Original article from Antique Collecting, vol. 22 no. 7 (December 1987), p. 53.
Original article from The Antique Collector (May 1974), pp. 34–44.
Original article about the exhibition of French art in Florence held at Palazzo Pitti in April–June 1977, from The Connoisseur (January 1978), pp. 36–43. Also includes issue cover.
Two copies of an original article from The Antique Dealer and Collectors' Guide (June 1972), pp. 107–109.
The subseries contains articles written by authors with surnames beginning with "Y".
Original article about French origins of the watchmaking craft, from an unidentified publication, pp. 263–267.
Three bound issues: November 1927 (Section 3a), January 1928 (section 1b), March 1928 (section 5c). Produced by Tangent. Includes related correspondence.
Published by Percival Marshall & Co. Ltd (London, n.d.). 197 pages, hardback. Signed by the author for Daniel E. Buckney.
Includes "A forgotten Norfolk clockmaker", an article about John Oldfield by Peter Bolton (p. 418).
Large folder of booklets, articles, circulars, notes, photographs and related correspondence.
Photocopy, pasted into a notebook, of Wynn's description of his Society of Arts Gold Isis Medal winning invention of a time-keeper and a compensating pendulum (1817). Also includes, as front, C. G. McKay's short letter about William Wynn, published in Antiquarian Horology (Autumn 1977) and a biographical note about Wynn from the ninth edition of Britten's Old Clocks and Watches and their Makers.
Bound photocopies of articles published in English Mechanic and Mirror of Science.
Bound photocopies of articles published in English Mechanic and World of Science.
Original extract of an article published in the Proceedings of The Physical Society of London vol. 29 part 2 (February 1917). File also includes revised proof and related correspondence
Photocopy of an article about the collection of John Hendry, published in Worcester Evening News.
Photocopy of an article published in Journal of the Royal Naval Scientific Service (vol. 22 no. 2).
Copy of an article published in "La Clessidra" (no. 6).
Seven cuttings, mostly from unidentified newspapers.
Includes articles about the clock sculpture in Gare St Lazare in Paris, the selling exhibition at Liberty, and heirloom Ducrow clock from the Weekend Telegraph (1994, 1995); long-case clocks and other "antiques of the future", and purchase of "the ultimate circuit timers" from The Daily Telegraph (1994, 1996).
Bound photocopy. 49 pages.
Photocopy of alphabetical name index, giving also year and locality, from an unknown publication. Also contains five photographs and postcards of clocks from Wiltshire and Westmorland.
Handwritten volume, compiled by A. Shenton, arranged chronologically. Includes authors' names with occasional biographical notes, publications and sources.
Also includes copy of the obituary of Dr Jacob Kienzle (1935), one photograph and related correspondence.
Portfolio of small and large electric and electronic clocks produced in Germany, published in 1973 by Verband der Deutschen Uhrerindustrie (VDU). Also includes three photographs of electric watches and a circular from VDU, in English, about "watch fashions autumn and winter 1981/82".
Mainly from N.P. Mander Ltd, pipe organ builders. In an envelope addressed to Rita from N. P. Mander.
Special issue about watches and their sales, two copies.
Includes copy of "Timekeepers of character", an article about the collection by George Worswick, published in Country Life in January 1978.
The museum, famous for its windmills, also includes a time-piece exhibition. The file also contains a handwritten note with "copy of instructions from Clock no. 1".
Gives fair dates for 2000.
Album containing the complete series of 25 cards. Purchased from The Good Olde Days shop in Brighton.
Original brochure, with description and photographs, of David Ramsay's star-shaped verge watch (now in the museum collection of the Worshipful Company of Clockmakers, who purchased it in 1958).
Bound description, with photographs, of the reproduction of the Salisbury Cathedral Clock, made by William W. Cope.
Description and photograph of a reproduction of a mediaeval monastic clock, made by Anthony Fox of Clerkenwell, London, in memory of Colonel Antonio Simoni of Bologna.
11 colour photographs, individually labelled. Exhibition organised by David Day.
Inscribed "J.A. Sutcliffe, Blackpool".
Main dial: fine painting, girl and boy on the left, fort on the right. Oval cutout, very detailed ship, all original.
Main dial: blue/grey, all print décor, Father Time in high oval, with elaborate scrolling in breakarch.
Main dial: gesso corners with coloured ovals, fine painted hunting scene in breakarch, framed with gesso, gilded winding holes.
Main dial: gesso corners with coloured ovals, fine painted hunting scene in breakarch, framed with gesso, gilded winding holes.
Main dial: blue/grey, fine gesso corners with ovals, green inside, rocking ship with USA flag and curved breakarch, ground add-in.
Main dial: blue/grey, whitish, gesso corners and long-necked birds in centre.
Main dial: blue/grey, pink roses in corners, no gesso, long-necked birds in centre. Hemispheres: North America, ecliptic below equator.
Moon faces: squinty eyes. Moon scenes: stars and moon on dark blue sky (usually seen on early dials), figure of landlady of Swan Inn presenting long bill (probably a joke?).
Moon faces: round, dark-eyed, pink cheeks, slightly worried look. Moon scenes: large ship at sea, side view; cottage in background .
Main dial: blue/grey, blue-toned roses and anemones corners, no gesso, bird with peach and cherries in breakarch.
Main dial: blue/grey, roses in corners, no gesso.
Main dial: no gesso, roses in all corners, two long-necked birds in centre, nasturtiums either side of name in breakarch, enclosed in oval.
Hemispheres: North America, ecliptic below equator.
Moon faces: slightly pop-eyed. Moon scenes: boy shooting in winter landscape; ship on fire at sea.
Main dial: roses with touches of gold corners, gesso-framed pink decorated swags around winding holes, garlands under date, fully painted scene.
Main dial: blue/grey, auriculas corner and rosy blue florets (Thomas Gaskell).
Main dial: off-white, gold leaf shells with seaweed corners, well-painted background to swans. Moving swan's head missing.
Main dial: blue/grey, pink roses, strawberries corners, long-necked birds in centre, no gesso. Hemispheres: maps.
Main dial: creamy, anemone and blue petalled roses in corners, gesso-framed. Hemispheres: maps USA ecliptic below equator.
Moon faces: pensive. Moon scenes: ship at sea regular waves; cottage with standing figure and thin leaning tree.
Main dial: creamy, gold framing, corners with roses, rocking ship in arch. Arch thinly painted.
Main dial: off-white, blue/grey, rosebuds and ranunculus, blue small flowers corners.
Main dial: blue/grey, bunches of auriculas corners, no gesso.
Main dial: strawberry and honeysuckle corners, no gesso, long-tailed bird in breakarch, two anemones in centre.
Main dial: blue/grey, blue-toned roses.
Main dial: off-white, oval breakarch has three bears fishing scene with gesso at side, ranunculus and morning glories and blue anemones gesso corners.
Main dial: off-white, large ladies, four seasons, no borders, gold band, nice painting. Hemispheres: maps.
Moon faces: pleasant, pursed mouth. Moon scenes: cottage and tree; ship with sails.
Main dial: blue/grey, off-white, ranunculus and carnation, seconds area and rose painted on, no gesso.
Main dial: cottages and castles corners, one windmill and one cottage dial centre, vague worlds and dove of peace humps.
Main dial: navy blue background and orange vetch corners, rather blue worlds, dove of peace humps.
Main dial: gold flowers corners, scene of "cottage cares" in breakarch.
Main dial: gold flowers in corners, gritty paint, worlds with dove of peace, scalloped gold edges in humps. Hemispheres: scalloped gold edges.
Main dial: gold flowers in corners, gritty paint, worlds with dove of peace, scalloped gold edges in humps. Hemispheres: scalloped gold edges.
Main dial: sheep with background in corners. Hemispheres: one cottage, one church.
Main dial: square breakarch, 8 eight-day, well painted swans in corners.
Main dial: signature scroll-like ribbon across dial centre, four continents, well painted, distinct style corners. Hemispheres: vague words and doves of peace, gold band edges.
Main dial: signature scroll-like ribbon across dial centre, four continents, well painted, distinct style corners. Hemispheres: vague words and doves of peace, gold band edges.
Main dial: gold with green ends corners.
Main dial: gold under tulips corners, small dial, poor condition.
Main dial: pale blue-grey, gesso spandrel-like corners, garland in centre, low gesso framed oval with cottage and landscape, gesso swags at either side. False plate: cast iron.
Main dial: pale blue-grey, gesso spandrel-like corners, garland in centre, low gesso framed oval with cottage and landscape, gesso swags at either side. False plate: cast iron.
Main dial: surprised-looking bird with small flowers dial centre.
Main dial: off-white, four-seasons corners, heavy-thighed ladies, painted up to edge. Hemispheres: good maps. False plate: cast iron.
Moon dial faces: pink faces, squinty eyes, similar to Wilson. Moon scenes: ship at sea; landscape with two figures, church and bare branch on left.
Main dial: pale blue-grey, wide oval shape, rather bold garlands with roses either side, low oval, gold-banded, containing the battle of Nile. False plate: cast iron.
Main dial: off-white, fan corners with straight gesso framing, gold wiggly line outside centre, dot gesso, high oval with ruins in breakarch, roses either side. False plate: four long feet.
Moon faces: look quite happy. Moon scenes: two land scenes, one with tower and lake.
Main dial: pale blue-grey, long-tailed bird and rose in dial centre. Interesting early dial; I decided to let Turton's name stand as nothing of Rayner's work was left. False plate: cast iron, Wilson.
Main dial: blue-grey green background to rose painted corners. Minature scenes similar to W. Tench Stourport, basket of flowers breakarch (see 666 Thompson, wheatsheaf gesso square dial
Main dial: shell corners, gold leaf roses and oval motif in breakarch. False plate: cast iron.
Moon faces: supercillious. Moon scenes: ship at sea; ruined tower on hill.
Main dial: slightly bluish, white heavy flowers in corners and dial centre.
Main dial: well painted, four seasons in corners, no borders. Hemispheres: USA maps on left. False plate: cast iron.
Main dial: bright, well-painted four continents corners, gold band. Hemispheres: maps. False plate: cast iron.
Main dial: four apostles (plates on head), thin painting. Rare date dial. Hemispheres: maps.
Images of dials made by William Finnemore, a Birmingham dial maker active in 1810s–1850s, and one image of a dial by Finnemore & Son.
Main dial: fully-painted abbeys corners; fat pink roses and birds. False plate: sheet iron.
Main dial: fat pink roses, morning glory in centre, Georgian house and hill in breakarch.