Ward, Frank

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Ward, Frank

Parallel form(s) of name

  • Ward, F. A. B.
  • Ward, Dr Frank
  • Ward, Frank Alan Burnett

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      Dr Frank Alan Burnett Ward (1905–1990) was a founder member of the Antiquarian Horological Society, its Treasurer, Programme Secretary, Vice-President, and the organiser of Continental tours for the Society.

      Born in Stockport, Cheshire, he was educated at Highgate School, London, and Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge, where he read physics and undertook research in nuclear physics with Lord Rutherford at Cavendish Laboratory, gaining a PhD (Cantab). His main career, which spanned nearly forty years starting in 1931, was at the Science Museum, London. As Keeper in the Department of Physics, Dr Ward was involved in managing the Time Measurement Collection, from sundials to quartz clocks. He also organised two major exhibitions there: ’The British Clockmaker's Heritage' (1952) and, in conjunction with the AHS, 'Collectors' Pieces, Clocks and Watches' (1964). During the Second World War he was seconded to the Air Ministry (Meteorological Office) and was later commissioned in the RAFVR (Meteorological Branch).

      After his retirement in 1970, Dr Ward catalogued the British Museum's collection of European scientific instruments, as well as the clock and watch collections at the Victoria and Albert Museum and Waddesdon Manor. Between 1973 and 1985, he published fifteen articles in Antiquarian Horology.


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          For Dr Ward’s obituary by Tom Robinson and the image used here, see Antiquarian Horology, vol. 18 no. 6 (summer 1990), p. 602–603.

          Maintenance notes