referentie code
- 1955–1961 (Vervaardig)
Omvang en medium
1 bound scrapbook in a folder
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41 pages. Includes Honeybone clock at Bristol; clock collection at Belper; "From Clock-watch to Wrist Watch" and "The Rare Grandmother Clock”, articles from Country Life Annual 1955; "Sixteenth century and earlier public clocks" list by G. H. Baillie; clocks of Denmark, Holland and Germany; clocks of Coventry and Winchester; auction sale of Tompion long case clock; "A clock to time the Earth", an article on John Harrison by Alben Philips; floral clocks; copy will of Thomas Honeybone; extract from Cats in the Belfry by Doreen Tovey; Jens Olsen's world clock brochure; Guinness Festival Clock; Westminster Abbey clock overhaul; The Musselburgh Tolboth clock; Ilbert horological collection; the world' first astronomical clock at the Science Museum; extract from The Dean's Watch by Elizabeth Goudge
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