Original article from The Antique Dealer and Collectors' Guide (August 1977), pp. 66–70.
Original article from The Antique Dealer and Collectors' Guide (September 1972), pp. 98–101.
Part 1: Clock with automatons. Original articles from an unidentified publication.
Original article about the Ruth Allison Lilly watch collection, from The Connoisseur (December 1973), pp. 279–284.
Original article from The Connoisseur (May 1972), pp. 36–46.
Original article about Hans Holbein's painting from The Antique Collector (November 1974), pp. 42–45.
Photocopy, pasted into a notebook, of an article published in The Quarterly Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society vol. 28.
Original articles from Antique Collecting (April 1998), pp. 14–17 and 18–23.
This collection comprises over 2,000 framed 35mm colour slides with images of clock dials made mainly but not exclusively by Birmingham makers, taken by Frances Tennant. It also includes four boxes of index cards compiled by her, which were the original finding aids and which have been used in the compilation of this catalogue. The occasionally quirky descriptions of the dials are Frances Tennant's own.
Tennant, FrancesOriginal article from The Antique Collector (February 1962), pp. 37–42.
Original article from The Antique Collector (April 1984), pp. 13–16. Also includes clock and watch dealers' advertisements and issue cover.
Original article from The Antique Dealer and Collectors' Guide (September 1953), pp. 33–35.
Typescript and printed. Also includes notes, handwritten on the backs of unrelated correspondence.
Delivered at a Northern Section meeting on 11th May. Copy of an article published in Antiquarian Horology.
Original article about the evolution of mystery clocks from Art & Antiques Weekly (26 January 1980), pp. 19–22. Also includes horological dealers' directory and issue cover.
Original article from Antiques Weekly (12 June 1971), pp. 23–26.
Original article about the Sotheby sale of a newly discovered Tompion clock and a James Condliff skeleton clock from The Times (28 June 2003).
Original article from Antique Collecting (March 1995), pp. 9–12.
Original article from Discovering Antiques no. 78 (1971), pp. 1858–1862.
Original article about Swatch wrist watches from The Times Saturday Review (30 November 1991), p. 32.
Includes handwritten notes, some on scrap paper; a typescript report on a rebuild of a thirty-hour old English longcase clock; correspondence with Reigate and Banstead Borough Council re. longcase clock signed William Budgen; descriptions of an electric wall clock signed "F. Booker Forest Hill" and a multi-dial wall regulator made in 1899 by Arthur Kinder, etc.
Original article from The Antique Dealer and Collectors' Guide (September 1951), pp. 21–23.
Includes an extract from Vitruvius on sundials and waterclocks, a journal page showing "A Strange House in Fex", articles from Newles Practical Mechanics, pages from The Antique Dealer and Collectors' Guide; letters from the Moroccan Embassy in London, The Science Museum, and Prof. Paul D. Espinasse of Hull University, handwritten notes and sketches, and 20 photographs and photographic postcards.
Bound printed alphabetical list of names of clockmakers, watchmakers, jewellers and other horology-related professionals, compiled by R.F. Carrington from the policy registers of the Country Department of the Sun Life Insurance Company (now Sun Insurance Office Ltd; The London Archives ref. CLC/B/192/F/003/MS11937). Gives name, policy register volume number, placename and occupation.
Handwritten extracts from volumes 400–527 of policy register series MS 11937, including an alphabetical name index and individual policy details.
Handwritten extracts from volumes 301–399 of policy register series MS 11937, including an alphabetical name index and individual policy details.
Handwritten extracts from volumes 200–300 of policy register series MS 11937, including an alphabetical name index and individual policy details.
Handwritten extracts from volumes 100–199 of policy register series MS 11937, including an alphabetical name index and individual policy details.
Handwritten extracts from volumes 1–99 of policy register series MS 11937, including an alphabetical name index and individual policy details.
Handwritten extracts from volumes 500–555 of policy register series MS 11936, including an alphabetical name index and individual policy details.
Handwritten extracts from volumes 400–499 of policy register series MS 11936, including an alphabetical name index and individual policy details.
Handwritten extracts from volumes 300–399 of policy register series MS 11936, including an alphabetical name index and individual policy details.
Handwritten extracts from volumes 202–299 of policy register series MS 11936, including an alphabetical name index and individual policy details.
Handwritten extracts from volumes 101–195 of policy register series MS 11936, including an alphabetical name index and individual policy details.
Handwritten extracts from volumes 1–100 of policy register series MS 11936, including an alphabetical name index and individual policy details.
Original article about alarm clocks from The Sunday Times Magazine (7 February 1988), pp. 64–65.
Bound photocopy of an HMSO publication, subtitled "comprising determination and division of time, dialling, clocks, watches and other time-keepers". Includes a circular from The Patent Office Library about its transfer to the British Library.
The subject files contain correspondence, publications, notes and photographs
This series contains alphabetically arranged subject files of correspondence, photographs, drawings, press cuttings and publications relating mainly to remarkable European clocks.
3 b/w mounted photographs, captioned.
Original article in two parts from The Watch and Clock Journal (n.d.), pp. 21–25 and 48–53.
Original article about lantern clocks, from The Antique Collector (February 1981), pp. 68–72.
Includes a typewritten letter and an article on "The Strasbourg Clocks", and ten photographs and photographic postcards.
Large folder of booklets, articles, patents, circulars, notes, photographs, transparency slides and related correspondence.
Original article from The Antique Dealer and Collectors' Guide (October 1984), pp. 68–70.
Printed and typescript.
Photocopy of an article from Practical Craft (March 1994), pp. 56–58.
Includes a photocopy of an article on "The Description and Use of a Table-Clock" by Benjamin Martin (1704–182), scientific instrument maker, and related correspondence; and Lord Spencer's correspondence with Colonel Quill regarding clocks by Thomas Mudge, with photographs.
Also includes press release regarding sale of Important Clocks and Watches (n.d.).
Original article about treasures sold in auctions, including a spherical astrolabe, from The Antique Dealer and Collectors' Guide, vol. 17 no. 6 (January 1963), pp. 39–41.
Original article from The Connoisseur (May 1971), pp. 13–22.
Original articles from Antique Finder (April 1973), pp. 40–43 and 44–47.
Original article from The Connoisseur (June 1920), pp. 89–92.
Original article from The Antique Dealer and Collectors' Guide (January 1982), pp. 49–52.
Original article from The Antique Dealer and Collectors' Guide (July 1951), pp. 26–28.
Original article from The Antique Dealer and Collectors' Guide (June 1951), pp. 42–44.
Original article from Apollo (December 1949), pp. 169–171.
Original article from The Connoisseur, vol. 70 no. 280 (December 1924), pp. 205–214.
Original article from The Connoisseur (February 1965), pp. 73–80.
Original article from The Antique Collector (June 1937), pp. 150–153.
Original article from Endeavour (April 1955), pp. 90–94.
Original article from The Connoisseur (August 1924), pp. 214–221.
Original article from Antique Collecting, vol. 21 no. 3 (July/August 1986), p. 59–61.
Original article from The Antique Dealer and Collectors' Guide (April 1970), pp. 69–75. Also includes a short editorial article about The Guildhall Museum and the Clockmakers' Company.
Includes a single typewritten letter.
Original article from Antique Collecting, vol. 9 no. 7 (November 1974), pp. 14–17.
Contains annotated sketch.
Original article from The Connoisseur, vol. 27 no. 108 (August 1910), pp. 231–240.
Complete original issue of theClocks supplement of The Antique Collector magazine (April 1985), pp. 13–15.
Typescript. Two copies.
Original article from The Antique Dealer and Collectors' Guide (June 1981), pp. 75–78.
Edwin Robert Sills (d. 1943) of Tottenham was a watch and chronometer finisher. File includes handwritten letters and an extract from the Clockmakers' Library Catalogue.
Original article about a Geneva sale, from Christie's International Magazine, vol. 8 no. 12 (May/June 1992), pp. 23–24.
Original article from The Antiques Journal (17 July 1960), pp. 15–17.
This collection comprises horological papers collected by Dr Alan Shenton and his wife Rita Shenton. It contains mostly printed material, such as books, journals, catalogues, brochures, advertisements, photographs and collectibles, but some original research notes and correspondence are also present.
Shenton, AlanPhotocopy of an article from Country Life (26 February 1987), pp. 72–75. Includes "List of known stained-glass sundials in windows".
Makers' surnames include: Yarwell, Yates, Yeates, Yeadon, Yeoman, Yoakley, York, Young, Zouch.
Makers' surnames include: Wogden, Wolfull, Wolverstone, Wolverton, Wood, Woodham, Woodhouse, Woodland, Woodman, Woods, Woodward, Woodard, Woolhead, Woollerton, Wootton, Worley, Wornell, Worsfold, Worswick, Worthey, Worthington, Wrench, Wrigglesworth, Wright, Wright & Sellon, Wroth, Wych, Wich, Wyld, Wylder, Wyllie, Wynell, Wynn, Wynne, Wyth.
Makers' surnames include: Witham, Wickstead, Whittyat, Whitwell, Wiege, Wightman, Wightwick, Wightwick & Moss, Wigley, Wikelman, Wilbraham, Wilcocks, Wild, Wilkins, Wilkinson, Will, Willats, Willett, Williams, Williamson, Willioc, Willis [?], Willoughby, Wills, Willsnam, Wilmot, Wilmott, Willmott, Wilmshurst, Wilsdon, Wilsman, Wilsmore, Wilson, Wilter, Wimble, Wimple, Winder, Windsor, Wing, Wingfield, Winkels, Winnell, Wynnell, Winrow, Winrowe, Wint, Winter, Wirgman, Wise, Wiseman, Wickell, Witchell, Whichwell, Witcher, Witham, Withers, Withill, Withy.
Makers' surnames include: Weasles, Weaver, Webb, Webster, Weedon, Weeks, Welbeck, Welch, Welsh, Weldon, Welldon, Weller, Wellit, Wellman, Wells, Weleys, Wentworth, West, Westbrook, Westenham, Westlaws, Westley, Westoby, Weston, Westwood, Weyandt, Weyanett, Weyat, Weyar [?], Weylandt, Wheatley, Wheeler, Wheelwright, Whichcote, Whiston, White, Whitefield, Whitehead, Whitehouse, Whitehurst, Whitham, Whiting, Whitlache, Whitley, Whittern, Whittit, Whittle.
Makers' surnames include: W[...], Wade, Wady, Wager, Wagstaff, Wagstaffe, Wainwright, Wait, Waite, Wayte, Waits, Waldron, Walker, Wall, Wallen, Walley, Wallis, Walpole, Walsh, Walthall, Waneman, Warburton, Ward, Ware, Wareing, Warfield, Waring, Warne, Warren, Warrington, Warwick, Washbourn, Washburn, Washington, Wasland, Wass, Wat[…], Watkins, Watson, Watt, Watts, Way.
Makers' surnames include: Valance, Vale, Valentine, Vallant, Valle, Vallet, Valette, Vallois, Vallon, Valve, Van Ceule, Vandemire, Vandenhurk, Vandergucht, Van Leeuwen, Van Sas, Van Somer, Van Spicht, Van Stryp, Varney, Vaucanson, Vaugnion, Vauguion, Vaulove, Volove, Vautrollier, Vautyer, Veere, Venables, Vermeulen, Vernon, Vertue, Vetter, Viel, Vial, Viet, Vigne, Villepierre, Villers, Viner, Virtue, Vitall, Vitu, Vokes, Voter alias Furley, Vowell, Voyce, Vrijthoff, Vulliamy.
Makers' surnames include: Ufford, Underwood, Unwin, Upham, Upjohn, Uring, Urings, Utting.
Makers' surnames include: To[...], Todd, Tolson, Tollison [?], Tombs, Tomkin, Tomkins, Tomlin, Tomlinson, Tompion, Tomson, Ton, Topping, Torado, Torboch, Torin, Torrop, Tortore, Toulmin, Towler, Towne, Townele, Townsend, Tracy, Travis, Tree [?], Trebor, Tregent, Tregidgeon, Trenholm, Trent, Trestam, Tribe, Trigge, Triggs, Trinall, Trippett, Trosillon, Trossy, Trout, Trowe, Trubshaw, Trusted, Tucker, Tuckey, Tudman, Turner, Turquand, Tuttell, Tyler.
Makers' surnames include: A. T., Talman, Tamson, Tomson [?], Tanner, Tanqueray, Tapscot, Farbock [Tarbock], Tarles, Tarleton, Tarr, Tarts, Tash, Taverner, Tawny, Tawney, Tayley, Taylor, Tayler, Telfer, Tempesaar, Tennett, Tennant [?], Terold, Terrier, Terrot & Thuillier, Terroux, Terry, Tesells [?], Thache, Theobold, Thierry, Thiolet, Thomas, Thomasson, Thomegay, Thompson, Thomson, Thorn, Thorne, Thornborough, Thornburgh, Thornton, Threlkeld, Thurayte, Thuret, Thwing, Tickell, Tiger [?], Tikschaw, Tiller, Tillier, Tills, Tilly, Timms, Timpson, Titzchkau.
Makers' surnames include: Stacey, Stafford & Briscoe, Stafford, Stamp, Stamper, Stanch, Stang, Stanhope, Stanley, Stansbury, Stanton, Stapleton, Staynor, Stead, Stebbing, Stede, Stedman, Steed, Steel, Steel & Co., Steele, Sterck, Stevens, Stephens, Sterrop, Stevenson, Stephenson, Stiles, Still, Stil, Stillings, Stilton, Stimson, Stock, Stockar, Stockdale, Stockton, Stokes, Stone, Stopes, Storr, Storer, Storey, Story, Strahan, Stratton, Street, Streight, Strek, Strelly, Stretch, Strigel, Strigner, Stroud, Stuard, Stumbels, Sturges, Sturgis, Stiles, Stile, Style, Styles, Sugar, Sully, Summerson, Summerset, Somerset, Sumner, Sumpter, Sunley, Suster, Sutton, Swan, Swayne, Swithen, Symonds, Symons.
Makers' surnames include: Smallman, Smallpage, Smallwood, Smart, Smelt, Smith, Smyth, Smith & Wingfield, Smith & Wooden, Smithyes, Smorthwaite, Smoult, Snelling, Snow, Sofflaw, Soffleow, Soldano, Somersall, Somerson, Sones, Soret, South, Southam, Sowtheby, Sotheby [?], Soyer, Sparke, Sparkes, Sparrow, Speakman, Spence, Spencer, Spiegel, Sprigg.
Makers' surnames include: Shadly, Shadwell, Shallcross, Sharenbeck, Sharpe, Sharp, Sharplin, Sharpy, Sharrat, Shaw, Sheafe, Shearwood, Sheilds, Sheldrake, Shelton, Shepard, Sheppard, Shepley, Shergold, Sherley, Shervey, Sherwood, Shield, Shindler, Shingler, Shipton, Shirley, Shore, Shoertgrave, Shotten, Shrimpton, Shrowsbridge, Shucksborough, Shuckford, Shuckforth, Shute, Shuttleworth, Sibley, Siddell, Sidey [Yedis ?], Sidley, Sidney, Silvers, Silvester, Sylvester, Simkins, Simpkins, Simmons, Simon, Simpkinson, Simpson, Sims, Simms, Sinclair, Singleton, Sisson, Skargell, Sheggs, Skelton, Skikelthorpe, Skinner, Slack, Slade, Slan, Slatter, Slingsby, Sly.
Makers' surnames include: S[…], Sadleir, Sadler, Saft, Sainsbury, Sale, Salisbury, Salmon, Sambrook, Sampson, Samson, Sanders, Sanderson, Saunderson, Saunders, Satchell, Savage, Savell, Savery, Savidge, Saville, Savile, Savil, Sawyer, Sayer, Scafe, Scales, Scatliff, Scarfe, Schaeffer, Scheiner, Scheks, Schegs, Schmizt, Scholefield, Schofield, Scholes, Schultz, Science, Scott, Scrivener, Seabrook, Seagrave, Seale, Seawell, Sebire, Seddon, Sedgwick, Seeley, Seguier, Sellers, Seller, Sellon, Sellwood, Senesse, Senex, Serjeant, Sergent, Sarjant, Sergeant, Sargent, Serner, Serre, Servas, Servaniere, Sewell, Sewel, Seydell, Seymore, Seamore, Seymour, Seyton.
Makers' surnames include: Ribright, Riccord, Rice, Rich, Richard, Richards, Richardson, Richson, Riddlesdon, Rigaud, Riley, Rimbault, Ring, Riplin, Risben, Risdon, Rival, Rivers, Rix, Robarts, Roberdeau, Roberts, Robertson, Robins, Robinson, Robotham, Roden, Rodet, Rogers, Rodger, Rogerson, Rollaway, Romilly, Romley, Rommieu, Rooker / Wrooker, Rooksby, Roper, Rose, Roseamond, Ross, Roth, Rothbottom, Rothram, Roubell, Rouguet, Roughley, Roumieu, Rousseau, Russeau, Rausseau, Rout, Rowe, Rowley, Rowning, Rowte, Roy, Roycroft, Rudd, Rudge, Rudhal, Rule, Rumsey, Russel, Russell, Ruth, Rycroft, Ryland, Rylands.
Makers' surnames include: A. R., Rabe, Rabby, Radford, Ragg, Paynisford, Rainsford, Raynsford, Ram, Ramsden, Ran, Ranals, Ranales, Rand, Randell, Ranson, Rant, Rape, Rapson, Rasanwarne [Rawsthorne ?], Rasberry, Raules, Ravenshaw, Rawlings, Rawlinson, Raworth, Rey, Ray, Rayment, Raymond, Rayne, Rayner, Read, Reader, Reaplin, Recordon, Reddish, Redknap, Redol, Reeve, Reeves, Regard, Regiem, Reigem, Reilly, Reipolt, Reith, Renou, Renow, Rewalling, Reyendorff, Reym, Reynolds, Rhodes.
Makers' surnames include: Prentis, Presbury, Preston, Prestwood, Prethy, Prevost, Price, Prideaux, Pridham, Prigg, Priggs, Prince, Print, Prior, Pritchard, Privett, Proquate, Prou, Prusen, Pryor, Pryer, Puckridge, Pugh, Puller, Pumell, Puplet, Puplett, Purden, Purdy, Purnell, Pyke, Pike, Quelch, Quenovault, Quick, Quinholt.
Makers' surnames include: Phelipper, Philipon, Phelippon, Phelps, Phillips, Phillipson, Phippard, Phipps, Pipp, Picket, Pearce, Pierce, Peirce, Pierssene, Pigney, Pingo, Pink, Pinkston, Pinney, Pynhee [?], Pinnock, Pires, Piron, Pistor, Pitcher, Pitman, Pits, Pittney, Place, Plank, Planner, Platt, Plat, Player, Plaire, Pleydell, Pluet, Plumbe, Plumbtree, Plumley, Plummer, Pluvier, Podneau, Pohlman, Poisson, Polimer, Pollack, Poloux, Polton, Pomeroy, Pomroy, Pomfret, Poncet, Pons, Pool, Poole, Pope, Poplitt, Porter, Portescue, Posfond, Ponsford [?], Porter, Post, Pothenot, Pottecary, Potter, Pott, Potts, Pots, Poulinge, Poulton, Powell, Powel, Poy, Proy, Poynes.
Makers' surnames include: Peachy, Peachey, Peacock, Pearson, Peirson, Pierson, Peckham, Pedler, Pegg, Peke, Pellettier, Pellour, Penavayre, Penkethman, Penlease, Penton, Penn, Pennington, Penny, Penticross [Pentecost ?], Penton, Pepfenhauser, Pepin, Pepper [?], Pepys, Percival, Perier, Perigal, Perrigal, Perkins, Perries, Perrin, Perins, Perrins, Perry, Perry & Price, Peters, Peterson, Petit, Petty, Pew, Peyton.
Makers' surnames include: J. P., John P[...], W. P., Packe, Padbury, Page, Paget, Paillet, Pailatt, Pain, Pallplat, Palmer, Pampillon, Pank, Pantin, Pape, Papillon, Paradise, Parbury, Pard, Pardoe, Parker, Parkes, Parks, Parkes & King, Parkinson & Frodsham, Parquot, Perquit, Parr, Parratt, Parsons, Partin, Parton, Partridge, Paterson, Patterson, Patrick, Pattison, Paul, Paulet, Paulson, Pauseau, Pay, Payne.