre, Debaufres, Neville & Debaufre, De Charmes, Decharmes, De Choudens, Decosta, Dee, Definod, Defontaine, Desfountaynes, Defoxton, Dehecq, De la Balle, Delaballe, Delafons, Delahoyde, Delander, Delapont, Delassall, Dell, Dellamy, Dellcourt, Delorme, Delve, Demarsay, Denelope, Denn, Dennis, Dent, Dentan, Denton, Derham, Dermer, Deroches, Desagulier, Desalt, Descombes, Deseser, Dessesor, Desmarias, Desrings, De St. Leu, Deval, Devemmel, Devis, de Vreese, Dewe, Dewilde, Dexter, Deckster.
Makers' surnames include: Dickie, Dickins, Dickson, Die, Dighton, Dingle, Dingley, Dinmore, Ditton, Dobney, Dobson, Dolland, Dolly, Dolley & Oldham, Dolphin, Donisthorpe, Dorrell, Douglas, Douglass, Dove, Dovers, Down, Downes, Downing, Dows, Dowse, Dowson, Drake, Draper, Draycott, Drew, Drossade, Drury, Dryden, Dryer, Drysdale, Dubedat, Duboys, Duchampe, Duchesne, Duck, Dudds, Dufour, Duhamel, Du Hamel, Dunant, Duncan, Dunlop, Dunster, Dupin, Dupont, Dupree, Dupuy, Duquesne, Durade, Duran, Dutan, Dutens, Dutertre, Dutton, Dwethouse (Dwerrihouse), Dyde, Dyke.
Makers' surnames include: Eagle, Earnshaw, East, Eastland, Eastwood, Eayres, Ebands, Eboral, Eborall, Ebsworth, Eccles, Eckert, Eckhert, Edey, Edgcomb, Edlin, Edlyne, Edmunds, Edwards, Edwin, Eggleton, Eichstedt, Elkins, Ellard, Elliot, Elliott, Ellis, Ellison, Ellott, Ellwood, Ellworthy, Elmson, Ely, Elys.
Makers' surnames include: Emblin, Emery, Emett, Emmerson, Emson, Endersby, Engin, Engui, England, English, Enys, Epson, Errick, Ericke, Errick, Errington, Erington, Erling, Erridge, Estienne, Estwick, Etherington, Ettry, Eusnach, Evans, Evens, Everal, Everell, Everett, Ewer, Ewers, Exelby.
Makers' surnames include: J. F., Faby, Facio, Fail, Farrey, Fairy (Fairey?), Faizan, Faldo, Fanjoux, Fardoil, Farewell, Farwell, Farmer, Farnworth, Farrell, Farr, Farrington, Farow, Fasch, Faulkner, Faver, Favor, Favore, Favour, Favre, Fawkes, Fayle, Fayrer, Fayting, Fazakerley, Featherstone, Fell, Fellowes, Fellows, Fels, Fenester, Fenn, Junn [probably Fenn], Fennell, Fennimore, Fennymore, Fennymare, Fenton, Ferguson, Ferment, Ferrers, Ferron, Ferrot & Thuilier, Fichtner, Field, Fieldhouse, Filler, Fillery, Finch, Finchett, Finney, Fish, Fisher, Fitter, Fitzsimons, Fitzwilliam.
Makers' surnames include: Fladgate, Flamsteed, Flavill, Fleece, Fleetwood, Fleming, Fletcher, Fleurieau, Flint, Flower, Flowerdale, Fly, Foden, Fogg, Foisseau, Folgham, Folkes, Fontaine, Fontaine & Torin, Foot / Poole?, Ford, Foardham (Fordham), Ferrister, Forster, Forsyth, Fort, Forte, Forter, Forth, Foster, Foubert, Fowler, Fowll, Frances, Francis, Franses, Franklin, Franksman, Fraser, Fravis, Free, Freedman, Fredman, Freeman, French, Fresh, Freshfield, Fricke, Frodsham, From, Fromanteel, Fromanteel & Clarke, Frost, Froust, Frowde, Fry, Fryer, Fuller, Furnesse, Futer.
Makers' surnames include: P. G., Richard G[...], Gaab, Gadsdon, Gainsborough, Gaite, Gakeman, Galabin, Galileo, Galindo, Gallant, Gallois, Galloway, Gambier, Gammon, Ganeron, Ganeroon, Garden, Gardiner, Gardner, Garfoot, Garner, Garnett, Garon, Gharon, Garrard, Garret, Garstin, Garth, Gascoine, Gascoyne, Gatward, Gaudin, Gaugain, Gautier, Gawthorne, Gazuet, Geary, George, Gerbe, Gernier, Gerrard, Gervais, Gib, Gibbard, Gibbons, Gibbs, Gibson, Gilbert, Giles, Gill, Gilpin, Gimblett, Ginn, Girle, Girod, Giroust.
Makers' surnames include: Gladman, Gladstone, Glasco, Gloria A Dieppe, Glover, Glyd, Glynn, Goblop, Goddard, Goddock, Godfrey, Godin, Gold, Goldby, Goldsmith & Delander, Goldwin, Golling, Golway, Goode, Goodfriend, Gooding, Goodlad, Goodison, Goodman, Goodo, Goodwin, Goodyere, Goolan, Gordon, Gorsuch, Gosselin, Gosier, Gossier, Gossop, Gotobed, Goubert, Gough, P. G., Goujon, Gould, Gouldar, Gouldsborough, Goush, Gout, Govers, Goweth.
Makers' surnames include: Grace, Gradell, Graham, Grainger, Grange, Grant, Grantham, Grape, Graupner, Graves, Gray, Grey, Gray & Vulliamy, Graves, Greaves, Green, Greenhill, Greenwood, Gregg, Gregory, Gregson, Grenard, Grendon, Greppel, Gribelin, Grice, Griffin, Grifin, Griffith, Grig, Grigby, Grignion, Grillet, Grimes, Grimstead, Grindon, Grinkin, Grinnard, Grouse, Grovant, Grove, Groves, Guarffi, Gudgeon, Guer, Gugemous, Guiguer, Guildon, Guion, Gun, Gurney, Gutts, Guy, Gwilt, Gwinn, Gymer, Gyron.
Makers' surnames include: R. H., Haber, Habler, Haden, Hadley, Hagen, Haggar, Hailes, Haines, Haland, Halding, Hales, Halifax, Hallifax, Hall, Hallett, Halley, Hally, Halsted, Halstead, Ham, Hamarsly, Hamers, Hambleton, Hamilton, Hammond, Hancorn, Hancorne, Hand, Handanought, Handisyde, Hindside, Hands, Hanet, Hannet, Hankin, Hanscombe, Hanson, Hanwell.
Makers' surnames include: Harbert, Herbert, Harbin, Hardin, Harding, Harden, Ardin [sic], Hardwick, Hare, Hart, Hargreaves [?], Harley, Harlin, Harman, Harlin, Harmer, Harpur, Harper, Harpur, Harrington, Harris, Harrison, Harrol, Harrold, Hart, Hartley, Hartly, Harvey, Haselwood, Haslewood, Haslop, Hassenius, Hathaway, Hatton, Hauton, Haughton, Hauksbee, Hawkins, Hawthorn, Hawthing, Haydon, Hayes, Hays, Hayler, Hayly, Haynes, Hayton, Hayward, Hazard, Hazlewood.
Makers' surnames include: Heardman, Hearn, Heath, Hebb, Hebert, Heckel, Heeley, Heigel, Heinrici, Helmes, Helot, Heming, Hemming, Hemmsings, Henderson, Henrison, Henery, Henry, Henshaw, Henson, Herald, Herbert, Herdman, Herloin, Herlot, Herring, Herriot, Herve, Hes, Heskin, Hester, Hewer, Hewitt, Hewlett, Heyden, Heyman, Heyter, Hibbert, Hiccox, Hickman, Hicks, Hide, Higgins, Higginson, Higgnett, Higgs, Higgs & Evans, Higsby, Hildebrand, Hill, Hills, Hilliard, Hillier, Henley, Hindley, Hindmore, Hine, Hineham, Hitchin, Hitchins, Hitchings, Hitchman.
Makers' surnames include: Hobart, Hobbs, Hocker, Hodd, Hoddle, Hodges, Hodgson, Hodson, Hoevenaar, Holborough, Holbrooke, Holder, Holle, Holland, Holle, Hollier, Hollis, Holloway, Holmes, Holroyd, Holstone, Holt, Holwell, Hone, Honey, Honeychurch, Hooker, Hoole, Hope, Hopkins, Hoppey, Horne, Horner, Horton, Huffman [Hougham], Houlgrave, Houillere, Houlliere, House, How, Howe, Howes, Howard, Howel, Howell, Howells, Hoyle.
Makers' surnames include: Hubbard, Hubert, Huckle, Huddleston, Hudleston, Hudson, Huggeford, Hughes, Hulbert, Hull, Humber, Humphreys, Humphries, Humphrys, Hunsdon, Hunt, Hunte, Hunter, Hurst, Hurt, Husset, Hussey, Hutchinson, Hutchason, Hutson & Johnson, Hutton, Hynam.
Makers' surnames include: Ilbery, Ingleby, Ingram, Inkinson, Inkingson, Innis, Ion, Isaacson, Israel, Israels, Istead, Ives, Ivy, Jack, Jackman, Jackeman, Jakeman, Jackson, Jacob, Jacobs, James, Jamison, Jaques, Jardin, Jarrett, Jarratt, Jarvis, Gervis, Jay, Jeffery, Jeffryes, Jefferies, Jefferies & Jones, Jefferys, Jeffs, Jekyll, Jemson, Jenkins, Jenkinson, Jenner, Jennings, Jenins, Jensen, Jernegan, Jersey, Jervis.
Makers' surnames include: Joel, Johns, Johnson, Johnstone, Jolland, Jolly, Joly, Jon, Jones, Jordan, Jorden & Gordon, Joseph, Josephson, Joubert, Jourdain, Jourden, Jovat, Joyce, Jullion, Julliott.
Makers' surnames include: K. J., Keck, Kedden, Keeley, Kefford, Kehloff, Kelham, Kilham, Kellum, Kellway, Kelly, Kelsall, Kemp, Kempton, Kendall, Kendell, Kendrick, Kent, Kentish, Kerfoot, Ketcherside, Keton, Key, Kilby, Killingburgh, Kilman, Kilmister, Killminster, King, Kingsman, Kingston, Kinner, Kipling, Kirby, Kirk & Pigot, Kirkpatrick, Kirton, Kitchen, Klett, Knibb, Knight, Knodnott, Knottesford, Knotsford, Knox, Kohorn, Kover, Krenckel & Perrola, Kulibi.