Original articles from The Antique Dealer and Collectors' Guide and World of Antiques: Collectors' Guide.
Bound photocopies of several articles on various aspects of electrical watches published in Revue Chronométrique: Journal de L'Horlogerie Française.
Photocopies of nine articles published in the Proceedings of The Institution of Electrical Engineers between 1915 and 1962. Includes cover letter, dated 20 Mar 1970, from the Institute to C. K. Aked, with a list of eleven articles on the topic of electrical horology. All in envelope postmarked 24 May 1971.
Bound extracts from vol. 47 of Horological Journal (1955), copy of Ilbert Collection Commemorative Issue of Antiquarian Horology vol. 2 (December 1958), British Museum's leaflet titled The Ilbert Collection: the exhibition of clocks and watches in Edward VII Gallery and the Ilbert students room (1966) and a draft description and plan of the new gallery of clocks and watches.
Photocopies of articles published in Nicholson's Journal, i.e. the Journal of Natural Philosophy, Chemistry and the Arts.
Photocopies of articles published in Alexander Tilloch's Philosophical Magazine, later called Philosophical Journal.
Typewritten and published. Includes "It's about time" (talk with slide list), "An 18th century whimsy", "Some old clocks of West Country", "The Tower of Babel" (Antiquarian Horology December 1953), related correspondence, and an article "How the Chinese invented the mechanical clock" by Joseph Needham (The New Scientist December 1958).
Photocopies of excerpts from the Mechanics Magazine vols. 11–58.
Also includes eight photographs, typescripts of "Further notes on some Westmoreland Clock and Watch Makers" (1962) and "Former Clock- and Watch-makers of North Lonsdale" by J.L. Hobbs; handwritten notes on clocks, handwritten draft of L. Northcote's review of Clockmaking in Oxfordshire 1400–1850 by C.F.C. Beeson (1962) with a cover letter, and a copy of Cake and Cockhorse: the magazine of the Banbury Historical Society vol. 1 no. 2 (1961/62).
Original article about an exhibition at Wartski, 14 Grafton St, London, held on 8–21 March, from Antique Collecting (March 1989), pp. 40–41.
Images of dials made by Ashwin & Company, Birmingham makers active in the 1790s.
Main dial: blue/grey base, mid-blue background for gesso corners, typical Byrne Ashwin; gesso pattern, gold outlined in black - very fine. Hemispheres: maps. False plate: CA Ashwin, shallow but clear.
Main dial: blue/grey, shield shaped gesso corners, moss roses centre. Hemispheres: very good maps, same as Byrne. False plate: cast iron.
Main dial: blue/grey, roses and tiger lilies, small blue flowers corners. Hemispheres: good maps, part outside numbers. False plate: cast iron (clear).
Moon faces: pink-faced moons, small mouth. Moon scenes: lakeside scene, two people in foreground; two people in boat on lake, sailing ship; artwork sketchy and thin.
Moon faces: very serious, pursed up, small mouth. Moon scenes: large ship in rough seas; landscape with house and river, pink in sky.
Moon faces: smiling. Moon scenes: ship at sea; cottage with yellow tree, church in distance.
Main dial: blue/grey pink roses and pale auriculas, gesso-framed corners, lead plug in centre of seconds hole, urn with roses painted on top. False plate: CA with false winding square attached.
Reverse of dial, showing name and '366' stamped on false plate and dial.
Main dial: blue/grey, pink roses and moss roses corners, strawberry centre. False plate: cast iron.
Original article from the "Sub–assembly" section af an unidentified publication (April 1972), pp. 28–30.
Original article from The Antique Dealer and Collectors' Guide (July 1970), pp. 64–66.
Original article from The Connoisseur (September 1976), pp. 35–38.
3 b/w photographs, captioned, taken by L.S. Northcote and Dr Mercer.
Original article from The Antique Collector (April 1985), pp. 74–79.
Typescript and six photographs, including "La joueuse de tympanon" and "Oiseaux chanteurs" from Musée du Conservatoire National des Arts et Metiers in Paris, St Mark's Clock Bell in Venice, and various figurines from the British Museum.
Original article from The Antique Dealer and Collectors' Guide (September 1979), pp. 95–98.
Original pages from The Connoisseur (January 1957), pp. 263–266, including a short article about Un chef–d'œuvre de l'horologerie anglaise.
Edward Banger was the apprentice of Thomas Tompion (1639–1713). The file includes handwritten notes on mechanical watch movements, list of repairs?, photographs and negatives.
Original article from Antique Collecting, vol. 11 no. 9 (January 1977), pp. 9–13.
Original article from The Antique Dealer and Collectors' Guide (March 1950), pp. 16–18.
Original article from Antique Collecting, vol. 10 no. 6 (October 1975), pp. 24–25.
Original article from The Antique Dealer and Collectors' Guide (August 1984), pp. 60–61.
Handwritten copy. Also includes a provisional list of Reading clockmakers.
Photocopy of an article from Newnes Practical Mechanics (June 1952), pp. 310–311.
9 b/w photographs, captioned.
Image of a dial made by Beard & Company, Birmingham dial makers active in the 1790s.
Main dial: off-white, all gesso decoration, quite elaborate in breakarch.
Original article from The Antique Dealer and Collectors' Guide (April 1955), pp. 31–33.
Includes letters, a typewritten extract from La Cathedrale de Beauvais by V. Leblond, and a photographic postcard.
Original articles from The Connoisseur (June 1975), pp. 126–129, 130–137 and 138–141.
Includes letter and a photographic postcard.
Original article from The Burlington Magazine, vol. 141 no. 1155 (June 1999), pp. 328–337.
Original article from Apollo, vol. 141 no. 400 (new series, June 1995), pp. 25–33.
Includes handwritten genealogical notes, mainly on Seymour and Lambourn families.
Includes letters, a typewritten article, an illustration of the clock, and three photographs.
Contains one b/w photograph, captioned, pasted onto card. Caption does not give the names of people in the image.
This series comprises photographs and papers relating to the British Horological Institute’s trips and the “British Clockmaker’s Heritage” exhibition, as well as some later material.
Contains snapshots and portraits from Paris, Lyons and Besancon (38 b/w photographs, captioned, one loose and the rest pasted onto 7 cards); two photographic postcards; three banquet menus (two with guests' signatures); map of Paris public transport; and Lily Hudson's Foire de Paris pass. Captions do not give names of people in the photographs.
Contains snapshots and group portraits from Zurich and Bad Attisholz (nine b/w photographs, uncaptioned, loose), five postcards, and two tour programmes and timetables.
Handwritten volume, compiled by A. Shenton, arranged chronologically. Includes authors' names with occasional biographical notes, publications and sources.
Handwritten volume, compiled by A. Shenton, arranged chronologically. Includes authors' names with occasional biographical notes, publications and sources.
Handwritten volume, compiled by A. Shenton, arranged chronologically. Includes authors' names with occasional biographical notes, publications and sources.
Original article from Endeavour no. 100, vol. 27 (January 1968), p. 2.
Original articles, the former in two parts, from Apollo (1948), pp. 105–107, 138–139 and 140–141.
Original article from The Antique Dealer and Collectors' Guide (September 1979), pp. 76–78.
Original article from Antique Collecting, vol. 8 no. 7 (November 1973), pp. 24–27.
Typescript and printed.
Printout, arranged alphabetically by author's name.
Original article from The Antique Dealer and Collectors' Guide (November 1978), p. 88.
Original article from Discovering Antiques no. 10 (n.d.), pp. 235–240.
Includes press cuttings, event tickets, postcards, advertisements, business cards, stickers, wrappers, receipts etc.
Original article from Antique Collecting, vol. 13 no. 2 (June 1978), pp. 58–59.
Original article from Antique Collecting, vol. 16 no. 3 (July/August 1981), p. 29.
Photocopies of an article about the exhibition published in The Horological Journal in June 1924 and of the special 1974 edition of Wembley History Society Journal.
Includes letter, photographic service receipts, and one photograph.
Original article about Smiths Clocks and Watches Ltd, from The Engineer (1 June 1956), pp. 606–607.
Printed. Cassette not included. Issued to celebrate the 350th anniversary of the Worshipful Company of Clockmakers' charter.
3 b/w photographs. File also includes a typescript cover letter from Jennifer Blain of Strike One Limited.
The museum, famous for its windmills, also includes a time-piece exhibition. The file also contains a handwritten note with "copy of instructions from Clock no. 1".
4 b/w photographs.
This collection comprises mostly wristwatch trade literature sent to and collected by Grahame Brooks over an approximately ten-year period from the mid-1990s to the mid-2000s. It includes press releases, product brochures, photographs, slides and CD-Roms, as well as some correspondence.
Brooks, GrahameOne colour photograph, showing general view of the exhibition and the Rita Shenton Books stall.
This collection comprises Eric Bunt’s handwritten notes on watch and clockmakers from the fourteenth to eighteenth centuries, compiled from original documents held at the Public Record Office, Chancery Lane, and from printed volumes of Calendars of State Papers; handwritten transcripts of eighteenth-century newspaper articles about watch and clock thefts; and Eileen’s Bunt handwritten transcript of Benjamin Gray’s Daybook (original at the Guildhall Library, London).
Bunt, EricImages of dials made by Burgess Hartley, Birmingham dial makers active in the 1810s and 1820s.
Main dial: slightly grey off-white; blotty roses, vetch and morning glory corners, lemon part framing; red lines, birds in centre. Hemispheres: maps. False plate: cast iron. Rare dial, was a Factor so someone else might have made the dial.
Main dial: off-white, geometric corners, balloon in breakarch with gilt dots.
Moon faces: very red cheeks. Moon scenes: cross-looking swan, quite large; quite bright cottage.
This collection comprises correspondence and other papers created and collected by Martin Burgess during his clockmaking career, including notes, drawings and photographs relating to his Gurney, Schroder and other clocks. It also includes his recollections of his time at Gresham’s School, and film rolls and papers relating to Clockmaker, a documentary on Burgess, directed and produced by Richard Gayer in 1971.
Burgess, MartinOriginal article from Antique Collecting (April 1998), pp. 8–12.
Original article from Antique Collector (June 1978), pp. 101–102.
Original article from The Antique Dealer and Collectors' Guide Supplement (October 1988), pp. 30–31.
Original article from Antique Finder (April 1973), pp. 61–31.
Original articles from Art & Antiques Weekly (9–15 January 1981), pp. 23–25 and 26–27. Also includes issue cover.
Typewritten and handwritten. Includes notes on the Mayan calendar with related correspondence with the Legation of Guatemala; notes on the calculation of the birth of Jesus, notes on the months, the calendars of Kalasasaya, Egypt, the Muslim and Jewish calendars, and perpetual calendar; a draft copy of Chapter 1 of "Once Upon a Time", and The Sunday Express article on "When 11 days vanished from the calendar" (31 December 1961).
Typescript and printed. Also includes 3 b/w photographs.
Original article about Canadian furniture of the Georgian era, from The Antique Collector (January 1986), pp. 88–93.
Original lecture in three parts from the Journal of the Society of Arts, vol. 29 (July 1881), pp. 663–671, 673–698 and 701–726.
Original article about London-made longcase clocks, from The Antique Collector (August 1981), pp. 52–55.