Main dial: four apostles (plates on head), thin painting. Rare date dial. Hemispheres: maps.
Main dial: off-white four continents, well and distinctively painted - not usual sort. Hemispheres: North America, ecliptic below equator. False plate: cast iron.
Main dial: bright, well-painted four continents corners, gold band. Hemispheres: maps. False plate: cast iron.
Main dial: shell corners, gold leaf roses and oval motif in breakarch. False plate: cast iron.
Moon faces: round eyes, red nose and cheeks, smiling. Moon scenes: Duke of Wellington; small boat at sea.
Moon faces: supercillious. Moon scenes: ship at sea; ruined tower on hill.
Moon faces: red cheeks and nose. Moon scenes: ship at sea; ruined tower on hill.
Moon faces: jolly-looking, red cheeks. Moon scenes: ship with lateen sail; landscape with red church house.
Moon faces: small faced moon. Moon scenes: peanut boat; windmill.
Moon faces: slightly surprised. Moon scenes: ships at sea; square Georgian house.
Moon faces: dotted eyebrows, red cheeks and nose. Moon scenes: small ship; mansion with pine trees.
Main dial: very rare level Roman, green background to corners, roses and auriculas, cherries in centre.
Main dial: very rare level Roman, green background to corners, roses and auriculas, cherries in centre.
Main dial: very rare level Roman, green background to corners, roses and auriculas, cherries in centre.
Main dial: slightly bluish, white heavy flowers in corners and dial centre.
Main dial: off-white geometric corners with details, long-tailed birds in centre. False plate: cast iron.
Images of dials made by Eli Fenton, a Birmingham dial maker active in 1807–31.
Photocopy typescript. With a cover letter from the AHS addressed to Dr Ward.
Includes correspondence, photocopies of eighteenth- and nineteenth-century newspaper extracts, and cutouts of catalogue listings.
Original article from The Antique Dealer and Collectors' Guide (February 1953), pp. 14–16.
Original article from The Antique Dealer and Collectors' Guide (May 1952), pp. 23–25.
Original article from The Antique Dealer and Collectors' Guide (July 1961), pp. 38–40.
Original article from La Suisse Horlogère (October 1954), pp. 1–30.
Original article from Journal Suisse d'Horologerie et de Bijouterie: Revue de la Société Suisse de Chronométrie (September/October 1947), pp. 386–391. Annotated '80'.
Original article in English with the original German version, from Antique Finder (April 1973), pp. 50–54.
Original article from The Antique Dealer and Collectors' Guide (October 1987), pp. 70–71.
Original article from The Antique Collector (May 1975), pp. 37–40.
Original article from The Connoisseur (1902), pp. 191–193.
Original article in three parts from Apollo (March 1952, May 1952, January 1953). Also includes page 116 from The Connoisseur (n.d.) with a short note about a Bradley clock.
Original identical articles from Antique Collecting (May 1973), pp. 29–31, and Antique Finder, vol. 14 no. 4 (April 1973), pp. 36–38.
Original article about locks [sic] from The Connoisseur Year Book (1957), pp. 100–108.
Original article from The Antique Dealer and Collectors' Guide (August 1981), pp. 42–44.
Original article from The Antique Dealer and Collectors' Guide (October 1984), pp. 51–53.
Original article from Antique Collecting, vol. 17 no. 9 (February 1983), pp. 12–15.
Original article from The Antique Collector (May 1976), pp. 42–45.
Original article from The Antique Dealer and Collectors' Guide, vol. 13 no. 9 (April 1959), pp. 22–24. Includes issue cover.
Original article from The Antiques Journal (April 1970), pp. 16–23. Also includes issue cover.
Original article from The Antique Dealer and Collectors' Guide (October 1986), pp. 58–61.
File marked RC6. Includes typewritten and handwritten alphabetical lists of Essex clock and watchmakers, a list of turret and other public clocks in Essex arranged alphabetically by placename, and two issues of Transactions of Chigwell Local History Society (number 1, 1970 and number 2, 1974).
Original article from Journal Suisse d'Horologerie et de Bijouterie: Revue de la Société Suisse de Chronométrie (n.d.), pp. 675–677 and 678–682. Annotated '92'.
Original article from Journal Suisse d'Horologerie et de Bijouterie: Revue de la Société Suisse de Chronométrie (n.d.), pp. 428–434.
Original article from Antique Collector (February 1961), pp. 3–11.
This collection comprises results of decades of Jeremy Evans’ horological research, including notebooks, assorted files on specific clockmakers, and a database of horological information extracted from seventeenth- and eighteenth-century newspapers, most notably a complete record of Daily Advertiser from the beginning of the eighteenth century to c.1753.
Evans, JeremyOriginal article about barometers from The World of Antiques no. 2 (Autumn 1989), pp. 36–37.
Photocopy of an article in two parts from The Chartered Mechanical Engineer (February and April 1978), pp. 80–81 and 85–90 respectively.
Original article from Antiques (January 1985), pp. 237–244.
Includes letters, three press cuttings, and 17 photographs and photographic postcards.
The exhibition took place at the Science Museum, London, in May–August 1964. The forms include detailed description of exhibits (mainly bracket and longcase clocks), lenders' names and addresses, delivery arrangements and insurance values.
Photocopy of two news pages, including articles on "Honors for the Trade", "Casket for the American Ambassador" and "The Silver Market".
Original article from Antique Collector (October 1975), pp. 28–31.
Original article from Antique Collecting, vol. 17 no. 10 (March 1983), pp. 33–35.
Original article from The Antique Collector (October 1982), pp. 104–105.
This series contains a typescript volume of Honeybone family history.
Original article from The Antique Dealer and Collectors' Guide (July 1949), pp. 24–25.
Original article from The Antique Dealer and Collectors' Guide (February 1949), pp. 21–23.
Original article from The Antique Dealer and Collectors' Guide (March 1949), pp. 22–24.
Original article from The Antique Dealer and Collectors' Guide (May 1949), pp. 24–26.
Original article from The Antique Dealer and Collectors' Guide (January 1949), pp. 13–15.
Original article from Antique Collector (April 1963), pp. 86–87. One of the fans features a depiction of a clock.
Original article from Art & Antiques (25 February 1978), pp. 20–21.
Original article about the late seventeenth-century London clockmakers and their bracket clocks, from The Antique Collector (April 1991), pp. 77–80. Includes antique clock dealers' advertisement pages and issue cover.
Original article from Journal Suisse d'Horologerie et de Bijouterie: Revue de la Société Suisse de Chronométrie (n.d.), pp. 364–366. Annotated '81'.
Original article from La Suisse Horlogère (June 1957), pp. 45–52.
Original article from Antique Collector (April 1979), pp. 64–67.
Main dial: dirty, geometric corners. Hemispheres: maps. False plate: cast iron.
A black comedy directed by Sam Walters, performed at The Orange Tree Theatre (Richmond, Surrey) and Stephen Joseph Theatre (Scarborough) in March–May 2001.
Photocopy of an article about watch-chains from Antique Collector (September 1977), pp. 68–69.
Original article from Apollo Industrial Magazine, vol. 1 no. 2 (February 1981), p. 10.
Images of dials made by Francis Byrne, a Birmingham dial maker active there in 1772–77 and in London in the 1780s and 1790s.
Main dial: off-white, four-seasons corners, heavy-thighed ladies, painted up to edge. Hemispheres: good maps. False plate: cast iron.
Main dial: blue-grey, Wilson-style roses but odd leaves, gesso-framed corners, cherries and small blue flowers in centre. Hemispheres: early maps, North America, eclyptic below equator, very wide. False plate: four long feet.
Main dial: blue-grey, tulip and semidouble rose in corners, odd birds with willow branch dial centre. Hemispheres: distinctive maps, same as Ashwin, flowers overlap maps.
Main dial: off-white, blowsy roses and anemonies. Hemispheres: maps.
Main dial: blue-grey, corners Byrne type but more elaborate, cornucopia in breakarch, lots of gesso. False plate: cast iron.
Main dial: blue-grey, scythe and hourglass corners in red and blue, complicated scrolling in breakarch, vignette with Cybele, mother goddess of Phrygia, elaborate gesso framing, gilded winding hole.
Main dial: eight-day arched, autumn lady (Ceres?) high oval breakarch, fancy gesso, morning glories and dianthus, well painted, very fine dial floral corners.
Main dial: blue-grey, gesso circles with motif in middle, mid-green with dots around this, gesso dot-framed corners, girl with wineglass in high oval, elaborate gesso scrolling either side. False plate: cast iron.
Main dial: off-white, fan corners with straight gesso framing, gold wiggly line outside centre, dot gesso, high oval with ruins in breakarch, roses either side. False plate: four long feet.
Main dial: pale blue-grey, gesso circles with swags and flat gold urns in corners, girl going to market in high oval, well-painted open gesso swags either side.
Main dial: blue-grey, roundels with scrumbly green centres corners and gesso wheatsheafs. Centre gesso motif high oval with girl breakarch lots of wheatsheaf, gesso in breakarch. False plate: cast iron, not Wilson.
Main dial: blue grey Britannia with lion in arch, gesso to side, red medium birds corners tops, nests bottom.
Main dial: off-white, slightly blue, green fan corners edged in pink, low oval gold-framed with thighed Britannia and lion, moss roses either side. False plate: cast iron.
Main dial: off-white, slightly blue, green fan corners edged in pink, low oval gold-framed with thighed Britannia and lion, moss roses either side. False plate: cast iron. Picture also shows the magnificent case.
Main dial: pale blue-grey, gesso spandrel-like corners, garland in centre, low gesso framed oval with cottage and landscape, gesso swags at either side. False plate: cast iron.
Main dial: pale blue-grey, gesso spandrel-like corners, garland in centre, low gesso framed oval with cottage and landscape, gesso swags at either side. False plate: cast iron.
Moon dial faces: rather surprised. Moon scenes: tall ship at sea; landscape with pointed roof to house church in distance.
Moon faces: look quite happy. Moon scenes: two land scenes, one with tower and lake.
Moon dial faces: pink faces, squinty eyes, similar to Wilson. Moon scenes: ship at sea; landscape with two figures, church and bare branch on left.
Main dial: pale blue-grey, wide oval shape, rather bold garlands with roses either side, low oval, gold-banded, containing the battle of Nile. False plate: cast iron.
Main dial: pale blue-grey, wide oval shape, rather bold garlands with roses either side, low oval, gold-banded, containing the battle of the Nile, maybe done to commemorate The Battle of the Nile of 1 August 1798. False plate: cast iron.
Main dial: pale blue-grey, wide oval shape, rather bold garlands with roses either side, low oval, gold-banded, containing the battle of Nile. False plate: cast iron.
Main dial: blue-grey, dianthus and honeysuckle corners, gesso framed, peach in dial centre, rose and dianthus or carnation in breakarch, vigorous style.
Main dial: off-white, floral corners, gold leaf framing, large Byrne-type flowers in breakarch. Fine dial, good Byrne work. False plate: cast iron, factor's name.
Main dial: blue-grey green background to rose painted corners. Minature scenes similar to W. Tench Stourport, basket of flowers breakarch (see 666 Thompson, wheatsheaf gesso square dial
Main dial: blue-grey, convolvulus and lily in gesso framed corners, rose and aster in breakarch. False plate: cast iron.
Main dial: blue-grey, lily and ?; gesso-framed corners, flowers in basket including rose in breakarch, vigorous style.
Main dial: blue-grey, almost Finnemore-style corners with gold and convolvulus corners, no gesso, very blowsy bunch of flowers including rose in breakarch. False plate: cast iron.
Main dial: off-white, shepherd boy with fat sheep in top dial centre, fine wreath on outside, "345" on back of dial.
Main dial: pale blue-grey, long-tailed bird and rose in dial centre. Interesting early dial; I decided to let Turton's name stand as nothing of Rayner's work was left. False plate: cast iron, Wilson.