Makers' surnames include: Daniel, Davis, Davison, Day, Debenham, Debnam, De Charmes, Delaunce, Delance, Dene, Dent, Denton, Derve, Dewe, Dickerson, Dingley, Dobson, Dorling, Dorrell, Dorrill, Draper, Drew, Drury, Duchesne / Du Chesne, Duhamel, Dunlop, Dupont, Dutton, Dwerihouse / Dwerryhouse.
Makers' surnames include: Gardner, Garfoot, Garon, Gascoigne, Gatton, Gavell, Gavelle, Gazuet, Gibbs, Gill, Giroust, Glazior, Glover, Goddard, Goode, Goodman, Gould, Grant, Gratte, Gravell & Tolkein, Gray, Gray & Vulliamy, Green, Gregg, Gregory, Gribelin, Griffith, Grimes, Grimwade.
Makers' surnames include: Irland, Ireland, Irving, Ismay.
Makers' surnames include: Sadler, Saer, Sagar, Sampson, Savage, Scafe, Schofield, Scott, Seddon, Sellers, Sewell, Seymour, Shaw, Shelton, Shepard, Simcock, Simcox, Simmons, Skeggs, Skilmore, Smith, Smithyes, Smyth, Snelling, Snow, Soldano, Sparkes, Speakman, Spencer & Perkins, Spinney, Spurgin, Stanton, Stearn, Stedman, Steele, Steevens, Stevens, Stevenson, Still, Stillwell, Stock, Stockar, Stock, Stocke, Stokes, Stone, Storr, Stretch, Stringer, Stubb, Stubbs, Style.
Makers' surnames include: Tantum, Taylor, Thatcher, Thompson, Thorne, Thornton, Threlkeld, Thwaites, Tipling, Tolley, Tomlinson, Tortore, Toulmin, Tracy, Trail, Traunter, Trattle, Tregent, Trigg, Trigge, Trippett, Trout, Trubshaw, Tucker, Turnbull, Twigg, Tyler.
Makers' surnames include: Uffington, Urquhart, Utting, Vale, Valentine, Vans, Vauloux, Vernon, Vick, Viens, Viet, Vincent, Vines, Vise, Vulliamy, Vulliamy & Gray.
Makers' surnames include: Wade, Wadleton, Wady, Waldron, Walker, Walley, Ward, Warden, Washbourn, Wasson, Watson, Watts, Wattson, Webb, Weller, Wells, Westoby, Wheeler, Whichcote, White, Whitebread, Whittaker, Whittingham, Wieland, Wightman, Wild, Wilkes, Wilkins, Williams, Williamson, Willoughby, Wilmot, Wilson, Wimble, Winckles, Wise, Wither, Withers, Woolley, Wood, Woodward, Woodworde, Wrench, Wreghit, Wright, Wyche, Wyld.
Makers' surnames include: Baddy, Baker, Barber, Barbot, Barnes, Barnett, Barrett, Barrow, Bartram, Bayley, Beauvais, Beckman, Bell, Bennett, Berry, Bertrand, Betts, Bird, Blackborow, Blackburn, Blackford, Blanchard, Blundell, Bocket, Borell, Bosley, Bouquet, Bousquet, Bowly, Box, Boyce, Bradford, Bradley, Brass, Bray, Brewer, Brulefer, Brockhurst, Bryant, Buck, Bugden, Bumstead, Burgis, Burgiss, Burgess, Bushman, Butcher, Butterfield, Byard.
Makers' surnames include: Cabrier, Camden, Cartwright, Charleson, Chotard, Clarke, Clark, Clay, Cleghorn, Cleland, Clement, Clowes, Cole, Coleby, Collyer, Colston, Cotsworth, Cotton, Coulton, Coupe, Cowpe, Craike, Creak, Cressener, Crisp, Crockford, Crucefix, Cumming.
Makers' surnames include: Darke, Davidge, Davies, Davis, Debaufre, De Charmes, Delafosse, Delander, Dent, De St. Leu, Dewe, Dickie, Dingley, Dobson, Doughty, Drew, Drury, Du Chesne, Du Hamel, Dunlop.
Makers' surnames include: Haley, Hall, Hally, Halsey, Ham, Handiside, Harding, Harper, Harris, Harrys, Harwood, Hassenius, Hasenus, Hayle, Hebert, Hemings, Hemins, Herbert, Hester, Hewitt, Hewett, Heyes, Higgs, Hilderson, Hildeyard, Hill, Hindley, Hitchin, Hobart, Hoddle, Hodges, Holmes, Hough, Howes, Hubert, Hubson, Hughes, Humphreys, Hunt, Hunter.
Makers' surnames include: Rainsford, Raymond, Raynsford, Richardson, Rigg, Rimbault, Rivers, Roberts, Robin, Robins, Robinson, Rogers, Romley, Rontree, Rule.
Includes correspondence, cutouts and photocopies of catalogue listings, journal articles, draft articles, photographs and notes.
Includes correspondence, photocopies of seventeenth- and eighteenth-century newspaper extracts, photocopies of journal, dictionary and draft articles, photographs and notes.
Makers' surnames include: Jacques, Jeffs, King / De King, Lindsay, Long, Martin, Merriman, Merryman, Newborough, Newbrough, Northcote, Paine, Parker, Rasher, Reith, Robinson. The file contains correspondence, cutouts and photocopies of catalogue listings, photographs and notes.
Makers' surnames include: Seignior, Sharpe, Smith, Sully, Tolley, Vick. The file contains correspondence, cutouts and photocopies of catalogue listings, photographs and notes.
This collection comprises research papers compiled by Tom Robinson. They include subject files relating to clocks of various types and provenances and to individual makers, as well as photographs.
Sem títuloMalcolm Gardner (1896–1960) was an antiquarian horologist, horological consultant and bookseller, and Charles Allix's business partner. Robert Gardner (1851–1932), his father, was a manufacturer of marine chronometers. Includes: Robert's and Malcolm's original business correspondence (handwritten and typewritten); published "horological who's who" biographical note on Malcolm; published obituaries of Robert and Malcolm; business certificates; Charles Allix (Malcolm Gardner) Horological Book Catalogue flyers; and Charles Allix's handwritten copy letter to "Sandra" on the death of her father Richard J. Coates.
Lieutenant-Commander Rupert Thomas Gould (1890–1948) was an author, broadcaster and horologist, and the author of The Marine Chronometer, its History and Development as well as Big Ben: Its Story and other publications. File includes typewritten correspondence relating to the publication of the Big Ben: its Story booklet; Gould's original correspondence; copies of Gould's art prints and sketches; research notes, correspondence and book catalogue entry relating to Gould's publications; drawing print of "Good Master Hydrographer, chart me the unknown seas"; and an annotated folder, with list of contents, entitled "In Memory..." and containing among other things: copies of the Horological Journal of November 1948 and The HIA Journal with letters on the death of Gould, a copy of a page from NAWCC Bulletin of June 1950 with a photograph of Gould with Harrison's Timekeeper no. 2, and pasted handwritten notes and correspondence.
Includes copies of articles from The Horological Journal and other publications, many of them antiquarian; Watch and Chronometer Jewelling booklet by N.B. Sherwood (Chicago, n.d.); notes, related correspondence and 1 photograph. Annotated "see also the Banger watch file" (ref. ALL/01/001).
Includes H. Otto's and Charles Allix's correspondence with Prof. D.S. Torens, May & Philpot catalogue of furniture auction sale 2 November 1955, photocopy photographs, sketches, and extracts from The Horological Journal.
Includes an article from The Horological Journal by Joseph M. Brown, handwritten notes and three photographs.
Includes Sabrier's articles "Une Montre Expérimentale de Ferdinand Berthoud" and "Un Échappement a Roue de Rencontre sur Deux Niveaux", photographs and relates correspondence. Also includes papers relating to Pasquale Andervalt gas-wound clock.
This series contains Roger Carrington's research papers and presentation scripts relating mainly to clockmaking and watchmaking in the north of England.
File marked RC5 and annotated "Roger's father's sketches for various projects" and "Dad's sketches etc, all undated and for various projects". Includes handwritten notes and rough sketches of clock elements and movements.
Handwritten script of R.F. Carrington's presentation given to the Northern Section of the AHS in 1976. Also includes related correspondence.
Bound printed script of R.F. Carrington's presentation given to the AHS at the City of London Guildhall on 20 February 1997. Includes slides, draft summary of the lecture by J.A. Neale, and related correspondence.
Handwritten extracts from volumes 400–499 of policy register series MS 11936, including an alphabetical name index and individual policy details.
Bound printed alphabetical list of names of clockmakers, watchmakers, jewellers and other horology-related professionals, compiled by R.F. Carrington from the policy registers of the Country Department of the Sun Life Insurance Company (now Sun Insurance Office Ltd; The London Archives ref. CLC/B/192/F/003/MS11937). Gives name, policy register volume number, placename and occupation.
Handwritten extracts from volumes 1–99 of policy register series MS 11937, including an alphabetical name index and individual policy details.
Includes clocks from Bowes Museum at Barnard Castle, Horniman Museum, Bethnal Green Museum, James Cox Musical Clock, the Bridges Clock, Helleicher's Singing Clock, the Thomas Dallam Organ, etc. 12 photographs.
Includes four photographs and a 1930 Uhrmakerkunst article reprint on "Die neue Regulierung der Uhr der St. Marienkirche in Lübeck".
Includes four photographs and a typescript article "The Clock of Lund", translated from German.
Includes mostly typewritten letters, an excerpt from Chapter 3 of Castle's "Remarkable Clocks", a photograph of Oronce Fine's astronomical clock, and a photograph and copy drawing of De Vick's clock from the Palais de Justice. Also includes typewritten letter from the British Horological Institute .
Includes typewritten letter, an extract from the Official Guide Book about the "Astronomical Clock at Prague Town Hall", and a magazine cutting with the photograph of the clock.
Includes typewritten letters, order slips, regulations, and a list of photographs and lantern slides of objects in the Museum's time measurement collection. Also includes an invitation to a private view of Huygens' pendulum clock, and a photographic postcard of the Dover Castle clock.
Includes a single typewritten letter.
Includes a typewritten letter and article "Die Ulmer Rathausuhr: Ein handwelkliches Meisterstück deutscher Renaissencekunst von Albrecht Rieber", and a photograph. Also includes a letter from the mayor of Olomuc, Czechoslovakia, regarding a booklet on the Olomuc town hall clock (the booklet is not included).
Includes typewritten and printed versions of an article on "The Wells Clock" and six photographic postcards.
This series comprises research notes on clockmaking in regions of England (Surrey, Middlesex, Hampshire and the Isle of Wight) and the Black Forest, possibly assembled by E. John Tyler.
Contains one sepia photograph, uncaptioned, loose.
Includes handwritten genealogical notes, mainly on Seymour and Lambourn families.
Three prints, with a compliment slip from Thanet Printing Works.
Contains annotated sketches and tracings.
Contains annotated sketches and tracings.
Contains handwritten notes, sketches and tracings
Contains handwritten notes, sketches and tracings.
Contains one sketch.
Contains handwritten notes, sketches and tracings.
Contains one note only.
Contains notes, sketches and tracings.
Contains notes, sketches and tracings.
Contains notes, sketches and tracings.
Contains notes, tracings and sketches. Originally numbered "C52-52a".
Contains letter from 'John', notes and sketches.
Contains handwritten notes, sketches and tracings.
Contains notes on the history of the clock, sketches, tracings and one b/w photograph.
Contains handwritten description, notes, annotated sketches and tracings.
Contains annotated sketches.
Contains annotated sketches.
Contains annotated tracing.
Contains handwritten notes, sketches and tracings.
Contains handwritten notes, sketches (some coloured) and tracings.
Contains annotated sketches.
Contains one note only.
Contains handwritten notes, sketches and tracings, and a note on "Knibb hands".
Contains handwritten notes, sketches and tracings.
Contains handwritten notes, sketches and tracings.
Contains handwritten notes, sketches and tracings.
Contains annotated sketches.
Contains handwritten notes, sketches and tracings.
Contains handwritten notes, sketches and tracings. No original number. Inserted between files 78 and 80.
Contains tracings only. No original number. Inserted between disordered files 79 and 40.
This collection comprises a series of eleven scrapbooks and one volume of Honeybone family history. The scrapbooks contain photographs, press cuttings, brochures, booklets, postcards, drawings, cartoons, typewritten quotations, handwritten notes, excerpts from fiction, music scores and other ephemera related to clockmaking and watchmaking, collected by Mildred Frederiksen. The descriptions of each volume in this catalogue provide contents highlights, but do not list every item. Most items are not individually dated.
Sem título37 pages. Includes address on "Our Ancestors' Clocks and Watches" by M.F. Frederiksen; astronomical clock on Strasburg Cathedral; "Pendulum to Atom" booklet for the centenary exhibition of the British Horological Institute at Goldsmiths' Hall; "Collecting old Watches" by Cecil Clutton; Conquete du Temps (booklet presented to visitors of the Swiss Pavilion at the Brussels Exhibition 1958); "Time in Broadcasting' (BBC Booklet produced for the centenary exhibition of the British Horological Institute); Burgos Cathedral clock, Spain; clocks of Southwark and Clerkenwell; Zimmer Tower astronomical clock at Lierre, Belgium; flower clocks; British horologists; atomic clock; clocks of Bornholm; Buenos Aires "Big Ben" clock; world's largest electric clock; work of summer time clock changers; English ormolu mounts; Black Forest cuckoo clocks; Big Ben centenary; broadcast of "Ancient clocks of the West of England"; clocks of Germany and Switzerland; Kravchenko's Sputnik Clock; English church clocks; music scores for "My Grandfather's Clock" by Henry C. Work and "Song of the Clock" by Rex Burchell; early English watches, etc.
This collection comprises Dr Ward's correspondence, reports, lecture notes as well as printed material and photographs. They mostly document various horological tours and exhibitions organised by him, and his cataloguing and consulting work.
Sem títuloHandwritten. Also includes a newspaper cutting re. the sale of the Hampton Court Estate, Leominster, by Viscount Hereford (The Daily Telegraph 3 Jan 1972). The envelope is also annotated "Ickwell Bury 1683".
Photocopy typescript and handwritten. Also includes correspondence.
Photocopy typescript. With a cover letter from the AHS addressed to Dr Ward.
Printed. Includes five b/w photographs and the following articles: "The earliest string-gnomon sundials" (1976); "An early pocket sundial illustrated in art" (1979); "A 15th century Italian 'clockmakers'' workshop" (1980); "A sixteenth-century clock illustration" (1982); "An interior church clock dial in Haarlem" (1984); and "Clocks in the paintings of Titian" (1985).
Handwritten. Also includes correspondence regarding required images, photocopy images of the Coster clock at the Science Museum, six b/w photographs of an Italian night clock from the British Museum, and printed 27th annual AHS report.
Typescript photocopy. Two copies.
Typescript and printed. Also includes notes, handwritten on the backs of unrelated correspondence.
Typescript. Envelope annotated "Inf. from Bedini".
39 b/w photographs, captioned. Includes astronomical clocks, table clocks, Tompion bracket clock, monstrance clocks, rack clocks, globe clocks, and watches. Some photographs captioned "AHS property".
38 b/w photographs, with film negatives.
6 b/w photographs, captioned. Originally in an envelope captioned "Blair photos".
3 b/w mounted photographs, captioned.
19 b/w photographs, captioned.
This collection comprises records created and collected by Francis Wadsworth. It includes a large series of original articles by various authors on horological and related topics (cut out of publications, many of them were purchased from antiquarian book dealers), as well as sales and auction catalogues and advertisements for clocks, watches and clockmaking tools; instructions, manuals, and patents; reference publications; alphabetical files relating to clockmaking firms and factories; exhibition and museum brochures; correspondence; ephemera; and papers relating to Wadsworth’s work on the AHS Publication Committee. In addition to purely horological topics, it reflects Francis Wadsworth’s interest in scientific instruments, stately houses and antique furniture and porcelain.
Sem títuloOriginal article from Chambers's Edinburgh Journal (November 1851), pp. 354–357.
Original article from The Connoisseur (n.d.), pp. xxxv–xlii.
Incomplete original article from Journal of the Society of Arts (18 June 1920), pp. 505–506 only.
Original article from The Connoisseur in America (December 1935), pp. 348–349. Pages also include short articles about other, non-horological collectibles.