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Archival descriptions
WAR · Collection · 1950–1989

This collection comprises Dr Ward's correspondence, reports, lecture notes as well as printed material and photographs. They mostly document various horological tours and exhibitions organised by him, and his cataloguing and consulting work.

Ward, Frank
WAD · Collection · 1846–2003

This collection comprises records created and collected by Francis Wadsworth. It includes a large series of original articles by various authors on horological and related topics (cut out of publications, many of them were purchased from antiquarian book dealers), as well as sales and auction catalogues and advertisements for clocks, watches and clockmaking tools; instructions, manuals, and patents; reference publications; alphabetical files relating to clockmaking firms and factories; exhibition and museum brochures; correspondence; ephemera; and papers relating to Wadsworth’s work on the AHS Publication Committee. In addition to purely horological topics, it reflects Francis Wadsworth’s interest in scientific instruments, stately houses and antique furniture and porcelain.

Wadsworth, Francis
TYL · Collection · 1966–1992

This collection comprises research notes on clockmaking in regions of England (Surrey, Middlesex, Hampshire and the Isle of Wight) and the Black Forest, possibly assembled by E. John Tyler.

Tyler, John
THO · Collection · 1930–1973

This collection comprises Philip Thornton’s reports, notes, sketches and tracings which document the repairs and restorations of mainly bracket clocks, carried out by him primarily in the 1930s and 1940s, with a few later instances. Most papers record the date of restoration and the name of the client. The files vary in size and content from single pieces of scrap paper to more comprehensive bundles containing condition reports and detailed large-format drawings. Many of the papers are in very fragile condition.

Thornton, Philip
TEN · Collection · 1977–2008

This collection comprises over 2,000 framed 35mm colour slides with images of clock dials made mainly but not exclusively by Birmingham makers, taken by Frances Tennant. It also includes four boxes of index cards compiled by her, which were the original finding aids and which have been used in the compilation of this catalogue. The occasionally quirky descriptions of the dials are Frances Tennant's own.

Tennant, Frances
SHE · Collection · 1799–2003

This collection comprises horological papers collected by Dr Alan Shenton and his wife Rita Shenton. It contains mostly printed material, such as books, journals, catalogues, brochures, advertisements, photographs and collectibles, but some original research notes and correspondence are also present.

Shenton, Alan
ROB · Collection · 20th century

This collection comprises research papers compiled by Tom Robinson. They include subject files relating to clocks of various types and provenances and to individual makers, as well as photographs.

Robinson, Tom
NOR · Collection · 1949–1976

This collection contains horological correspondence, research notes, photographs and printed material created and compiled by Lewis S. Northcote.

Northcote, Lewis
MOO · Collection · mostly 20th century

This collection comprises material related to the research, writing, laying-out and publishing The Clockmakers of Somerset 1650-1900 and The Clockmakers of Bristol 1650-1900, as well as assorted research papers and ephemera, including but not limited to a collection of photos, copies of deeds, correspondence with owners of clocks including enclosures, and photocopies of archival documents.

Moore, Jim
MIT · Collection · mostly 20th century

This collection comprises material relating to electrical horology created and collected by Arthur Mitchell. It contains subject and correspondence files concerning electric clock companies worldwide and their products, including the Synchronome Company.

Mitchell, Arthur
MIL · Collection · 19th and 20th centuries

This collection comprises research papers compiled by Robert Miles in the course of his study of the history of the Synchronome company, which resulted in the publication of his book, Synchronome: Masters of Electrical Timekeeping (2011 and 2019). They include copies of primary and secondary sources from the nineteenth century onwards (including papers and articles by F. Hope-Jones), subject files, clock lists, photographs, slides and digital records.

Miles, Robert
MCK · Collection · 19th–21st centuries

This collection contains research papers, publications and collectanea assembled by Chris McKay. It includes a large series of subject files relating to various clocks and clockmakers, including the Big Ben clock; guidebooks, catalogues and diaries; photographs, negatives and slides; art prints; and a significant collection of horological postcards.

McKay, Chris
HUR · Collection · 1748–2011

This collection comprises papers collected and created by Michael Hurst. They include correspondence and subject files relating to particular clocks and other horological matters, lecture notes, printed material (auction catalogues, articles, newspaper cutting, pamphlets, etc.), and a large series of clock photographs, colour slides and copper plate negatives. The Hurst archive also contains some records created by Percy Webster, Robert Foulkes and Archie Mackay, which were entrusted at some point to Michael or his son Edward. It also contained several separate box files marked “Dr Ward”, which have since been catalogued separately as the Frank Ward archive (WAR).

Hurst, Michael
HUD · Collection · 1950s–1970s

This collection comprises photographs and papers relating to the British Horological Institute’s trips to France and Switzerland organised by Lily Hudson, its “British Clockmaker’s Heritage” exhibition, as well as some later material.

Hudson, Lily
FRE · Collection · 1955–1966

This collection comprises a series of eleven scrapbooks and one volume of Honeybone family history. The scrapbooks contain photographs, press cuttings, brochures, booklets, postcards, drawings, cartoons, typewritten quotations, handwritten notes, excerpts from fiction, music scores and other ephemera related to clockmaking and watchmaking, collected by Mildred Frederiksen. The descriptions of each volume in this catalogue provide contents highlights, but do not list every item. Most items are not individually dated.

Frederiksen, Mildred
EVA · Collection · 1896–2024

This collection comprises results of decades of Jeremy Evans’ horological research, including notebooks, assorted files on specific clockmakers, and a database of horological information extracted from seventeenth- and eighteenth-century newspapers, most notably a complete record of Daily Advertiser from the beginning of the eighteenth century to c.1753.

Evans, Jeremy
DRA · Collection · mostly 20th century

This collection comprises material created and collected by the Bristol clockmaker Henry Draisey. It contains notebooks, drawings, plans, correspondence, photographs, glass plate negatives and printed material (books, newspaper cuttings, catalogues, price lists, etc.).

Draisey, Henry
DAW · Collection · 1930s–1950s

This collection comprises mainly glass plate and film negatives of early English clocks, clock inscriptions and clockmakers’ portraits, collected by Percy G. Dawson. Many have been used in his books.

Dawson, Percy
CAS · Collection · 1949–1961

This collection comprises mostly John W. Castle’s correspondence with local authorities of European towns and cities enquiring about famous local clocks, conducted in course of his research for a book about famous clocks of Europe. The files contain information obtained as a result, including photographs and publications. The book has never been published.

Castle, John
CAR · Collection · 1972–2005

This collection comprises Roger Carrington’s research papers relating to clockmaking and watchmaking in the north of England, and the role of insurance records in researching horological history.

Carrington, Roger
BUR · Collection · mostly 20th century

This collection comprises correspondence and other papers created and collected by Martin Burgess during his clockmaking career, including notes, drawings and photographs relating to his Gurney, Schroder and other clocks. It also includes his recollections of his time at Gresham’s School, and film rolls and papers relating to Clockmaker, a documentary on Burgess, directed and produced by Richard Gayer in 1971.

Burgess, Martin
BUN · Collection · compiled in the 20th century

This collection comprises Eric Bunt’s handwritten notes on watch and clockmakers from the fourteenth to eighteenth centuries, compiled from original documents held at the Public Record Office, Chancery Lane, and from printed volumes of Calendars of State Papers; handwritten transcripts of eighteenth-century newspaper articles about watch and clock thefts; and Eileen’s Bunt handwritten transcript of Benjamin Gray’s Daybook (original at the Guildhall Library, London).

Bunt, Eric
BRO · Collection · 1990s–2000s

This collection comprises mostly wristwatch trade literature sent to and collected by Grahame Brooks over an approximately ten-year period from the mid-1990s to the mid-2000s. It includes press releases, product brochures, photographs, slides and CD-Roms, as well as some correspondence.

Brooks, Grahame
ALL · Collection · 1873–2004

This collection comprises horological subject files of correspondence, publications, notes and photographs, compiled by Charles Allix.

Allix, Charles