The subseries contains articles written by authors with surnames beginning with "H".
The subseries contains articles written by authors with surnames beginning with "J".
The subseries contains articles written by authors with surnames beginning with "K".
The subseries contains articles written by authors with surnames beginning with "L".
The subseries contains articles written by authors with surnames beginning with "M".
The subseries contains articles written by authors with surnames beginning with "N".
The subseries contains articles written by authors with surnames beginning with "O".
The subseries contains articles written by authors with surnames beginning with "P".
The subseries contains articles written by authors with surnames beginning with "R".
The subseries contains articles written by authors with surnames beginning with "S".
The subseries contains articles written by authors with surnames beginning with "T".
The subseries contains articles written by authors with surnames beginning with "U".
The subseries contains articles written by authors with surnames beginning with "V".
The subseries contains articles written by authors with surnames beginning with "W".
The subseries contains articles written by authors with surnames beginning with "Y".
The subseries contains articles written by authors with surnames beginning with "Z".
Mostly typescript, one handwritten. Lectures include "Physics in Time Measurement"; "Bells and Bell Founding" by Douglas Hughes; "Captain Cook's Timekeepers" and "The Clocks of Greenwich Observatory 1675–1930" by Lt. Cdr. H. D. Howse; and two untitled ones. Also includes a description of sidereal clock made by John Shelton.
Photocopy of an article in two parts from Practical Engineering (11 and 18 September 1953), pp. 263–264 and 301 respectively. Reprint of a paper read to the British Horological Institute.
Original article from The Antique Dealer and Collectors' Guide (July 1955), pp. 25–27.
Original article from The Family Magazine, vol. 8 (1846–47), pp. 22–24, 59–62.
Original article from The Harmsworth Enyclopaedia: Everybody's Book of Reference, vol. IV (1907), pp. 3187–3191.
Original brochure (n.d.), 12pp.
Original article from The Antique Dealer and Collectors' Guide (March 1986), pp. 60–63.
Two copies of an article published in Antiquarian Horology.
Original article about ornamental and eccentric clocks in London from Country Homes and Interiors (November 1993), p. 1.
Two copies of an original article from The Antique Dealer and Collectors' Guide (February 1979), pp. 60–61.
Original article from The Antique Dealer and Collectors' Guide (June 1972), pp. 91–93.
Original articles from Sunday Mercury (12 October 1958), p. 13.
Two copies of an original article from The Antique Dealer and Collectors' Guide, vol. 21 no. 1 (August 1966), pp. 34–36.
Bound photocopies of articles published in English Mechanic and World of Science.
Original article from The Antique Dealer and Collectors' Guide (September 1946), pp. 19–21.
Original page 4 from Modern Times (24 February 1992). Subtitled "Charles Bremner meets the author [Allen Kurzweil] of a first novel about a [fictional] maker of erotic watches to discover his unusual inspiration".
This collection comprises photographs and papers relating to the British Horological Institute’s trips to France and Switzerland organised by Lily Hudson, its “British Clockmaker’s Heritage” exhibition, as well as some later material.
Hudson, LilyImages of dials made by Hughes & Company, Birmingham dial makers active in the 1810s.
Main dial: stylised wheat ears in corners with decorated band; grotto and fortress in breakarch with rocking ship. False plate: cast iron.
2 copies of b/w photographic postcard, in an envelope dated 14 Dec 1967.
This collection comprises papers collected and created by Michael Hurst. They include correspondence and subject files relating to particular clocks and other horological matters, lecture notes, printed material (auction catalogues, articles, newspaper cutting, pamphlets, etc.), and a large series of clock photographs, colour slides and copper plate negatives. The Hurst archive also contains some records created by Percy Webster, Robert Foulkes and Archie Mackay, which were entrusted at some point to Michael or his son Edward. It also contained several separate box files marked “Dr Ward”, which have since been catalogued separately as the Frank Ward archive (WAR).
Hurst, MichaelOriginal article from Art & Antiques (8 April 1972), pp. 16–19.
Bound copy of an article published in La Clessidra. With translation and review by Charles K. Aked.
Courtenay Adrian Ilbert (1888–1956) was a civil engineer and watch and clock collector; his collection was eventually acquired by the British Museum. File includes Charles Allix's correspondence with C.A. Ilbert; Malcolm Gardner's correspondence with solicitors regarding the estate of the late C.A. Ilbert and the valuation of his horological collection of clocks and books; lists of clocks, etc.
Mostly handwritten, some typescript.
Original article from The Connoisseur (March 1936), pp. 129–133.
Original article from La Suisse Horlogère (June 1956), pp. 41–48.
Gives name, trade, address, short summary of news where applicable, and date of publication. There is also a subject index section.
This series contains the index cards compiled by Frances Tennant, which were the original finding aids for her slides collection, and which have been used in creating this catalogue.
Photocopy of an article about French fantasy clocks featuring mechanical and scientific discoveries of the age, from an unidentified publication, pp. 36–38.
Original article from The Antique Dealer and Collectors' Guide (September 1990), pp. 36–39.
Original article from "Inside the Trade" section of Antique Collector (December 1982), no pagination.
This series contains extracts from eighteenth and nineteenth-century fire insurance policies relating to clockmaking businesses. They were compiled from manuscripts held at the Guildhall Library (now part of The London Archives).
Original article from Communication no. 76 du Musée national d'Histoire des Sciences exactes et naturelles à Leyde, Hollande (n.d.), pp. 294–297.
Original article from Antique Collecting, vol. 23 no. 3 (July/August 1988), pp. 56–57.
Original article from The Antique Dealer and Collectors' Guide (August 1965), pp. 51–52.
Original article from Antique Collector (September 1982), pp. 82–83.
Includes handwritten list of Isle of Wight clockmakers 1875–79; scrap notes referring to clockmakers from earlier dates; typescript list of local street and trade directories; 1987 Strike One antique clocks and barometers catalogue brochure (featuring a chronometer by IoW maker Simpson Benzie Cowes); and E.J. Tyler's correspondence with the IoW County Council archivist regarding "Shorto" verge watch owned by William Chiddy.
Original article from Journal Suisse d'Horologerie et de Bijouterie: Revue de la Société Suisse de Chronométrie (n.d.), pp. 25–32. Annotated '91C'.
Original article from Antique Collecting, vol. 16 no. 3 (July/August 1984), p. 77.
Photocopy of an article published in Journal of the Royal Naval Scientific Service (vol. 11 no. 6).
Images of dials made by James Wilson, a renowned Birmingham dial maker active in the 1760s–1800s.
Original article from Endeavour (January 1954), pp. 17–21.
Includes Charles Allix's correspondence with C. Jennings regarding Mudge clocks and portrait; correspondence with solicitors regarding the valuation of his collection after his death in 1980; three photographs and one drawing.
Includes copies of articles from The Horological Journal and other publications, many of them antiquarian; Watch and Chronometer Jewelling booklet by N.B. Sherwood (Chicago, n.d.); notes, related correspondence and 1 photograph. Annotated "see also the Banger watch file" (ref. ALL/01/001).
Original article from The Antique Collector (n.d.), pp. 212–214.
Original article, based on a talk given on the BBC North of England Home Service on 11 October 1945, from Jeweller and Metalworker (1 November 1945), pp. 572–574.
Original articles from Antique Collecting, vol. 22 no. 10 (March 1988), pp. 24–25 and 26–29. Also includes antique clock dealers' advertisement pages and directory.
Original article from Antique Collector (April 1990), pp. 93–96. Also includes pages with antique dealer advertisements.
Images of dials made by Jones & Carter, Birmingham dial makers active in 1809–19.
Main dial: basket of flowers corners with floral band motif in black under date aperture. Hemispheres: North America on left, ecliptic under equator. False plate: cast iron.
Moon faces: round-eyed, jolly looking. Moon scenes: ship at sea; large cottage on bluff.
Main dial: baskets of flowers corners with decorative band, decorated unusual low oval containing name, funny motif under date.
Original article from The Antique Dealer and Collectors' Guide (July 1969), pp. 93–95.
Original article from The Connoisseur (November 1934), pp. 321–324.
Image of a dial made by Josiah Hayes, a Birmingham dial maker active in the nineteenth century.
Main dial: gold ovals, shaded green corners, odd breakarch, Walker-style use of bronze powder stencil motifs.
Original article from an unidentified issue of The Connoisseur (n.d.), pp. 96–103.
Includes letter, draft Jump family tree compiled by Col. H. Quill, notes, sketches and newspaper and catalogue cuttings.
39 b/w photographs, captioned. Includes astronomical clocks, table clocks, Tompion bracket clock, monstrance clocks, rack clocks, globe clocks, and watches. Some photographs captioned "AHS property".
Images of dials made by Kempson & Felton, Birmingham dial makers active in 1808–15.
Main dial: gold roses with yellow ochre in corners. Hemispheres: maps, North America on left, with ecliptic below equator. False plate: cast iron.
Main dial: four-seasons corners, roses centre. Hemispheres: maps, gold edges.
Moon faces: red cheeks and full mouths. Moon scenes: large ship at sea; white country house.
Moon faces: slightly squinting, very red nose. Moon scenes: ship at sea bright blue sky; ruined abbey with two figures.
Main dial: gold flowers in corners, octagon in breakarch, fish egg in it, flowers either side water, bird above centre.
Main dial: modified fan corners, green, gold, red, brown shells with seaweed, some gold in breakarch. False plate: cast iron.
Main dial: roses and tulips in gold with black detail in corners. False plate: cast iron.
Also includes copy of the obituary of Dr Jacob Kienzle (1935), one photograph and related correspondence.
Includes Joseph Knibb's biography, photocopies of seventeenth- and eighteenth-century newspaper extracts, and cutouts and printouts of catalogue listings.
Includes correspondence, cutouts and photocopies of catalogue listings, newspaper articles, draft articles, photographs and notes.
Includes correspondence, cutouts and photocopies of catalogue listings, journal articles, draft articles, photographs and notes.
Includes correspondence, cutouts and photocopies of catalogue listings, journal articles, draft articles, photographs and notes.
Includes correspondence, cutouts and photocopies of catalogue listings, journal articles, draft articles, photographs and notes.
8 b/w photographs, captioned. Includes Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna Technical Museum, Österreichisches Museum für Angewndte Kunst, Hans von Bertele Collection and Sobeck Collection. Also includes a page from "Deutsche Uhrmacher Zeitschrift" (May 1961). Typescript and handwritten
Original articles from Blanco y Negro no. 2432 (13 December 1958).
Original article from Journal Suisse d'Horologerie et de Bijouterie: Revue de la Société Suisse de Chronométrie (n.d.), pp. 132–134. Annotated '86'.
Copy of an article published in "La Clessidra" (no. 6).
Original article from Connaissance des Arts no. 266 (April 174), pp. 95–101.
Original article in three parts from Journal Suisse d'Horologerie et de Bijouterie: Revue de la Société Suisse de Chronométrie (n.d.), pp. 365–374, 468–474 and 539–544. Annotated '83'.
Original article from Journal Suisse d'Horologerie et de Bijouterie: Revue de la Société Suisse de Chronométrie (March/April 1947), pp. 82–89. Annotated '80'. Also includes "L'année chronométrique à l'Observatoire de Neuchâtel" by E. Guyot on p. 90.