Main dial: surprised-looking bird with small flowers dial centre.
Main dial: elaborate floral border, tulips and rosebud with bow in centre, off-white base; no gromets.
Main dial: unmarked geometric corners, vigorously painted rose top centre.
Main dial: blue-grey off-white, peaches and anemones in corners, four-arts corners, "Trade" in breakarch.
Main dial: blue-grey, pale, rather slapdash morning glories and pears in corners, foliage in dial centre.
Main dial: blue-grey, typical Byrne gesso corner small dial.
Main dial: blue-grey, typical Byrne gesso corner small dial, two dials on one slide.
Main dial: blue-grey, gesso corners, gesso small flowers in four places in dial centre.
Main dial: blue-grey with blue domintaing, gesso circle with ray motif centre, green background, gesso-framed peculiar longtailed bird (see bird on 611), two bunches of flowers.
Main dial: blue-grey, typical Byrne gesso corners, ditto date dial.
Main dial: blue-grey, fat roses and strawberries bottom, roses and lilies at top, smaller roses either side seconds dial covering dial post, thin base paint. False plate: cast iron.
Photocopies of annotated typewritten notes on aspects of the clock: chiming, striking to the nearest second, winding by electric motor, summertime. Includes diagram.
This collection comprises a series of eleven scrapbooks and one volume of Honeybone family history. The scrapbooks contain photographs, press cuttings, brochures, booklets, postcards, drawings, cartoons, typewritten quotations, handwritten notes, excerpts from fiction, music scores and other ephemera related to clockmaking and watchmaking, collected by Mildred Frederiksen. The descriptions of each volume in this catalogue provide contents highlights, but do not list every item. Most items are not individually dated.
Frederiksen, Mildred1 colour card, captioned.
Original articles from The Antique Collector (May 1989), pp. 84–91 and 92–99.
Original article from Antique Collector (January 1976), pp. 22–26. Also includes issue cover.
Original article from The Antique Collector (November 1986), pp. 96–101.
Original annotated price lists from Antique Collecting (July 1979 and July/August 1984), pp. 67 and 16 respectively.
Published by Centre d'Information de l'Horlogerie Française, Paris. 159 pages.
Original article about the exhibition of French art in Florence held at Palazzo Pitti in April–June 1977, from The Connoisseur (January 1978), pp. 36–43. Also includes issue cover.
Original article from Antique Collecting, vol. 15 no. 2 (June 1980), pp. 33–35.
Original article from The Antique Dealer and Collectors' Guide (May 1950), pp. 22–24.
Original article from The Antique Dealer and Collectors' Guide (Luly 1950), pp. 23–25.
Original article from The Antique Dealer and Collectors' Guide (April 1950), pp. 20–22.
Original article from The Connoisseur, vol. 158 no. 635 (January 1965), pp. 3–9.
Original article from The Antique Collector (November 1977), pp. 90–94.
Original article from Foreign Trade (February 1934), pp. 21–23.
Original article from The Antique Dealer and Collectors' Guide (October 1950), pp. 26–28.
Original article from Country Life (7 August 1958), pp. 266–267.
Original article from Country Life Annual (1955), pp. 149–150.
Includes correspondence, photocopies of eighteenth-century newspaper extracts, clock descriptions, brochures, journal articles, cutouts of catalogue listings, photographs and notes.
Malcolm Gardner (1896–1960) was an antiquarian horologist, horological consultant and bookseller, and Charles Allix's business partner. Robert Gardner (1851–1932), his father, was a manufacturer of marine chronometers. Includes: Robert's and Malcolm's original business correspondence (handwritten and typewritten); published "horological who's who" biographical note on Malcolm; published obituaries of Robert and Malcolm; business certificates; Charles Allix (Malcolm Gardner) Horological Book Catalogue flyers; and Charles Allix's handwritten copy letter to "Sandra" on the death of her father Richard J. Coates.
Bound photocopy. 49 pages.
Includes "The mystery of time", an article by S.H. Sharpe about mystery clocks (p. 434).
Original article from Christie's International Magazine, vol. 8 no. 13 (Jun/July 1992), pp. 21–23.
Original article from Antique Collecting (March 1978), pp. 4–7.
Original article from The Antique Dealer and Collectors' Guide Supplement (October 1988), pp. 36–37.
Two originals torn out of Jeweller and Metalworker (January 1951 and March 1952) and two photocopies from Jewellers Journal Book of Recipes (n.d., nineteenth century).
Original article from The Antique Collector (February 1980), pp. 76–77.
Original article from The Connoisseur, vol. 11 (April 1902), pp. 4ff.
Original article from The Antique Dealer and Collectors' Guide (September 1954), pp. 29–31.
Photocopy of a glossary entry from Practical craft (April 1994), pp. 41–42.
Articles from the original special clocks and watches issue of Art and Antiques Weekly, vol. 35 no. 3 (January 1979). Also includes list of dealers, advertisement pages and issue cover.
Original article from The Antique Collector (April 1976), pp. 48–49.
Original article from The Antique Collector (September 1976), pp. 50–51.
A series of nine weekly original articles, including "The great museums of the capital" by Bevis Hillier, "Singular tastes: specialist museums" by Peter Quennell, "The arts of war: military museums" by Michael Howard, "The moving experience: transport museums" by Ludovic Kennedy, "Municipal majesty: regional museums I" by ASA Briggs, "The province of culture: regional museums II" by Lady Mary Clive, "Professional pride: insitutional museums" by Lord Mancroft, "The fame of the name: personality museums" by Elizabeth Longford, and "Pride of place: local museums" by Geoffrey Grigson. Weeks 9–10 are missing.
Includes correspondence, photocopies of seventeenth- and eighteenth-century newspaper extracts, brochures, journal and newspaper articles, cutouts of catalogue listings, photographs and notes.
Original article in two parts from The Antique Collector (June and August 1962), pp. 125–131 and 174–179 respectively.
Lieutenant-Commander Rupert Thomas Gould (1890–1948) was an author, broadcaster and horologist, and the author of The Marine Chronometer, its History and Development as well as Big Ben: Its Story and other publications. File includes typewritten correspondence relating to the publication of the Big Ben: its Story booklet; Gould's original correspondence; copies of Gould's art prints and sketches; research notes, correspondence and book catalogue entry relating to Gould's publications; drawing print of "Good Master Hydrographer, chart me the unknown seas"; and an annotated folder, with list of contents, entitled "In Memory..." and containing among other things: copies of the Horological Journal of November 1948 and The HIA Journal with letters on the death of Gould, a copy of a page from NAWCC Bulletin of June 1950 with a photograph of Gould with Harrison's Timekeeper no. 2, and pasted handwritten notes and correspondence.
Includes copy of Malcolm Gardner (Charles Allix) article on the sale of a collection of 16 quarter repeater watches published in Antiquarian Horology September 1976; lists of Graham's repeater watches, and correspondence mainly with Thomas Cox, Florida, USA, regarding their sales; copy extract from "The Astronomical Clocks at Greenwich" (1975), an article by Howse mentioning Graham 1 and Graham 2 clocks; copies of articles on George Graham's life and work, including by Jeremy Evans (1995) and C. Doris Hellman (1931); a handwritten extract from Graham's 1726 article for Watchmaker; and photocopies of sale catalogues showing Graham clocks.
Includes blueprint of gravity escapements; booklet of lesson 2/12 of British Horological Institute's "Correspondence Course in Technical Horology"; ball and roller bearings metric conversion tables; notes; correspondence regarding the manufacture of wheels and pinions; The Horological Journal article on "A Criticism of the ... Gravity Escapement" by O.B. Hutchinson; 1917 letter from A. Bertlain [?] with a design for a three-legged Grimthorpe escapement; five photographs; and a bundle of correspondence and photographs relating to the regulator clock by Isaac Jackson (1796–1862).
Includes correspondence, photocopies of seventeenth- and eighteenth-century newspaper extracts, newspaper articles, cutouts of catalogue listings, photographs, notes, and a transcript of Gretton's accounts of 1694.
Includes correspondence, journal articles, cutouts and printouts of catalogue listings, brochures, photographs and notes. Also includes an early print of Simon Gribelin's engraving Pope Gregory sending St Augustin to convert the English.
Includes photocopies of early publications, newspaper articles and photographs.
Original article from The Connoisseur, vol. 168 no. 676 (June 1968), pp. 136–144.
Contains four colour photographs, uncaptioned, loose, showing people boarding a coach, posing for the portrait and seated at a dinner table.
Contains three b/w photographs, uncaptioned, loose, showing seated audience and men inspecting chronometers or pocket watches.
Handwritten and typescript. Also includes photographs of a clock in a painting by Pontorno, and of the market square in Haarlem.
Includes scrap notes on individual makers 1720–1885, and Hampshire Record Office guide to new public areas.
Handwritten. Also includes a newspaper cutting re. the sale of the Hampton Court Estate, Leominster, by Viscount Hereford (The Daily Telegraph 3 Jan 1972). The envelope is also annotated "Ickwell Bury 1683".
J. E. Haswell (1890–1967) was the director of R. Haswell and Sons (tool and material business), the author of Haswell's Horology textbook, and a member of the Worshipful Company of Clockmakers. File includes C. Allix's correspondence with Haswell, mainly concerning his book; Allix's correspondence with Mrs Edna Haswell, mainly regarding the estate of her late husband and the sale of items belonging to him; Haswell's obituary by C. Allix published in The Horological Journal; and obituary press cuttings.
Includes one letter and envelope. NB. the clock had been destroyed in 1945 in an air raid on Wuerzburg and Heidingsfeld.
Includes letters, three photographs and photographic postcards, a typewritten article "Uber die Kunstuhr am Heilbronner Rathaus" and a press cutting from Amtsblatt, a local newspaper, about the restoration of the town hall.
Typescript and handwritten.
Henry Hindley (1701–71) was a clockmaker and inventor based in York. File includes correspondence with Charles Taylor; copy page from Sotheby's sales catalogue (2002) listing a clockmaker's sector by Hindley; a newspaper advertisement and description of a mahogany clock from the workshops of H. Hindley, annotated "certainly not"; and 17 colour photographs of the clock provided by the seller, Northern Clocks.
Images of dials made by Hipkiss & Harold, Birmingham dial makers active in 1780s–1800s.
Main dial: off-white, green fan corners, pink centre, framed in yellow ochre, long-tailed bird, Wilson-style, with foliage in background. False plate: cast iron.
Main dial: off-white, flame tulips in gesso-framed corners. Hemispheres: maps, Africa on left. False plate: cast iron.
Moon faces: round eyes, close-set, rather worried expression. Moon scenes: ship at sea; lakeside with tower and building.
Main dial: gold anchors in blue ovals corners, low key colours.
Main dial: off-white, flared tulips, gesso-framed corners, carnation in centre.
Main dial: pale blue/grey, orangey pink roses and carnations in opposite corners, flared tulips centre, gilded gesso framing.
Original article about Joseph Knibb clocks from Antique Collecting, vol. 24 no. 7 (December 1989), pp. 24–26.
Original article from Journal Suisse d'Horologerie et de Bijouterie: Revue de la Société Suisse de Chronométrie (n.d.), pp. 243–252. Annotated '82'.
Original article from The Antique Dealer and Collectors' Guide (February 1997), pp. 43–45.
Original article from The Antique Dealer and Collectors' Guide (December 1958), pp. 42–44.
Original article from The Antique Dealer and Collectors' Guide (December 1955), pp. 29–31.
Images of dials made by Hobson & Hodgkinson, Birmingham dial makers active in the 1810s.
Main dial: anemone and tulip corners, two birds centre. False plate: cast iron.
Main dial: off-white, seaweed and shells corners, odd flowers (gold) centre. False plate: cast iron.
Main dial: modified fan corners, bright shells centre. False plate: cast iron.
Charles Hobson (1907–88) was a clockmaker and a honorary freeman of the Clockmakers' Company. File includes C. Alix's correspondence with Hobson; correspondence with Daniel Parkes regarding Hobson's Choice, a book of sketches of English bracket clock repeating work by Hobson, Allix and Harvey (1982); published reviews of Hobson's Choice; notes; copy of certificate of registration of Hobson Bros; photocopies of Hobson's letter to Col. Quill regarding his will; and an obituary of Hobson, published in Antiquarian Horology (Spring 1988).
Handwritten. Also includes one colour photograph and sketches.
Original article from The Antique Dealer and Collectors' Guide (March 1962), pp. 28–30.
Cutting of an article from Antique Trade Gazette (24 June 1995), pp. 30, 33.
Bound photocopy of articles originally published in Le Génie Civil (Paris, 1910).
This series contains horological articles collected by Francis Wadsworth. Written by various authors on horological and related topics, they are the original articles cut out of various publications, mainly collectors' journals and magazines. Many of them have been purchased from antiquarian book dealers.
The subseries contains articles written by authors with surnames beginning with "A".
The subseries contains articles written by authors who are not credited in the article. Some of them are editorials, so the authorship can potentially be established after some research.
The subseries contains articles written by authors with surnames beginning with "B".
The subseries contains articles written by authors with surnames beginning with "C".
The subseries contains articles written by authors with surnames beginning with "D".
The subseries contains articles written by authors with surnames beginning with "E".
The subseries contains articles written by authors with surnames beginning with "F".
The subseries contains articles written by authors with surnames beginning with "G".