Makers' surnames include: O[…], Oakley, Odell [?], Ogbourne, Ogden, Oldfield, Oliver, Olliver, Olivermaes, O'Neal, Orpion, Orrery, Orson, Orton, Osborne, Osland, Osmond, Otteridge, Otting, Ourry, Overhall, Overs, Overturn, Overzee, Ovett, Owen, Owens, Oyens.
Makers' surnames include: Naas, Napier, Naish, Nash, Natson [Watson?], Nau, Nauta, Naylor, Neal, Neale, Neath, Neaton, Neau, Nelmes / Elmes, Nelson, Nethercott, Neave, Neaves, Neve, Nevill, Neville, Craig & Neville, Newbolt, Newborough, Newcomb, Newell, Newham, Newman, Newsam, Newson, Newton, Nicasius, Nicholl, Nicholls, Nichols, Nieuwenhof, Nightingale, Nitinglass, Noah, Noakes, Noble, Noel, Norcot, Norcott, Noman, Norman, Norris, Norsworthy, North, Northcote, Norton, Noyer, Noyes, Nufingter, Nunkorn [?].
Makers' surnames include: Moilliet, Molliere, Molloy, Molly, Molyneux, Monckton, Moncrief, Monkhouse, Monroe, Moor, Moore, Moran, Morant, Mordecai, Morecock, Morel, Morell, Morey, Morgan, Morin, Morland, Morley, Morris, Morrison, Morse, Morton, Moser, Moses, Moskeal, Moss, Moze, Motley, Mott, Mould, Mountford, Mousard, Mountfort, Mowden, Mowry, Mowtlow, Moyle, Muckleston, Mucklestone, Muddle, Mudel, Mudge, Mudge & Dutton, Muir, Mueller, Mundy, Munday, Munelly, Munroe [Monroe], Munshall, Muret, Murgatroyd, Murray, Mushin, Murphey, Murrel.
Makers' surnames include: Meakins, Meares, Measure, Medcalf, Medley, Meelech, Meers, Meigh, Melvill, Menitrier, Mercer, Merchant, Mercier, Meredith, Merigcot, Meroes, Merrett, Merriman, Merryman, Merry, Metcalfe, Metham, Meunier, Michell [Mitchell], Micklewright, Middleton, Miege, Milbourn, Milbourne, Mylbourn, Mylbourne, Miles, Miller, Millington, Million, Millis, Mills, Milner, Minchall, Minchener, Minchiner, Minshull, Minton, Mintern, Minten, Miroir, Mitchel, Mitchell, Mitchelson, Mitchnell.
Makers' surnames include: Mason, Masquernit, Masquenir, Massey, Massy, Masters, Matchett, Machett, Mather, Mathew, Mathews, Mathias, Mathuff, Maud, Mawley, Maxwell, May, Mayfield, Maynard, Mayor, Mayer, Mayr, Maysmore.
Makers' surnames include: M[...], McCarty, McCulloch, MacDonald, Mace, Macey, Macham, Mackuhan, Maclinnan, McPherson, Maddle, Maddox, Maggs, Magson, Maintere, Maitland, Malacrida, Mallett, Mander, Mandey, Mangaar, Manly, Manley, Man, Mann, Mann & Ayscough, Manneville, Manning, Mansfield, Manton, Marbotin, Marchant, Margetts, Marey, Marie, Marrye, Markham, Markwick, Markwise, Marley, Marques, Marre, Marriage, Mariot, Marriott, Marryatt, Marsden, Marson, Marsh, Marshall, Martin, Martinet, Martineau, Martinot.
Makers' surnames include: Liddell, Liddiard, Liford, Lifford, Lyford, Lilly, Lillie, Lindley, Lindsay, Lindsey, Linsey, Linter, Lipscomb, Lipscomb, Lisceur, Littleton, Liveze [Liversey?], Lloyd, Lock, Lockwood, Lockyear, Lokyer, Lodge, Lodington, Loft, Loftus, Lomax, Long, Longcraft, Looker, Lorman, Lormier, Louis, Lovage, Love, Loveday, Lovejoy, Lovelace, Lovell, Lovet, Lovick, Low, Lowe, Lowcocke, Lowder, Lowndes, Lownds, Loundes, Loyne, Lozano, Lucant [Ellicott?], Lucas, Ludlow, Lullin, Lum, Lumley, Lynes, Lyon, Lyons.
Makers' surnames include: Thomas [L...], J. L., Lockman [?], Lacam, Lacum, Lade, Lafoe, Lamaye, Lamb, Lambell, Lambert, Lamble, Lambell, Lamborn, Lambracht, Lamburg, Lampe, Lampriere, Lamude, Lancaster, Landrau, Lane, Langford, Langley, Lanny, Laport, Lapper, La R[…], Larouche, Larpent, Lashbrooke, Lashbrook, Latham, Laughton, Lawton, Lavender, Law, Lawrence, Lawson, Layton, Lazarus, Lea, Leadbetter, Lear, Leare, Le Brun, Le Chevalier, Lecoeur, Le Count, Ledgard, Lee, Leekey, Legg, L'Heuteux, Leicester, Leigh, Leith or Keith, Leivsley, Lemair, Lemaire, Lemaistre, Lemen, Lemon, Leman, Lemastre, Lemoyne, Lenerd, Lenoir, Leroux, Le Roux, Le Roy, Lesire, Lester, Lestourgeon, Levens, Levy, Lewington, Lewis, Ley [?], Leybourn, Leybourne.
Makers' surnames include: K. J., Keck, Kedden, Keeley, Kefford, Kehloff, Kelham, Kilham, Kellum, Kellway, Kelly, Kelsall, Kemp, Kempton, Kendall, Kendell, Kendrick, Kent, Kentish, Kerfoot, Ketcherside, Keton, Key, Kilby, Killingburgh, Kilman, Kilmister, Killminster, King, Kingsman, Kingston, Kinner, Kipling, Kirby, Kirk & Pigot, Kirkpatrick, Kirton, Kitchen, Klett, Knibb, Knight, Knodnott, Knottesford, Knotsford, Knox, Kohorn, Kover, Krenckel & Perrola, Kulibi.
Makers' surnames include: Joel, Johns, Johnson, Johnstone, Jolland, Jolly, Joly, Jon, Jones, Jordan, Jorden & Gordon, Joseph, Josephson, Joubert, Jourdain, Jourden, Jovat, Joyce, Jullion, Julliott.
Makers' surnames include: Ilbery, Ingleby, Ingram, Inkinson, Inkingson, Innis, Ion, Isaacson, Israel, Israels, Istead, Ives, Ivy, Jack, Jackman, Jackeman, Jakeman, Jackson, Jacob, Jacobs, James, Jamison, Jaques, Jardin, Jarrett, Jarratt, Jarvis, Gervis, Jay, Jeffery, Jeffryes, Jefferies, Jefferies & Jones, Jefferys, Jeffs, Jekyll, Jemson, Jenkins, Jenkinson, Jenner, Jennings, Jenins, Jensen, Jernegan, Jersey, Jervis.
Makers' surnames include: Hubbard, Hubert, Huckle, Huddleston, Hudleston, Hudson, Huggeford, Hughes, Hulbert, Hull, Humber, Humphreys, Humphries, Humphrys, Hunsdon, Hunt, Hunte, Hunter, Hurst, Hurt, Husset, Hussey, Hutchinson, Hutchason, Hutson & Johnson, Hutton, Hynam.
Makers' surnames include: Hobart, Hobbs, Hocker, Hodd, Hoddle, Hodges, Hodgson, Hodson, Hoevenaar, Holborough, Holbrooke, Holder, Holle, Holland, Holle, Hollier, Hollis, Holloway, Holmes, Holroyd, Holstone, Holt, Holwell, Hone, Honey, Honeychurch, Hooker, Hoole, Hope, Hopkins, Hoppey, Horne, Horner, Horton, Huffman [Hougham], Houlgrave, Houillere, Houlliere, House, How, Howe, Howes, Howard, Howel, Howell, Howells, Hoyle.
Makers' surnames include: Heardman, Hearn, Heath, Hebb, Hebert, Heckel, Heeley, Heigel, Heinrici, Helmes, Helot, Heming, Hemming, Hemmsings, Henderson, Henrison, Henery, Henry, Henshaw, Henson, Herald, Herbert, Herdman, Herloin, Herlot, Herring, Herriot, Herve, Hes, Heskin, Hester, Hewer, Hewitt, Hewlett, Heyden, Heyman, Heyter, Hibbert, Hiccox, Hickman, Hicks, Hide, Higgins, Higginson, Higgnett, Higgs, Higgs & Evans, Higsby, Hildebrand, Hill, Hills, Hilliard, Hillier, Henley, Hindley, Hindmore, Hine, Hineham, Hitchin, Hitchins, Hitchings, Hitchman.
Makers' surnames include: Harbert, Herbert, Harbin, Hardin, Harding, Harden, Ardin [sic], Hardwick, Hare, Hart, Hargreaves [?], Harley, Harlin, Harman, Harlin, Harmer, Harpur, Harper, Harpur, Harrington, Harris, Harrison, Harrol, Harrold, Hart, Hartley, Hartly, Harvey, Haselwood, Haslewood, Haslop, Hassenius, Hathaway, Hatton, Hauton, Haughton, Hauksbee, Hawkins, Hawthorn, Hawthing, Haydon, Hayes, Hays, Hayler, Hayly, Haynes, Hayton, Hayward, Hazard, Hazlewood.
Makers' surnames include: R. H., Haber, Habler, Haden, Hadley, Hagen, Haggar, Hailes, Haines, Haland, Halding, Hales, Halifax, Hallifax, Hall, Hallett, Halley, Hally, Halsted, Halstead, Ham, Hamarsly, Hamers, Hambleton, Hamilton, Hammond, Hancorn, Hancorne, Hand, Handanought, Handisyde, Hindside, Hands, Hanet, Hannet, Hankin, Hanscombe, Hanson, Hanwell.
Makers' surnames include: Grace, Gradell, Graham, Grainger, Grange, Grant, Grantham, Grape, Graupner, Graves, Gray, Grey, Gray & Vulliamy, Graves, Greaves, Green, Greenhill, Greenwood, Gregg, Gregory, Gregson, Grenard, Grendon, Greppel, Gribelin, Grice, Griffin, Grifin, Griffith, Grig, Grigby, Grignion, Grillet, Grimes, Grimstead, Grindon, Grinkin, Grinnard, Grouse, Grovant, Grove, Groves, Guarffi, Gudgeon, Guer, Gugemous, Guiguer, Guildon, Guion, Gun, Gurney, Gutts, Guy, Gwilt, Gwinn, Gymer, Gyron.
Makers' surnames include: Gladman, Gladstone, Glasco, Gloria A Dieppe, Glover, Glyd, Glynn, Goblop, Goddard, Goddock, Godfrey, Godin, Gold, Goldby, Goldsmith & Delander, Goldwin, Golling, Golway, Goode, Goodfriend, Gooding, Goodlad, Goodison, Goodman, Goodo, Goodwin, Goodyere, Goolan, Gordon, Gorsuch, Gosselin, Gosier, Gossier, Gossop, Gotobed, Goubert, Gough, P. G., Goujon, Gould, Gouldar, Gouldsborough, Goush, Gout, Govers, Goweth.
Makers' surnames include: P. G., Richard G[...], Gaab, Gadsdon, Gainsborough, Gaite, Gakeman, Galabin, Galileo, Galindo, Gallant, Gallois, Galloway, Gambier, Gammon, Ganeron, Ganeroon, Garden, Gardiner, Gardner, Garfoot, Garner, Garnett, Garon, Gharon, Garrard, Garret, Garstin, Garth, Gascoine, Gascoyne, Gatward, Gaudin, Gaugain, Gautier, Gawthorne, Gazuet, Geary, George, Gerbe, Gernier, Gerrard, Gervais, Gib, Gibbard, Gibbons, Gibbs, Gibson, Gilbert, Giles, Gill, Gilpin, Gimblett, Ginn, Girle, Girod, Giroust.
Makers' surnames include: Fladgate, Flamsteed, Flavill, Fleece, Fleetwood, Fleming, Fletcher, Fleurieau, Flint, Flower, Flowerdale, Fly, Foden, Fogg, Foisseau, Folgham, Folkes, Fontaine, Fontaine & Torin, Foot / Poole?, Ford, Foardham (Fordham), Ferrister, Forster, Forsyth, Fort, Forte, Forter, Forth, Foster, Foubert, Fowler, Fowll, Frances, Francis, Franses, Franklin, Franksman, Fraser, Fravis, Free, Freedman, Fredman, Freeman, French, Fresh, Freshfield, Fricke, Frodsham, From, Fromanteel, Fromanteel & Clarke, Frost, Froust, Frowde, Fry, Fryer, Fuller, Furnesse, Futer.
Makers' surnames include: J. F., Faby, Facio, Fail, Farrey, Fairy (Fairey?), Faizan, Faldo, Fanjoux, Fardoil, Farewell, Farwell, Farmer, Farnworth, Farrell, Farr, Farrington, Farow, Fasch, Faulkner, Faver, Favor, Favore, Favour, Favre, Fawkes, Fayle, Fayrer, Fayting, Fazakerley, Featherstone, Fell, Fellowes, Fellows, Fels, Fenester, Fenn, Junn [probably Fenn], Fennell, Fennimore, Fennymore, Fennymare, Fenton, Ferguson, Ferment, Ferrers, Ferron, Ferrot & Thuilier, Fichtner, Field, Fieldhouse, Filler, Fillery, Finch, Finchett, Finney, Fish, Fisher, Fitter, Fitzsimons, Fitzwilliam.
Makers' surnames include: Emblin, Emery, Emett, Emmerson, Emson, Endersby, Engin, Engui, England, English, Enys, Epson, Errick, Ericke, Errick, Errington, Erington, Erling, Erridge, Estienne, Estwick, Etherington, Ettry, Eusnach, Evans, Evens, Everal, Everell, Everett, Ewer, Ewers, Exelby.
Makers' surnames include: Eagle, Earnshaw, East, Eastland, Eastwood, Eayres, Ebands, Eboral, Eborall, Ebsworth, Eccles, Eckert, Eckhert, Edey, Edgcomb, Edlin, Edlyne, Edmunds, Edwards, Edwin, Eggleton, Eichstedt, Elkins, Ellard, Elliot, Elliott, Ellis, Ellison, Ellott, Ellwood, Ellworthy, Elmson, Ely, Elys.
Makers' surnames include: Dickie, Dickins, Dickson, Die, Dighton, Dingle, Dingley, Dinmore, Ditton, Dobney, Dobson, Dolland, Dolly, Dolley & Oldham, Dolphin, Donisthorpe, Dorrell, Douglas, Douglass, Dove, Dovers, Down, Downes, Downing, Dows, Dowse, Dowson, Drake, Draper, Draycott, Drew, Drossade, Drury, Dryden, Dryer, Drysdale, Dubedat, Duboys, Duchampe, Duchesne, Duck, Dudds, Dufour, Duhamel, Du Hamel, Dunant, Duncan, Dunlop, Dunster, Dupin, Dupont, Dupree, Dupuy, Duquesne, Durade, Duran, Dutan, Dutens, Dutertre, Dutton, Dwethouse (Dwerrihouse), Dyde, Dyke.
Makers' surnames include: E.D., Dakers (Dacres?), Dale, Dalgliesh, Dalton, Daniel, Daniell, Daniels, Dann, Darling, Davenport, Davidson, Davies, Davis, Dawson, Dawes, Day, Dean, Deane, Dear, Deard, Deards, Dearmer, Debaufre, Debaufres, Neville & Debaufre, De Charmes, Decharmes, De Choudens, Decosta, Dee, Definod, Defontaine, Desfountaynes, Defoxton, Dehecq, De la Balle, Delaballe, Delafons, Delahoyde, Delander, Delapont, Delassall, Dell, Dellamy, Dellcourt, Delorme, Delve, Demarsay, Denelope, Denn, Dennis, Dent, Dentan, Denton, Derham, Dermer, Deroches, Desagulier, Desalt, Descombes, Deseser, Dessesor, Desmarias, Desrings, De St. Leu, Deval, Devemmel, Devis, de Vreese, Dewe, Dewilde, Dexter, Deckster.
Makers' surnames include: Craig, Craig & Nevill, Cramer, Creamer, Cramilion, Crammillion, Crampton, Crane, Crathorne, Craythorne, Crayl, Crayle, Crayton, Creak, Creake, Creber, Cressener, Cripps, Crocker, Crocket, Crooke, Croome, Cross, Crossgrove, Crosthwaite, Crouch, Crown, Crucefix, Crumpe, Crumpton, Cuff, Cullenworth, Culpepper, Culverwell, Cumins, Cumming, Cummings, Cundall, Cureton, Currey, Curteen, Curtis, Cushee, Cusson, Cuthley.
Makers' surnames include: Coates, Cobb, Cobham, Cochereau, Cock, Cockbill, Cockett, Cockey, Coggs, Coignand, Coke, Colard, Cole, Coleman, Colin, Collet, Colley, Colliber, Collier, Collyer, Collingridge, Collins, Collison, Collomby, Colomby, Columbell, Colston, Comans, Combes, Combs, Comens, Company, Compigne, Compton, Cone, Conor, Constable, Constantin, Constantine, Conyers, Cook, Cooke, Cooks, Coole, Cooley, Cooper, Cooper & Hedge, Coote, Cope, Copeland, Copp, Corbet, Corder, Cordwell, Corner, Cornill, Cornu, Coste, Coster, Cotsworth, Cotton, Cottenbelt, Couch, Coulon, Coulon & Bry, Coupar, Courstau, Court, Courtauld, Courtial, Cover, Cowan, Cowburne (Coburn?), Cowell, Cowes, Cowper, Cox, Coxeter.
Makers' surnames include: Clapot, Claypot, Clark, Clarke, Clarkson, Claverton, Clay, Clayton, Clegg, Cleland, Clement, Clementti, Clements, Clemison, Cleverly, Clifton, Clinton, Clive, Cloither, Clough, Clowes, Clyatt.
Makers' surnames include: Ceaser, Cecil, Cellar, Cha[...], Chalkhill, Chaman, Chamberlain, Chamberlaine, Chambers, Champion, Chance, Chancey, Chandler, Chapeau, Chaplyn, Chapman, Chappell, Chappuzeau, Charlston, Charleson, Charlson, Charlton, Chater, Chatfield, Chaunter, Chauvel, Chavanes, Chaves, Chesson, Cheltenham, Cheltham, Chetingham, Cheneviere, Cheriton, Cheshire, Chesnon, Chesson, Chester, Chevenix, Child, Chillcot, Chipling, Chittenham, Chitty, Chivers, Chotard, Chotarde, Chrichlow, Christmas, Chubb, Church, Churchill.
Makers' surnames include: J.C., Cabrear, Cabrier, Cacket, Caillate, Calder, Calderwood, Callowe, Calloway, Caltro, Cambro, Cambden, Camden, Cameel, Cambell, Campbell, Cane, Cannon, Canton, Card, Cargill, Carlson, Carlyon, Carne, Carpenter, Carrington, Carte, Carter, Cartier, Cartwright, Carus, Cary, Castel, Castell, Castle, Cater, Catlin, Caton, Cattell, Cattle, Cawdron, Cawley.
Makers' surnames include: Buank [?], Buchanan, Buck, Buckenhill, Buckingham, Buckman, Bucknall, Budgen, Budgeon, Buffet, Bull, Bulline, Bullock, Bumstead, Bunce, Burch, Burden, Burdet, Burfield, Burgi, Burgis, Burges, Burgess, Burn, Burnett, Burnham, Burport, Burry, Burton, Busby, Bush, Bushman, Buschman, Bushman, Bushnels, Butcher, Butler, Butterfield, Butts, Buxton, Byfield, Bynham.
Makers' surnames include: Br[...], Brabant, Brackley, Bradbury, Bradford, Bradgate, Bradley, Bradshaw, Brady, Brafield, Brayfield, Bramer, Bramston, Brand, Brasier, Brass, Brassett, Brather, Braun, Bray, Bredo, Brentwood, Brew, Brewer, Bride, Bridgeman, Bridges, Briggs, Brightridge, Bristow, Brittain, Broadbent, Brockbank, Brodu, Brogden [donbrog], Bromfield, Bromley, Brooke, Brooks, Brookes, Brooksby, Brosy, Brown, Browntree, Bruce, Bryan.
Makers' surnames include: Bocket, Bodenham, Bodker, Bodkers, Bodle, Bog, Boisson, Bold, Bollinger, Bolus, Bondolph, Bonet, Bonner, Bonneval, Booth, Borford, Bosley, Bostock, Bosvile, Bosworth, Boucher, Boullenger, Bolt, Boult, Boulton, Bouquet, Bourdon, Bourdeaux, Bournwash, Bousse, Bouvier, Boverick, Bowen, Bower, Bowes, Bowles, Bowley, Bowly, Boutell, Bowtell, Boyce, Boyd, Boyer.
Makers' surnames include: Biaudet, Biddle, Biddeston, Bidlake, Biggs, Bighten, Bill, Bille, Billinghurst, Bing, Bingley, Binks, Birchall, Bird, Birdsell, Birdwhistle, Birkhead, Birley, Birmingham, Bishop, Bishot, Bizot, Blackbrow, Blackborough, Blackborow, Blackburn, Blackbourne, Blackman, Blackmore, Blake, Blakescrum, Blakesly, Blakey, Blanchard, Bland, Blosterly, Blowers, Bludwick, Blundell, Blunt, Bly.
Makers' surnames include: Beake, Beale, Beard, Beasley, Beate, Beaucamp, Beauchamp, Beauvais, Beavis, Bebley, Beccles, Bechoe, Beck, Beckett, Beckford, Beckman, Bedford, Beding, Beecham, Been, Beet, Beets, Behoe, Beighton, Belew, Belfield, Bell, Bellamy, Bellard, Bellette, Belling, Bellis, Bellwood, Bemish, Benban, Benbrick, Bence, Bendall, Benge, Benn, Bennet, Bennett, Benning, Benson, Bentley, Benton, Benyon, Berge, Bergeau, Berkeley, Bernard, Bernarde, Berridge, Berrington, Berry, Bertram, Beson, Best, Beste, Bethell, Betteridge, Betterton, Betts, Beverly, Bewley, Beyman.
Makers' surnames include: Barbarres, Barber, Barford, Barenger, Bargeau, Baringer, Barjohn, Barker, Barlow, Barnard, Barnes, Barns, Barnet, Barnett, Barnsley, Baron, Barput, Barraud, Barrett, Barret, Barrilett, Barrington, Barrow, Barry, Barston, Bartlett, Barton, Barugh, Barwell, Bashelin, Baskerville, Basomoine, Baston, Batard, Bateman, Bates, Bath, Batt, Batterson, Batyn, Baucamp, Baugh, Baxter, Bayes, Bayley, Baysallance.
Makers' surnames include: B[...], Babbington, Bachan, Bacharn, Bachofen, Backhouse, Bacon, Bacot, Baddin, Baddy, Badger, Badiley, Bagley, Bagyer, Baily, Bailey, Baley, Baillon, Baker, Balcher, Baldwin, Bale, Baley, Balie, Ball, Ballard, Balleure, Bamber, Bamford, Banks, Banister, Banner, Bannister, Banson, Banton.
Makers' surnames include: Appley, Archambo, Archer, Arding, Aris, Ayris, Arland, Arlandy, Armand, Armstrong, Arnley, Arnold, Arson, Arundal, Arundell, Ashbee, Ashburne, Ashley, Ashman, Ashmore, Aslatt, Asselin, Astley, Aston, Atfield / Adfield, Atherley, Atkins, Atkinsin, Atwood, Aubert, Aubury, Austall, Aunale, Austin, Aveline, Avenell, Averton, Avery, Avril, Ayres, Ayrs, Ayscough, Azier.
Makers' surnames include: A[...], Abbot, Abraham, Abrahams, Achurch, Ackers, Adams, Adamson, Addis, Addison, Adey, Adkins, Adney, Aimwell, Ainge, Ainsworth, Alder, Aldridge, Aldworth, Allam, Allaway, Alcock, Allcock, Allen, Alleway, Allix, Allsop, Allwood, Alsop, Alstead, Amey, Amy, Amyot, Anderson, Anderton, Andrews, Angelo, Angier, Angot, Anott, Ansoll, Anson, Ant, Antill, Antram, Antrim.
Photocopy of an article in three parts from Wireless World (August, September and October 1976), pp. 47–51, 63–66 and 73–77 respectively.
Includes correspondence, photocopies of eighteenth-century newspaper extracts, photocopies of journal articles, newspaper articles, cutouts and photocopies of catalogue listings, photographs and notes.
Letter from the original "Notes and Queries" section of The Connoisseur (1924), pp. 99–100.
This series contains scrapbooks of press cuttings, excerpts from publications and ephemera relating to horological news and curiosities.
Original article from Art & Antiques Weekly (19 May 1973), pp. 27–31. Includes issue cover and contents page.
Original article about items from the collection of J. A. Billmeir, from The Connoisseur, vol. 134 no. 540 (November 1954), pp. 85–91.
Original article about pocket–sized instruments including timepieces and compasses from Antique Collector (July 1980), pp. 76–78.
Original article from Antique Collecting, vol. 20 no. 7 (December 1985), pp. 66–67.
Includes typewritten letters, order slips, regulations, and a list of photographs and lantern slides of objects in the Museum's time measurement collection. Also includes an invitation to a private view of Huygens' pendulum clock, and a photographic postcard of the Dover Castle clock.
Handwritten, typescript and printed.
Loose leaflets showing various clocks and their specifications, brochures, three photographs, Dr Shenton's chronologically arranged handwritten list of clocks. Also includes related correspondence.
Main dial: dark-blue background to corners, small orange flowers with bird and gold ends, bird centre.
Main dial: gold with green ends corners.
Main dial: gold flowers corners, scene of "cottage cares" in breakarch.
Main dial: gold flowers corners, scene of "cottage cares" in breakarch.
Main dial: green background, red roses, corners gold ends. Hemispheres: maps.
Main dial: peaches and gold band corners, maps.
Main dial: signature scroll-like ribbon across dial centre, four continents, well painted, distinct style corners. Hemispheres: vague words and doves of peace, gold band edges.
Two moon dials, refferring to 509 and 516.
Main dial: some gold geometric corners, gold leaf heavy shells centre, odd checkerboard gold leaf black equator. Hemispheres: blodgy maps.
Main dial: gold flowers in corners, gritty paint, worlds with dove of peace, scalloped gold edges in humps. Hemispheres: scalloped gold edges.
Main dial: cottages and castles corners, one windmill and one cottage dial centre, vague worlds and dove of peace humps.
Main dial: gold flowers in corners, gritty paint, worlds with dove of peace, scalloped gold edges in humps. Hemispheres: scalloped gold edges.
Main dial: gold flowers in corners, gritty paint, worlds with dove of peace, scalloped gold edges in humps. Hemispheres: scalloped gold edges.
Main dial: green background, red roses, corners gold ends. Hemispheres: maps.
Main dial: peaches and gold band corners, maps.
Main dial: signature scroll-like ribbon across dial centre, four continents, well painted, distinct style corners. Hemispheres: vague words and doves of peace, gold band edges.
Main dial: gold flowers in corners with feathers. Hemispheres: gold dove of peace, gold scalloped edges, humps.
Main dial: some gold geometric corners, gold leaf heavy shells centre, odd checkerboard gold leaf black equator. Hemispheres: blodgy maps.
Images of dials made by Samuel Baker and Samuel Baker & Son, Birmingham dial makers active around 1826–50.
Main dial: deer in corners, two ruins centre.
Main dial: square breakarch, 8 eight-day, well painted swans in corners.
Main dial: gold under tulips corners, small dial, poor condition.
Main dial: theatre building in arch, four-season corners. Was labelled as DR11 and DR11a.
Main dial: theatre building in arch, four-season corners. Was labelled as DR11 and DR11a.
Main dial: gold flowers, black outlines. False plate: stamped sheet iron.
Main dial: sheep with background in corners. Hemispheres: one cottage, one church.
Main dial: four continents corners, [seated dark-skinned figure]. Hemispheres: girls under trees in humps.
Main dial: navy blue background and orange vetch corners, rather blue worlds, dove of peace humps.
Original article from The Antique Dealer and Collectors' Guide (November 1980), pp. 93–95.
Includes Sabrier's articles "Une Montre Expérimentale de Ferdinand Berthoud" and "Un Échappement a Roue de Rencontre sur Deux Niveaux", photographs and relates correspondence. Also includes papers relating to Pasquale Andervalt gas-wound clock.
Fragment of an original article from Journal Suisse d'Horologerie et de Bijouterie: Revue de la Société Suisse de Chronométrie (n.d.), p. 159. Also includes first page of "La pierre d'horologerie".
Handwritten extracts from volumes 1–36 of the fire policy register MS 7255, including an alphabetical name index and individual policy details.
Handwritten extracts from volumes 46–83 of the fire policy register MS 7254, including an alphabetical name index and individual policy details. Volumes 1-45 of this series do not survive.
Handwritten extracts from volumes 1–98 of the fire policy register MS 7253, including an alphabetical name index and individual policy details.
Handwritten extracts from volumes 1–7 of the fire policy register MS 7252, including an alphabetical name index and individual policy details.
Bound printed alphabetical list of names of clockmakers, watchmakers, jewellers and other horology-related professionals, compiled by R.F. Carrington from four series of fire policy registers of the Royal Exchange Assurance Company (The London Archives ref. CLC/B/107/02/MS07252–MS07255). Gives name, policy register volume number, placename and occupation.
Original article from Antique Collector (December 1958), pp. 211–220.
Original article from The Antique Dealer and Collectors' Guide (November 1978), pp. 114–116.
File marked RC5 and annotated "Roger's father's sketches for various projects" and "Dad's sketches etc, all undated and for various projects". Includes handwritten notes and rough sketches of clock elements and movements.
Includes typewritten letters, extracts from journal articles, and nine photographs and drawings. Also includes letter from Instituto e Museo di Storia della Scienza, Florence, Italy.
Original article from The Antique Collector (1955), pp. 220–221.
Two copies of an original article from The Antique Dealer and Collectors' Guide (November 1974), pp. 76–77.
This collection comprises research papers compiled by Tom Robinson. They include subject files relating to clocks of various types and provenances and to individual makers, as well as photographs.
Robinson, TomFile marked RC13/3. Includes correspondence, descriptions, journal articles, photographs and negatives relating to Robin-type escapement (Robert Robin, 1742-1799 was a French clockmaker and inventor of the combined anchor-spring escapement). Also includes a copy of Horlogerie Ancienne (December 1978).
Eight pages. Includes information about a silver pair-cased watch from 1789 and three pedometers.