This collection comprises material created and collected by the Bristol clockmaker Henry Draisey. It contains notebooks, drawings, plans, correspondence, photographs, glass plate negatives and printed material (books, newspaper cuttings, catalogues, price lists, etc.).
Sans titreThis collection comprises horological subject files of correspondence, publications, notes and photographs, compiled by Charles Allix.
Sans titreIncludes copy of Malcolm Gardner (Charles Allix) article on the sale of a collection of 16 quarter repeater watches published in Antiquarian Horology September 1976; lists of Graham's repeater watches, and correspondence mainly with Thomas Cox, Florida, USA, regarding their sales; copy extract from "The Astronomical Clocks at Greenwich" (1975), an article by Howse mentioning Graham 1 and Graham 2 clocks; copies of articles on George Graham's life and work, including by Jeremy Evans (1995) and C. Doris Hellman (1931); a handwritten extract from Graham's 1726 article for Watchmaker; and photocopies of sale catalogues showing Graham clocks.
Includes blueprint of gravity escapements; booklet of lesson 2/12 of British Horological Institute's "Correspondence Course in Technical Horology"; ball and roller bearings metric conversion tables; notes; correspondence regarding the manufacture of wheels and pinions; The Horological Journal article on "A Criticism of the ... Gravity Escapement" by O.B. Hutchinson; 1917 letter from A. Bertlain [?] with a design for a three-legged Grimthorpe escapement; five photographs; and a bundle of correspondence and photographs relating to the regulator clock by Isaac Jackson (1796–1862).
J. E. Haswell (1890–1967) was the director of R. Haswell and Sons (tool and material business), the author of Haswell's Horology textbook, and a member of the Worshipful Company of Clockmakers. File includes C. Allix's correspondence with Haswell, mainly concerning his book; Allix's correspondence with Mrs Edna Haswell, mainly regarding the estate of her late husband and the sale of items belonging to him; Haswell's obituary by C. Allix published in The Horological Journal; and obituary press cuttings.
Henry Hindley (1701–71) was a clockmaker and inventor based in York. File includes correspondence with Charles Taylor; copy page from Sotheby's sales catalogue (2002) listing a clockmaker's sector by Hindley; a newspaper advertisement and description of a mahogany clock from the workshops of H. Hindley, annotated "certainly not"; and 17 colour photographs of the clock provided by the seller, Northern Clocks.
Courtenay Adrian Ilbert (1888–1956) was a civil engineer and watch and clock collector; his collection was eventually acquired by the British Museum. File includes Charles Allix's correspondence with C.A. Ilbert; Malcolm Gardner's correspondence with solicitors regarding the estate of the late C.A. Ilbert and the valuation of his horological collection of clocks and books; lists of clocks, etc.
Includes letter, draft Jump family tree compiled by Col. H. Quill, notes, sketches and newspaper and catalogue cuttings.
Includes correspondence with Prescot Mechanism Company and other organisations and individuals; press cuttings; copies, reprints and extracts from horological journals, publications and catalogues; flyer and programme for at City of Liverpool College course in Aspects of Horology held in 1983; and photographs.
James Reith was apprenticed in 1698 and became the vice director of a watch manufactory in Versailles, France. File includes extracts from sales catalogues, technical descriptions, biographical information, invoices, photographs, and related correspondence.
Edwin Robert Sills (d. 1943) of Tottenham was a watch and chronometer finisher. File includes handwritten letters and an extract from the Clockmakers' Library Catalogue.
Bound printed script of R.F. Carrington's presentation given to the East Anglian Section of the AHS at Manor House Museum, Bury St Edmunds, on 20 March 1993. 46 pages.
Bound printed script of R.F. Carrington's presentation given to the London Section of the AHS at the Science Museum, London, on 21 April 1994. 45 pages. Also includes slides and related correspondence.
Handwritten extracts from volumes 101–195 of policy register series MS 11936, including an alphabetical name index and individual policy details.
Handwritten extracts from volumes 300–399 of policy register series MS 11936, including an alphabetical name index and individual policy details.
Bound printed alphabetical list of names of clockmakers, watchmakers, jewellers and other horology-related professionals, compiled by R.F. Carrington from four series of fire policy registers of the Royal Exchange Assurance Company (The London Archives ref. CLC/B/107/02/MS07252–MS07255). Gives name, policy register volume number, placename and occupation.
Handwritten extracts from volumes 46–83 of the fire policy register MS 7254, including an alphabetical name index and individual policy details. Volumes 1-45 of this series do not survive.
This series contains a notebook and a bound typescript of John W. Castle's planned publications.
Notebook, 47 pages, containing John W. Castle's handwritten notes, mostly on individual clocks, and some drawings. A signed note on inside cover reads "The notes in this book represent hours of research in museums and libraries all over England and half Europe".
Bound typescript, 11 chapters. Contents: 1) A little history; 2) Some lost treasures; 3) The Strasburg Clocks; 4) The Great Clock of Prague; 5) The Astronomical Clock of Lyons; 6) The Jacquemart Clock at Dijon; 7) The Zimmer Clock of Lierre; 8) The Clock Tower of Berne; 9) The Clock of Lund; 10) The Lubeck Clock; 11) Some minor marvels.
Typescript and six photographs, including "La joueuse de tympanon" and "Oiseaux chanteurs" from Musée du Conservatoire National des Arts et Metiers in Paris, St Mark's Clock Bell in Venice, and various figurines from the British Museum.
Includes letters, six photographs and a drawing.
Includes over 25 photographs and photographic postcards and six articles on chiming clocks, Thomas Tompion clocks, curious clocks, "Pendulum to Atom" exhibition, and a number of other individual clocks.
Includes an order form brochure for the book on Jens Olsen's astronomical world-clock by Otto Mortensen (1957), two photographic postcards and envelope.
Includes letters, three press cuttings, and 17 photographs and photographic postcards.
One typewritten letter. Also includes a seemingly unrelated handwritten and undated (incomplete?) letter to "Mr Genge [?]".
Includes typewritten letters, eight photographs and envelope.
Includes a typewritten letter and an article on "The Strasbourg Clocks", and ten photographs and photographic postcards.
Includes an extract from Vitruvius on sundials and waterclocks, a journal page showing "A Strange House in Fex", articles from Newles Practical Mechanics, pages from The Antique Dealer and Collectors' Guide; letters from the Moroccan Embassy in London, The Science Museum, and Prof. Paul D. Espinasse of Hull University, handwritten notes and sketches, and 20 photographs and photographic postcards.
Includes letters, order forms, rules for ordering and sale of photographs, and two photographs.
Includes typescript of an article on "The Clockmakers of Surrey, Middlesex and Hertfordshire"; handwritten and typescript lists of individual makers 1516–1830; scrap notes; handwritten notes taken from The Economic History of England by E. Lipson (1915); a catalogue leaflet for Rita Shenton's bookshop (specialist horological bookseller); two b/w photographs of a longcase clock by James Douglas Chertsey; small print of a view of Southwark Cathedral; and a tourist guide to Islington.
Includes handwritten notes, some on scrap paper; a typescript report on a rebuild of a thirty-hour old English longcase clock; correspondence with Reigate and Banstead Borough Council re. longcase clock signed William Budgen; descriptions of an electric wall clock signed "F. Booker Forest Hill" and a multi-dial wall regulator made in 1899 by Arthur Kinder, etc.
This collection comprises photographs and papers relating to the British Horological Institute’s trips to France and Switzerland organised by Lily Hudson, its “British Clockmaker’s Heritage” exhibition, as well as some later material.
Sans titreContains snapshots and portraits from Paris, Lyons and Besancon (38 b/w photographs, captioned, one loose and the rest pasted onto 7 cards); two photographic postcards; three banquet menus (two with guests' signatures); map of Paris public transport; and Lily Hudson's Foire de Paris pass. Captions do not give names of people in the photographs.
Contains three b/w photographs, uncaptioned, loose, showing seated audience and men inspecting chronometers or pocket watches.
Contains four colour photographs, uncaptioned, loose, showing people boarding a coach, posing for the portrait and seated at a dinner table.
Names include Thomas Herbert, Joseph Autram, Richard Vick, Francis Robinson, Thomas Cartwright, Benjamin Gray, George Lindsay, John Ellicot, Benjamin Vulliamy, and Thomas Mudge. Includes a few pages at back on earlier sources.
Handwritten, made by Eileen Bunt. The original book was donated to Guildhall Library on the death of its owner and is held there under ref. CLC/B/227/MS23726/001.
This collection contains horological correspondence, research notes, photographs and printed material created and compiled by Lewis S. Northcote.
Sans titreAlso includes notes. Map not included.
Also includes two b/w photographs.
Also includes eight photographs, typescripts of "Further notes on some Westmoreland Clock and Watch Makers" (1962) and "Former Clock- and Watch-makers of North Lonsdale" by J.L. Hobbs; handwritten notes on clocks, handwritten draft of L. Northcote's review of Clockmaking in Oxfordshire 1400–1850 by C.F.C. Beeson (1962) with a cover letter, and a copy of Cake and Cockhorse: the magazine of the Banbury Historical Society vol. 1 no. 2 (1961/62).
Photocopies of annotated typewritten notes on aspects of the clock: chiming, striking to the nearest second, winding by electric motor, summertime. Includes diagram.
Contains handwritten notes and tracings.
Contains sketches and tracings.
Contains annotated sketches and tracings.
Contains handwritten notes, sketches and tracings.
Contains one tracing of backplate only.
Contains annotated sketches and tracings.
Contains typewritten description, annotated sketches and tracings.
Contains annotated sketches and tracings.
Contains annotated sketches and tracings. Originally numbered "C25-25a".
Contains one sketch and tracing.
Contains annotated sketches.
Contains notes and tracings.
Contains notes only.
Contains one note only.
Contains letter from Mrs F. H. Pratt and sketches of back and front plates.
Contains one note only.
Contains annotated tracing of old backplate.
Contains handwritten notes, sketches, tracings and cutouts.
Contains annotated sketches.
Contains handwritten notes, sketches and tracings.
Contains annotated tracing.
Contains handwritten notes, sketches and tracings.
Contains handwritten notes, sketches and tracings.
Contains handwritten notes, sketches and tracings.
Contains handwritten notes, sketches and tracings.
Contains handwritten notes, sketches and tracings.
Contains annotated sketches and tracings.
Contains handwritten report, notes, coloured sketches and tracings. Originally numbered "C1-22".
Contains handwritten notes and sketches. No original number. Inserted between disordered files 11 and 17.
41 pages. Includes clocks quotations; famous clocks of the world; clocks of Berne, Switzerland; clocks of Italy; “My own town”, including Weston-super-Mare's floral clock; other floral clocks; The Festival of Britain clock; Somerset's Cathedral; Exeter's clocks; other clocks of interest; clocks of Denmark, including grandfather clocks and early clocks; clock legends of Hampton Court and Strasbourg; collectors, collections and quaint clocks; and dials ancient and modern. Pages 28 onwards comprise miscellaneous material on a variety of clock-related topics, including Gothic iron clock, long case clocks, other individual clocks, "The Old Clockmaker" article by Richard Church from Country Life (2 December 1949), and clockmaking events and exhibitions.
37 pages. Includes giant floral clock of Frankfort, Kentucky; astronomical clock at Strasbourg; article on mental clocks "So that's why women are always late..."; 30-hour Tompion clocks; water clocks; Geneva's new automatic clock; turret clock at Lockinge; 93-dial Wonder Clock at Washington Museum; Synchronome clock factory; Tompion clock in Bath Pump Room; Dover Castle clock; "Collecting Old Watches" by Cecil Clutton; Edward East, watchmaker to Charles I; sixteenth to eighteenth century table clocks; "Clocks by Thomas Tompion in American Collections"; clocks of Austria, Holland and Germany; clocks of New Zealand, etc.
37 pages. Includes accidental demolition of Highbridge clock tower in a lorry crash; Weston's floral clock; "The world's first production line" article on Thomas Tompion; "Country ways of telling how time slips away" article by Kathleen Wiltshire; the Ilbert collection; the Great Clock of Prague; floral clock at Niagara Falls; "Timeless timepieces" article by Hilary Gelson, etc.
36 pages, latter half black. Includes the Wells clock; Benjamin Bowring; hymns by clockmaker James Odey; turret clocks; Stonehenge; clocks of wood, etc.
Typescript. Also includes printed brochures.
Typescript. Also includes two b/w photographs of "clock with fusees, indicating Nürnberg hours" and "flint and steel alarm" from Germanisches Museum, Nürnberg.
The exhibition took place at the Science Museum, London, in May–August 1964. The forms include detailed description of exhibits (mainly bracket and longcase clocks), lenders' names and addresses, delivery arrangements and insurance values.
Handwritten. Also includes a newspaper cutting on the re-opening of V&A's Jewellery gallery, and a catalogue of V&A jewellery lantern slides.
Typescript and handwritten.
Mostly handwritten, some typescript.
Typescript and printed.
Handwritten. Lectures given by Dr Ward at Chester on 28 September 1979, Cardiff in November 1979 and Leicester on 4 December 1981.
Printed, typescript and handwritten.
51 b/w photographs, mostly of groups, events and tours, some captioned. Also includes a poster for "300 Years of Pendulum Clocks", a special exhibition at the Science Museum (Dec 1956–Feb 1957); and a trade card of Joseph Stainton Watch Material Warehouse, Birmingham.
4 b/w photographs, captioned in English. File also includes a typescript letter from the museum director and a seemingly unrelated postcard, written in French, from Musee du Conservatoire National des Arts et Metiers, Paris.
3 b/w photographs. File also includes a typescript cover letter from Jennifer Blain of Strike One Limited.
1 colour card, captioned.
4 b/w photographs.
9 b/w photographs, captioned.
This series contains horological articles collected by Francis Wadsworth. Written by various authors on horological and related topics, they are the original articles cut out of various publications, mainly collectors' journals and magazines. Many of them have been purchased from antiquarian book dealers.
The subseries contains articles written by authors who are not credited in the article. Some of them are editorials, so the authorship can potentially be established after some research.
Original article from Chambers's Information for the People (1860), pp. 273–288.
Original article from The Connoisseur, vol. 11 (April 1902), pp. 4ff.