Original article from The Family Magazine, vol. 8 (1846–47), pp. 22–24, 59–62.
Original article from The Illustrated Exhibitor and Magazine of Art (1852), pp. 246–252.
Original article from Knowledge (5 June 1885), pp. 480–481, 498–500, 522–523.
Original article/chapter 11 from The Pictorial Gallery of Arts (n.d.), pp. 381–384.
Original article from The Harmsworth Enyclopaedia: Everybody's Book of Reference, vol. IV (1907), pp. 3187–3191.
Photocopy articles from Pearson's Weekly (1907).
Original pages 53 and 403 from The Connoisseur, vol. 35 no. 137 (January 1913).
Original article about Smiths Clocks and Watches Ltd, from The Engineer (1 June 1956), pp. 606–607.
Original articles from Sunday Mercury (12 October 1958), p. 13.
Original article from The Meccano Magazine, vol. 44 no. 1 (December 1959), pp. 560–561.
Original article from Antique Collector (April 1963), pp. 86–87. One of the fans features a depiction of a clock.
Original pages from The Antique Dealer and Collectors' Guide (October 1974), pp. 141–142, including a short article on Huguenot clockmakers. Includes issue cover and advertisement page.
Original article about a Geneva sale, from Christie's International Magazine, vol. 8 no. 12 (May/June 1992), pp. 23–24.
Original article about Victorian and Edwardian pocket watches, from What's It Worth part 1 (1993), pp. 7–8.
Original article from Antique Collecting (April 1998), pp. 36–37.
Original article from La Suisse Horlogère (April 1958), pp. 53–60.
Original article from The Antique Dealer and Collectors' Guide (March 1986), pp. 52–53.
Original article from Antique Collector (September 1977), pp. 70–74.
Photocopy of an article from The Antique Dealer and Collectors' Guide (November 1983), pp. 68–69.
Original article from The Antique Dealer and Collectors' Guide Supplement (October 1988), pp. 36–37.
Original article from The Antique Dealer and Collectors' Guide (June 1981), pp. 75–78.
Original article from The Connoisseur, vol. 70 (December 1924), pp. 230–236.
Original article from Antique Collector (August 1973), pp. 201–206.
Original article from Journal Suisse d'Horologerie et de Bijouterie: Revue de la Société Suisse de Chronométrie (24 August 1949), pp. 368–373.
Original article about carriage clocks from Art and Antiques (21 September and 1 October 1981), pp. 22–24.
Original article about a small clock by Grimalde & Johnson from Antique Collector (April 1974), pp. 62–63.
Original article from World of Antiques: Collectors' Guide (1969), pp. 92–95.
Original article from The Antique Dealer and Collectors' Guide (April 1970), pp. 69–75. Also includes a short editorial article about The Guildhall Museum and the Clockmakers' Company.
Original article from The Antique Dealer and Collectors' Guide (September 1975), pp. 69–71.
Original article from the Journal of the Society of Arts (2 December 1881), pp. 54–66.
Original article from The Connoisseur, vol. 138 no. 556 (November 1956), pp. 100–111.
Original article from Country Life Annual (1956), pp. 180–185.
Original article from The Antique Dealer and Collectors' Guide (November 1958), pp. 29–31.
Original article from The Antique Dealer and Collectors' Guide (November 1978), pp. 90–94.
Original article from Antique Collecting, vol. 15 (November 1980), p. 65.
Original articles from La Suisse Horlogere (December 1953). Also includes "John Harrison", an article by H. Alan Lloyd.
Original article about an 18th–century long–case clock from Hazlemere from Collect (June 2002), p. 43.
Original article about a Geneva auction of Breguet watches, from The Antique Dealer and Collectors' Guide (April 1991), pp. 40–42.
Original article about the Ruth Allison Lilly watch collection, from The Connoisseur (December 1973), pp. 279–284.
Original article from Antique Collecting, vol. 14 (July 1979), pp. 24–25.
Original article about a collection of English furniture, clocks and barometers sold at Christie's on 5 December 1991, from Christie's International Magazine, vol. 8 no. 10 (Spring 1992), pp. 14–15.
Original article from The Antique Dealer and Collectors' Guide (January 1948), p. 20.
Original article from Journal Suisse d'Horologerie et de Bijouterie: Revue de la Société Suisse de Chronométrie (n.d.), pp. 23–37. Annotated '92'.
Original article from Antique Collector (October 1963), p. 178.
Original article from Communication no. 61 du Musée national d'Histoire des Sciences exactes et naturelles à Leiden, Hollande (n.d.), pp. 189–204.
The subseries contains articles written by authors with surnames beginning with "D".
Original article from Connaissance des Arts no. 266 (April 1974), pp. 80–87.
Original article from The Antique Dealer and Collectors' Guide (December 1948), pp. 33–35.
Original articles about Tony Clements and novel clocks from Cambridge Evening News: The Magazine (26 October 2002), pp. 11–13. Includes issue cover.
Original article from The Connoisseur (March 1935), pp. 152–154.
Original article from Antique Collector (April 1986), pp. 13–16. Also includes antique clock dealers' advetisement pages.
Original article from The Antique Dealer and Collectors' Guide (July 1970), pp. 64–66.
Original article, probably from Christie's International Magazine (n.d.), pp. 10–13.
Original article from The Connoisseur, vol. 96 no. 472 (December 1935), pp. 312–314.
Original articles from Antique Collecting (September 1977), pp. 17–24.
Original annotated price lists from Antique Collecting (July 1979 and July/August 1984), pp. 67 and 16 respectively.
Original article about Joseph Knibb clocks from Antique Collecting, vol. 24 no. 7 (December 1989), pp. 24–26.
Original article about the decoration of early watches from Country Life (5 December 1991), pp. 86–87. Includes issue cover.
Original article about working clocks inserted into oil paintings from Antique Collecting (December 1995/January 1996), p. 30.
Original article from The Connoisseur (1922), pp. 215–222.
Original article in two parts from The Connoisseur, vol. 168 (June/July 1968), pp. 72–81 and 149–157. Also includes "Jean Petitot and Jacques Bordier at the English court", pp. 82–91.
Original article in two parts from The Connoisseur, vol. 182 (February 1973 and March 1973), pp. 106–111 and 179–188 respectively.
Original article in English with the original German version, from Antique Finder (April 1973), pp. 50–54.
Original article from The Antique Collector (January 1984), pp. 40–42.
Original articles from Antique Collecting, vol. 23 no. 10 (March 1989), pp. 4–20. Includes antique clock dealers' advertisements pages and directory.
Original article from La Suisse Horlogère (April 1958), pp. 69–75.
The subseries contains articles written by authors with surnames beginning with "H".
Original article from Journal Suisse d'Horologerie et de Bijouterie: Revue de la Société Suisse de Chronométrie (n.d.), pp. 364–366. Annotated '81'.
Original article about the work of Andrew King and his interest in John Harrison, from Woodworking (June 1999), pp. 40–44.
Original article about treasures sold in auctions, including a spherical astrolabe, from The Antique Dealer and Collectors' Guide, vol. 17 no. 6 (January 1963), pp. 39–41.
Original article from Buying Antiques, vol. 1 no. 3 (1973), pp. 24–26.
Original article about James McCabe from Art & Antiques Weekly (3 March 1979), p. 25.
Original article from Antique Collecting, vol. 21 no. 3 (July/August 1986), pp. 54–55.
Original article from Apollo Industrial Magazine, vol. 1 no. 2 (February 1981), p. 10.
Original article from The Connoisseur (1933), pp. 160–166.
Original article from The Connoisseur (n.d.), pp. 256–260.
Original article about watchmaking precision and automation from The Engineer (18 June 1981), pp. 35–39.
Original article from The Connoisseur, vol. 126 no. 519 (December 1950), pp. 167–172, 220.
Original article from The Antique Dealer and Collectors' Guide (January 1980), pp. 47–50.
Original article about the 1930s design from The Antique Collector (February 1982), pp. 72–75.
A series of nine weekly original articles, including "The great museums of the capital" by Bevis Hillier, "Singular tastes: specialist museums" by Peter Quennell, "The arts of war: military museums" by Michael Howard, "The moving experience: transport museums" by Ludovic Kennedy, "Municipal majesty: regional museums I" by ASA Briggs, "The province of culture: regional museums II" by Lady Mary Clive, "Professional pride: insitutional museums" by Lord Mancroft, "The fame of the name: personality museums" by Elizabeth Longford, and "Pride of place: local museums" by Geoffrey Grigson. Weeks 9–10 are missing.
Original articles from Art & Antiques (10 November 1973), pp. 24–27 and 20–23.
Original article about watch-stands from Homes and Gardens (May 1987), pp. 98–101.
Original article from Antiques (January 1985), pp. 237–244.
Original article from The Antique Collector (June 1937), pp. 150–153.
Original article from Journal Suisse d'Horologerie et de Bijouterie: Revue de la Société Suisse de Chronométrie (n.d.), pp. 675–677 and 678–682. Annotated '92'.
Original article from The Connoisseur (June 1920), pp. 89–92.
Original article about items from the collection of J. A. Billmeir, from The Connoisseur, vol. 134 no. 540 (November 1954), pp. 85–91.
Original article from Antique Collecting, vol. 16 no. 3 (July/August 1981), pp. 58–59.
Photocopy of an article about Benjamin Vulliamy from Country Life (15 June 1967), pp. 1256–1258.
The subseries contains articles written by authors with surnames beginning with "L".
Original article from Journal Suisse d'Horologerie et de Bijouterie: Revue de la Société Suisse de Chronométrie (May/June 1947), pp. 176–187. Annotated '91B'.
Original article from The Antique Dealer and Collectors' Guide (June 1969), pp. 60–63. Includes issue cover.
Original article from The Antique Dealer and Collectors' Guide (August 1976), pp. 65–67.