Zona de identificação

Código de referência





  • 1930–1973 (Produção)

Nível de descrição


Dimensão e suporte

110 files in 2 boxes and plan folders (0.5 linear metres)

Zona do contexto

Nome do produtor


História biográfica

Philip Thornton (1901–1975), born in Great Haywood, Stafford, was a horologist and a manufacturer of milling cutters for clock wheels and pinions. He was also an accomplished clock maker, designer and engraver. In the 1930s and 1940s he was engaged mainly in clock making and restoration, becoming an expert at the repeating mechanisms used by Tompion and his contemporaries. He made striking longcase clocks in Knibb’s style, and after the Second World War, in collaboration with Frodsham & Company, he made hump back carriage clocks with perpetual calendar in the style of Breguet, the first of which was presented to HM Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother. His last creation was a Roman numeral striking clock, intended to be the first of a new series.

História do arquivo

These records were created and assembled by the horologist Philip Thornton. They were acquired by Rodney Law after Thornton’s death in 1975, when Law and David Burton took over Thornton’s business. On Law’s death in 2021, his papers were inherited by Michael Wright, who donated them to the AHS.

Fonte imediata de aquisição ou transferência

Donated to the AHS by Michael Wright in 2021.

Zona do conteúdo e estrutura

Âmbito e conteúdo

This collection comprises Philip Thornton’s reports, notes, sketches and tracings which document the repairs and restorations of mainly bracket clocks, carried out by him primarily in the 1930s and 1940s, with a few later instances. Most papers record the date of restoration and the name of the client. The files vary in size and content from single pieces of scrap paper to more comprehensive bundles containing condition reports and detailed large-format drawings. Many of the papers are in very fragile condition.

Avaliação, seleção e eliminação


Philip Thornton’s archive has been fully catalogued and no further deposits are expected.

Sistema de arranjo

The Thornton collection was originally deposited as one box of loose papers, grouped into numbered bundles relating to individual clocks and arranged mostly chronologically. This arrangement has been retained, with the original numbering preserved in the file reference numbers. Some file numbers have not been deposited. In the few cases were no original numbering was present, the files have been given alphabetical references. The collection is arranged into one series.
THO/01: Clock repair files

Zona de condições de acesso e utilização

Condições de acesso

These records are mostly available for public access by prior appointment. Records containing personal information are subject to access restrictions under the UK Data Protection Act, 2018.

Condiçoes de reprodução

Idioma do material

    Sistema de escrita do material

      Notas ao idioma e script


      Características físicas e requisitos técnicos

      Many papers are in fragile condition.

      Instrumentos de descrição

      Instrumento de pesquisa gerado

      Zona de documentação associada

      Existência e localização de originais

      Existência e localização de cópias

      Unidades de descrição relacionadas

      Descrições relacionadas

      Zona das notas

      Identificador(es) alternativo(s)

      Pontos de acesso

      Pontos de acesso - Assuntos

      Pontos de acesso - Locais

      Pontos de acesso - Nomes

      Pontos de acesso de género

      Zona do controlo da descrição

      Identificador da descrição

      Identificador da instituição

      Regras ou convenções utilizadas


      Nível de detalhe

      Datas de criação, revisão, eliminação

      Línguas e escritas



          Nota do arquivista

          Catalogued in May 2024 by the AHS Archivist.

          Área de ingresso