Showing 1996 results
Archival descriptions
Zoug: correspondence with the town librarian of Zug, Switzerland, regarding the clock tower
Zoug: correspondence with the town librarian of Zug, Switzerland, regarding the clock tower
"Your first longcase clock purchase" by G. K. Hadfield
"Your first longcase clock purchase" by G. K. Hadfield
"Your first longcase clock" by G. K. Hadfield
"Your first longcase clock" by G. K. Hadfield
"You name it I'll hum it" by Simon Brown
"You name it I'll hum it" by Simon Brown
Würzburg: photographs of early clocks and sundial from Mainfränkisches Museum, Würzburg, Germany
Würzburg: photographs of early clocks and sundial from Mainfränkisches Museum, Würzburg, Germany
"Wrist watches" by George Somlo
"Wrist watches" by George Somlo
Winterthur and Bayerische: postcards and photographs of sixteenth and seventeenth-century clocks and their movements from museums in Winterthur, Switzerland; and Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam
Winterthur and Bayerische: postcards and photographs of sixteenth and seventeenth-century clocks and their movements from museums in Winterthur, Switzerland; and Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam
Windmills 2: papers relating to Joseph and Thomas Windmills lantern and longcase clocks
Windmills 2: papers relating to Joseph and Thomas Windmills lantern and longcase clocks
Windmills 1: papers relating to Joseph Windmills watches
Windmills 1: papers relating to Joseph Windmills watches
"Wind up accuracy as the hands go down" by John Hartley
"Wind up accuracy as the hands go down" by John Hartley
Wills's cigarette picture-card album: "Old Sundials" series
Wills's cigarette picture-card album: "Old Sundials" series
Wills's cigarette cards: "Old Sundials" series
Wills's cigarette cards: "Old Sundials" series