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Archivistische beschrijving
DRAISEY, HENRY (not yet catalogued)
DRAISEY, HENRY (not yet catalogued)
Graham: correspondence, notes and publications relating to clocks and watches by George Graham (c.1673–1751)
Graham: correspondence, notes and publications relating to clocks and watches by George Graham (c.1673–1751)
Gravity Escapement: correspondence, notes and photographs
Gravity Escapement: correspondence, notes and photographs
Haswell: correspondence with and regarding James Eric Haswell
Haswell: correspondence with and regarding James Eric Haswell
Hindley: correspondence and photographs relating to clocks of Henry Hindley and the York school
Hindley: correspondence and photographs relating to clocks of Henry Hindley and the York school
Ilbert: correspondence regarding the Ilbert Collection
Ilbert: correspondence regarding the Ilbert Collection
Jump: papers relating to the Jump family and clocks
Jump: papers relating to the Jump family and clocks
Prescot: correspondence and publications relating to clock and watchmaking in Prescot and Lancashire
Prescot: correspondence and publications relating to clock and watchmaking in Prescot and Lancashire
Reith: correspondence, notes and publications relating to clocks made by James Reith
Reith: correspondence, notes and publications relating to clocks made by James Reith
Sills: correspondence with C.H. Jennens regarding his grandfather E.A. Sills
Sills: correspondence with C.H. Jennens regarding his grandfather E.A. Sills
Notes on a presentation on watchmaking in Liverpool
Notes on a presentation on watchmaking in Liverpool
Notes on a presentation on watchmaking in Liverpool
Notes on a presentation on watchmaking in Liverpool
Sun Insurance Company policies MS 11936 for years 1753–1770
Sun Insurance Company policies MS 11936 for years 1753–1770
Sun Insurance Company policies MS 11936 for years 1782–1795
Sun Insurance Company policies MS 11936 for years 1782–1795
Royal Exchange Assurance Company MS 7252–7255: name index
Royal Exchange Assurance Company MS 7252–7255: name index
Royal Exchange Assurance Company policies MS 7252 for years 1803–1854
Royal Exchange Assurance Company policies MS 7252 for years 1803–1854
"The Story of Timekeeping": notes
"The Story of Timekeeping": notes
"Remarkable Clocks" by John W. Castle
"Remarkable Clocks" by John W. Castle
Automata: "The Story of Coppelius" and photographs of objects featuring automata
Automata: "The Story of Coppelius" and photographs of objects featuring automata
Clepsydra: correspondence with Harvard University and the Greek government regarding the water clock at the Tower of the Winds in Athens
Clepsydra: correspondence with Harvard University and the Greek government regarding the water clock at the Tower of the Winds in Athens
Clocks miscellaneous: photographs, press cuttings, journal articles and correspondence regarding miscellaneous clocks
Clocks miscellaneous: photographs, press cuttings, journal articles and correspondence regarding miscellaneous clocks
Copenhagen: brochure and postcards of Jens Olsen's world-clock
Copenhagen: brochure and postcards of Jens Olsen's world-clock
Exeter: correspondence, photographs, newspaper cuttings regarding Lovelace's Exeter clock, St Mary's church clock, University Clock and Cathedral Clock
Exeter: correspondence, photographs, newspaper cuttings regarding Lovelace's Exeter clock, St Mary's church clock, University Clock and Cathedral Clock
Letters: correspondence with C.A. Murray, Astronomer Royal, regarding the Photographic Zenith Tube
Letters: correspondence with C.A. Murray, Astronomer Royal, regarding the Photographic Zenith Tube
Malta: photographs and correspondence with the Valetta Museum and Maltese government regarding antique clocks kept mainly at Valetta Palace and St Antonio Palace
Malta: photographs and correspondence with the Valetta Museum and Maltese government regarding antique clocks kept mainly at Valetta Palace and St Antonio Palace
Strasbourg: correspondence with the bishopric of Strasbourg regarding the astronomical cathedral clock
Strasbourg: correspondence with the bishopric of Strasbourg regarding the astronomical cathedral clock
Sundials: articles, correspondence and photographs regarding sundials
Sundials: articles, correspondence and photographs regarding sundials
V&A Museum: correspondence regarding the photographing of the Carpenter Clock
V&A Museum: correspondence regarding the photographing of the Carpenter Clock
Middlesex and Surrey clockmakers: research notes
Middlesex and Surrey clockmakers: research notes
Surrey clockmakers: research notes
Surrey clockmakers: research notes
BHI France tour: photographs and documentation
BHI France tour: photographs and documentation
Group photographs from an unidentified event, possibly taken during one of the tours
Group photographs from an unidentified event, possibly taken during one of the tours
Group photographs from an unidentified event, and AHS list of members 1970
Group photographs from an unidentified event, and AHS list of members 1970
Watch and Clockmakers in Ordinary: handwritten transcripts and notes on individuals mentioned in original sources from 1714 to 1801
Watch and Clockmakers in Ordinary: handwritten transcripts and notes on individuals mentioned in original sources from 1714 to 1801
Transcript of Benjamin Gray's Daybook 1704–19
Transcript of Benjamin Gray's Daybook 1704–19
Correspondence and notes regarding Northcote's map for J.K. Bellchambers' book Clockmakers of Somerset
Correspondence and notes regarding Northcote's map for J.K. Bellchambers' book Clockmakers of Somerset
Correspondence with Charles Allix and C. Beeson regarding a turret clock in Sussex
Correspondence with Charles Allix and C. Beeson regarding a turret clock in Sussex
Articles, notes and press cuttings mainly referring to auction sales of clocks and watches
Articles, notes and press cuttings mainly referring to auction sales of clocks and watches
Frederick Dent's "1859 masterpiece": notes
Frederick Dent's "1859 masterpiece": notes
Repair file for a chiming bracket clock (for Hirst)
Repair file for a chiming bracket clock (for Hirst)
Repair file for a clock signed Robert Ward, London
Repair file for a clock signed Robert Ward, London
Repair file for a bracket clock by James Clarke, Froome (for Mr Hodson Worcester)
Repair file for a bracket clock by James Clarke, Froome (for Mr Hodson Worcester)
Repair file for a bracket clock signed W. Tomlinson, London
Repair file for a bracket clock signed W. Tomlinson, London
Repair file for a clock signed Fromanteel and Clarke
Repair file for a clock signed Fromanteel and Clarke
Repair file for a repeating bracket clock signed Joseph Grey, Durham (for Mr Carruther)
Repair file for a repeating bracket clock signed Joseph Grey, Durham (for Mr Carruther)
Repair file for a bracket clock signed Hilkiah Bedford, Fleet Street
Repair file for a bracket clock signed Hilkiah Bedford, Fleet Street
Repair file for a clock signed John Monkhouse, London (for Mr James, Edgeworth Rectory Glos.)
Repair file for a clock signed John Monkhouse, London (for Mr James, Edgeworth Rectory Glos.)
Repair file for a clock signed Jonathan Lowndes in the Pall Mall (repaired for Mr Wainright)
Repair file for a clock signed Jonathan Lowndes in the Pall Mall (repaired for Mr Wainright)
Repair file for a clock signed Knibb
Repair file for a clock signed Knibb
Repair file for a Tompion clock (for Mr Williamson)
Repair file for a Tompion clock (for Mr Williamson)
Repair file for a clock signed Matthew Holland, London (repaired for Gates, London)
Repair file for a clock signed Matthew Holland, London (repaired for Gates, London)
Repair file for a bracket clock signed Spencer, Chelmsford
Repair file for a bracket clock signed Spencer, Chelmsford
Repair file for a small arched bracket clock dial (repaired for Gates)
Repair file for a small arched bracket clock dial (repaired for Gates)
Repair file for an English bracket clock with a dial by John Moore
Repair file for an English bracket clock with a dial by John Moore
Repair file for a clock signed J. M[….], Berwick
Repair file for a clock signed J. M[….], Berwick
Repair file for a clock signed John Beckman
Repair file for a clock signed John Beckman
Repair file for a clock signed Tompion: 222 (for Mr Ilbert)
Repair file for a clock signed Tompion: 222 (for Mr Ilbert)
Repair file for a clock signed Tompion: 244 (for Mr Hirst)
Repair file for a clock signed Tompion: 244 (for Mr Hirst)
Repair file for a clock signed Williamson, Leeds (for Mr Newton)
Repair file for a clock signed Williamson, Leeds (for Mr Newton)
Tracing captioned 'no name to this, is it East or Clement?'
Tracing captioned 'no name to this, is it East or Clement?'
Repair file for a clock signed Joseph Knibb: R.N. striker, eight-day (for Mr James)
Repair file for a clock signed Joseph Knibb: R.N. striker, eight-day (for Mr James)
Repair file for a clock signed Charles Goode (restored for Mr Hirst)
Repair file for a clock signed Charles Goode (restored for Mr Hirst)
Repair file for a clock signed Edward East: timepiece alarm (repaired for Mr Snagers [?])
Repair file for a clock signed Edward East: timepiece alarm (repaired for Mr Snagers [?])
Repair file for a clock signed Joseph Windmills (restored for Glower)
Repair file for a clock signed Joseph Windmills (restored for Glower)
Repair file for a clock signed Quare & Horseman (repaired for Lord Shrewsbury)
Repair file for a clock signed Quare & Horseman (repaired for Lord Shrewsbury)
Repair file for a clock signed John Martin (restored for Glower)
Repair file for a clock signed John Martin (restored for Glower)
Repair file for a clock signed Jonathan Lowndes (repaired for Mrs Morris)
Repair file for a clock signed Jonathan Lowndes (repaired for Mrs Morris)
Repair file for a clock signed Daniel Quare: no. 41 (for Mr Banter formerly Iden's)
Repair file for a clock signed Daniel Quare: no. 41 (for Mr Banter formerly Iden's)
"Clock Miscellany" scrapbook: volume 1
"Clock Miscellany" scrapbook: volume 1
"Clock Miscellany" scrapbook: volume 8
"Clock Miscellany" scrapbook: volume 8
"Clock Miscellany" scrapbook: volume 10
"Clock Miscellany" scrapbook: volume 10
"Clock Miscellany" scrapbook: volume 11
"Clock Miscellany" scrapbook: volume 11
Lamport Hall: correspondence and notes regarding the depiction of a sixteenth-century clock in an oil portrait of John Isham at Lamport Hall, Northampton
Lamport Hall: correspondence and notes regarding the depiction of a sixteenth-century clock in an oil portrait of John Isham at Lamport Hall, Northampton
"Der chemische Prunkofen und Wertvolle alte Uhren aus dem Astronomisch-Physikalischen Kabinett des Hessischen Landesmuseums in Kassel", bound reprints of articles by Paul Adolf Kirchvogel
"Der chemische Prunkofen und Wertvolle alte Uhren aus dem Astronomisch-Physikalischen Kabinett des Hessischen Landesmuseums in Kassel", bound reprints of articles by Paul Adolf Kirchvogel
AHS German tour and the Burgundy Clock: list of items to be seen and correspondence
AHS German tour and the Burgundy Clock: list of items to be seen and correspondence
Exhibit description forms for the "Collectors' Pieces: Clocks and Watches" AHS birthday exhibition
Exhibit description forms for the "Collectors' Pieces: Clocks and Watches" AHS birthday exhibition
V&A watches lecture: notes and correspondence, mainly relating to a lecture on watches at the V&A Museum
V&A watches lecture: notes and correspondence, mainly relating to a lecture on watches at the V&A Museum
Material relating to V&A's watches catalogue: Dr Ward's introduction, classification and glossary
Material relating to V&A's watches catalogue: Dr Ward's introduction, classification and glossary
Illuminated manuscripts: notes and lists of early manuscripts containing illustrations of clocks
Illuminated manuscripts: notes and lists of early manuscripts containing illustrations of clocks
Bodleian Library: catalogues of colour transparencies and filmstrips of manuscripts, including horology-related ones, and photocopies of illustrations from publications
Bodleian Library: catalogues of colour transparencies and filmstrips of manuscripts, including horology-related ones, and photocopies of illustrations from publications
"Clock and watches of the V&A Museum" and "Public clocks" lecture notes
"Clock and watches of the V&A Museum" and "Public clocks" lecture notes
Important illustrations: lists of photographs of clocks and watches in foreign museums and the Science Museum B list
Important illustrations: lists of photographs of clocks and watches in foreign museums and the Science Museum B list
National Maritime Museum Planispheric Astrolabe: description brochure by H. N. Saunders, plastic model, notes and "Make-it-yourself: Nocturnal" instruction brochure
National Maritime Museum Planispheric Astrolabe: description brochure by H. N. Saunders, plastic model, notes and "Make-it-yourself: Nocturnal" instruction brochure
Catalogue of "Famous Books in the History of Science", a British Library exhibition in Nov 1981–Jan 1982
Catalogue of "Famous Books in the History of Science", a British Library exhibition in Nov 1981–Jan 1982
Photographs of "founder members etc. [of the AHS]"
Photographs of "founder members etc. [of the AHS]"
Würzburg: photographs of early clocks and sundial from Mainfränkisches Museum, Würzburg, Germany
Würzburg: photographs of early clocks and sundial from Mainfränkisches Museum, Würzburg, Germany
Brochure with photographs and description of a Japanese lantern clock
Brochure with photographs and description of a Japanese lantern clock
Fremersdorf's "Die Kaisermonument-Uhr": greeting card depicting Charles the V and his c.1550 figurine clock
Fremersdorf's "Die Kaisermonument-Uhr": greeting card depicting Charles the V and his c.1550 figurine clock
Brome Hall: photographs of a sundial and a Tompion clock and its movement
Brome Hall: photographs of a sundial and a Tompion clock and its movement
Bayerisches Museum, Munich: photographs of sundials, monstrance clocks, and sixteenth-century table clocks
Bayerisches Museum, Munich: photographs of sundials, monstrance clocks, and sixteenth-century table clocks
"Chronology – Horology"
"Chronology – Horology"
"Gillow's furniture"
"Gillow's furniture"