Identity area
Reference code
Seventeenth- and eighteenth-century horological news: makers' surnames SH–SL
- compiled 1990s–2010s (Creation)
Level of description
Extent and medium
1 folder of loose papers
Context area
Name of creator
Archival history
Immediate source of acquisition or transfer
Content and structure area
Scope and content
Makers' surnames include: Shadly, Shadwell, Shallcross, Sharenbeck, Sharpe, Sharp, Sharplin, Sharpy, Sharrat, Shaw, Sheafe, Shearwood, Sheilds, Sheldrake, Shelton, Shepard, Sheppard, Shepley, Shergold, Sherley, Shervey, Sherwood, Shield, Shindler, Shingler, Shipton, Shirley, Shore, Shoertgrave, Shotten, Shrimpton, Shrowsbridge, Shucksborough, Shuckford, Shuckforth, Shute, Shuttleworth, Sibley, Siddell, Sidey [Yedis ?], Sidley, Sidney, Silvers, Silvester, Sylvester, Simkins, Simpkins, Simmons, Simon, Simpkinson, Simpson, Sims, Simms, Sinclair, Singleton, Sisson, Skargell, Sheggs, Skelton, Skikelthorpe, Skinner, Slack, Slade, Slan, Slatter, Slingsby, Sly.
Appraisal, destruction and scheduling
System of arrangement
Conditions of access and use area
Conditions governing access
Conditions governing reproduction
Language of material
Script of material
Language and script notes