Zona de identificação
Código de referência
- 1990s–2000s (Produção)
Nível de descrição
Dimensão e suporte
8 boxes of printed papers (2 linear metres)
Zona do contexto
Nome do produtor
História biográfica
Grahame Brooks is a Freeman of the Goldsmiths Company, Liveryman of the Clockmakers Company, and a freelance contributor to the Horological Journal. He attended evening classes in watch and clock making together with George Daniels at Northampton… Read more
Entidade detentora
História do arquivo
The material was donated by Grahame Brooks to David Rooney c.2008 for research purposes. In 2023, at David’s suggestion, Grahame agreed to donate it to the AHS to make it available to the wider public.
Fonte imediata de aquisição ou transferência
Deposited at the AHS Lovat Lane in June 2023.
Zona do conteúdo e estrutura
Âmbito e conteúdo
This collection comprises mostly wristwatch trade literature sent to and collected by Grahame Brooks over an approximately ten-year period from the mid-1990s to the mid-2000s. It includes press releases, product brochures, photographs, slides and CD-Roms,… Read more
Further records may be deposited in the future.
Sistema de arranjo
At the time of deposit, the records were arranged alphabetically by watchmaking company name. This original arrangement will be retained in the future catalogue.
Zona de condições de acesso e utilização
Notas ao idioma e script
Mostly English, some French and German
Zona do controlo da descrição
Nota do arquivista
The collection is being catalogued and is expected to be available by the end of March 2025.