Affichage de 1996 résultats

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485 résultats avec objets numériques Afficher les résultats avec des objets numériques
TEN/A/12 · Sous-série · 1979–2007
Fait partie de TENNANT, FRANCES

Images of dials made by William Francis, a Birmingham dial maker active in the 1810s–1830s.

TEN/A/13 · Sous-série · 2003
Fait partie de TENNANT, FRANCES

Image of a dial made by Josiah Hayes, a Birmingham dial maker active in the nineteenth century.

TEN/A/15 · Sous-série · 1980–2004
Fait partie de TENNANT, FRANCES

Images of dials made by Hipkiss & Harold, Birmingham dial makers active in 1780s–1800s.

TEN/C/001 · Dossier · n.d. [late 20th century]
Fait partie de TENNANT, FRANCES

One card per dial. Set also includes some miscellaneous cards with notes. Each card gives dial maker's name, slide numbers, and detailed description of dial that includes: date, type, graphics, signature, main dial description, hemispheres, type of gilded gesso, date aperture, date dial on main dial, seconds dial on main dial, base paint, condition when received, date dial metal, date dial condition

EVA/01 · Série · compiled 1990s–2010s
Fait partie de EVANS, JEREMY

This series contains prints from microfilms and photocopies of British newspaper extracts mentioning seventeenth- and eighteenth-century watches and watchmakers, compiled and annotated by Jeremy Evans. The newspapers include mainly the Daily Advertiser and other contemporary local papers such as The London Gazette, but twentienth-century catalogues and other publications are also present. Topics include mainly losses or thefts of watches, but also sales of goods, debts, bankruptcies, marriages, deaths, wills, appointments, absconsions, elopements, criminal charges, etc. The files also include some photographs of watches and clocks. Please note that some of the microfilm prints are not easily legible and in a few cases Jeremy Evans' attempts to decipher or identify the surnames were tentative, and alterative spellings of surnames are often provided.

EVA/01/003 · Dossier · compiled 1990s–2010s
Fait partie de EVANS, JEREMY

Makers' surnames include: Appley, Archambo, Archer, Arding, Aris, Ayris, Arland, Arlandy, Armand, Armstrong, Arnley, Arnold, Arson, Arundal, Arundell, Ashbee, Ashburne, Ashley, Ashman, Ashmore, Aslatt, Asselin, Astley, Aston, Atfield / Adfield, Atherley, Atkins, Atkinsin, Atwood, Aubert, Aubury, Austall, Aunale, Austin, Aveline, Avenell, Averton, Avery, Avril, Ayres, Ayrs, Ayscough, Azier.

EVA/01/006 · Dossier · compiled 1990s–2010s
Fait partie de EVANS, JEREMY

Makers' surnames include: Beake, Beale, Beard, Beasley, Beate, Beaucamp, Beauchamp, Beauvais, Beavis, Bebley, Beccles, Bechoe, Beck, Beckett, Beckford, Beckman, Bedford, Beding, Beecham, Been, Beet, Beets, Behoe, Beighton, Belew, Belfield, Bell, Bellamy, Bellard, Bellette, Belling, Bellis, Bellwood, Bemish, Benban, Benbrick, Bence, Bendall, Benge, Benn, Bennet, Bennett, Benning, Benson, Bentley, Benton, Benyon, Berge, Bergeau, Berkeley, Bernard, Bernarde, Berridge, Berrington, Berry, Bertram, Beson, Best, Beste, Bethell, Betteridge, Betterton, Betts, Beverly, Bewley, Beyman.

EVA/01/022 · Dossier · compiled 1990s–2010s
Fait partie de EVANS, JEREMY

Makers' surnames include: P. G., Richard G[...], Gaab, Gadsdon, Gainsborough, Gaite, Gakeman, Galabin, Galileo, Galindo, Gallant, Gallois, Galloway, Gambier, Gammon, Ganeron, Ganeroon, Garden, Gardiner, Gardner, Garfoot, Garner, Garnett, Garon, Gharon, Garrard, Garret, Garstin, Garth, Gascoine, Gascoyne, Gatward, Gaudin, Gaugain, Gautier, Gawthorne, Gazuet, Geary, George, Gerbe, Gernier, Gerrard, Gervais, Gib, Gibbard, Gibbons, Gibbs, Gibson, Gilbert, Giles, Gill, Gilpin, Gimblett, Ginn, Girle, Girod, Giroust.

EVA/01/023 · Dossier · compiled 1990s–2010s
Fait partie de EVANS, JEREMY

Makers' surnames include: Gladman, Gladstone, Glasco, Gloria A Dieppe, Glover, Glyd, Glynn, Goblop, Goddard, Goddock, Godfrey, Godin, Gold, Goldby, Goldsmith & Delander, Goldwin, Golling, Golway, Goode, Goodfriend, Gooding, Goodlad, Goodison, Goodman, Goodo, Goodwin, Goodyere, Goolan, Gordon, Gorsuch, Gosselin, Gosier, Gossier, Gossop, Gotobed, Goubert, Gough, P. G., Goujon, Gould, Gouldar, Gouldsborough, Goush, Gout, Govers, Goweth.

EVA/01/027 · Dossier · compiled 1990s–2010s
Fait partie de EVANS, JEREMY

Makers' surnames include: Heardman, Hearn, Heath, Hebb, Hebert, Heckel, Heeley, Heigel, Heinrici, Helmes, Helot, Heming, Hemming, Hemmsings, Henderson, Henrison, Henery, Henry, Henshaw, Henson, Herald, Herbert, Herdman, Herloin, Herlot, Herring, Herriot, Herve, Hes, Heskin, Hester, Hewer, Hewitt, Hewlett, Heyden, Heyman, Heyter, Hibbert, Hiccox, Hickman, Hicks, Hide, Higgins, Higginson, Higgnett, Higgs, Higgs & Evans, Higsby, Hildebrand, Hill, Hills, Hilliard, Hillier, Henley, Hindley, Hindmore, Hine, Hineham, Hitchin, Hitchins, Hitchings, Hitchman.

EVA/01/033 · Dossier · compiled 1990s–2010s
Fait partie de EVANS, JEREMY

Makers' surnames include: Thomas [L...], J. L., Lockman [?], Lacam, Lacum, Lade, Lafoe, Lamaye, Lamb, Lambell, Lambert, Lamble, Lambell, Lamborn, Lambracht, Lamburg, Lampe, Lampriere, Lamude, Lancaster, Landrau, Lane, Langford, Langley, Lanny, Laport, Lapper, La R[…], Larouche, Larpent, Lashbrooke, Lashbrook, Latham, Laughton, Lawton, Lavender, Law, Lawrence, Lawson, Layton, Lazarus, Lea, Leadbetter, Lear, Leare, Le Brun, Le Chevalier, Lecoeur, Le Count, Ledgard, Lee, Leekey, Legg, L'Heuteux, Leicester, Leigh, Leith or Keith, Leivsley, Lemair, Lemaire, Lemaistre, Lemen, Lemon, Leman, Lemastre, Lemoyne, Lenerd, Lenoir, Leroux, Le Roux, Le Roy, Lesire, Lester, Lestourgeon, Levens, Levy, Lewington, Lewis, Ley [?], Leybourn, Leybourne.

EVA/01/048 · Dossier · compiled 1990s–2010s
Fait partie de EVANS, JEREMY

Makers' surnames include: Shadly, Shadwell, Shallcross, Sharenbeck, Sharpe, Sharp, Sharplin, Sharpy, Sharrat, Shaw, Sheafe, Shearwood, Sheilds, Sheldrake, Shelton, Shepard, Sheppard, Shepley, Shergold, Sherley, Shervey, Sherwood, Shield, Shindler, Shingler, Shipton, Shirley, Shore, Shoertgrave, Shotten, Shrimpton, Shrowsbridge, Shucksborough, Shuckford, Shuckforth, Shute, Shuttleworth, Sibley, Siddell, Sidey [Yedis ?], Sidley, Sidney, Silvers, Silvester, Sylvester, Simkins, Simpkins, Simmons, Simon, Simpkinson, Simpson, Sims, Simms, Sinclair, Singleton, Sisson, Skargell, Sheggs, Skelton, Skikelthorpe, Skinner, Slack, Slade, Slan, Slatter, Slingsby, Sly.

EVA/01/049 · Dossier · compiled 1990s–2010s
Fait partie de EVANS, JEREMY

Makers' surnames include: Smallman, Smallpage, Smallwood, Smart, Smelt, Smith, Smyth, Smith & Wingfield, Smith & Wooden, Smithyes, Smorthwaite, Smoult, Snelling, Snow, Sofflaw, Soffleow, Soldano, Somersall, Somerson, Sones, Soret, South, Southam, Sowtheby, Sotheby [?], Soyer, Sparke, Sparkes, Sparrow, Speakman, Spence, Spencer, Spiegel, Sprigg.

EVA/01/055 · Dossier · compiled 1990s–2010s
Fait partie de EVANS, JEREMY

Makers' surnames include: W[...], Wade, Wady, Wager, Wagstaff, Wagstaffe, Wainwright, Wait, Waite, Wayte, Waits, Waldron, Walker, Wall, Wallen, Walley, Wallis, Walpole, Walsh, Walthall, Waneman, Warburton, Ward, Ware, Wareing, Warfield, Waring, Warne, Warren, Warrington, Warwick, Washbourn, Washburn, Washington, Wasland, Wass, Wat[…], Watkins, Watson, Watt, Watts, Way.

EVA/01/056 · Dossier · compiled 1990s–2010s
Fait partie de EVANS, JEREMY

Makers' surnames include: Weasles, Weaver, Webb, Webster, Weedon, Weeks, Welbeck, Welch, Welsh, Weldon, Welldon, Weller, Wellit, Wellman, Wells, Weleys, Wentworth, West, Westbrook, Westenham, Westlaws, Westley, Westoby, Weston, Westwood, Weyandt, Weyanett, Weyat, Weyar [?], Weylandt, Wheatley, Wheeler, Wheelwright, Whichcote, Whiston, White, Whitefield, Whitehead, Whitehouse, Whitehurst, Whitham, Whiting, Whitlache, Whitley, Whittern, Whittit, Whittle.

EVA/01/058 · Dossier · compiled 1990s–2010s
Fait partie de EVANS, JEREMY

Makers' surnames include: Wogden, Wolfull, Wolverstone, Wolverton, Wood, Woodham, Woodhouse, Woodland, Woodman, Woods, Woodward, Woodard, Woolhead, Woollerton, Wootton, Worley, Wornell, Worsfold, Worswick, Worthey, Worthington, Wrench, Wrigglesworth, Wright, Wright & Sellon, Wroth, Wych, Wich, Wyld, Wylder, Wyllie, Wynell, Wynn, Wynne, Wyth.

EVA/02/016 · Dossier · 1932–2009
Fait partie de EVANS, JEREMY

Makers' surnames include: Pace, Padgett, Page, Pain, Palmer, Pare, Parkinson, Parr, Parre, Patrick De Parshore, Pearson, Peckover, Peers, Penford, Penton, Penyston, Pepys, Perigal, Phillips, Philp, Pinchbeck, Pingstone, Pitcher, Pitt, Pleydell, Plimmer, Plumbe, Porthouse, Post, Poulton, Power, Poy, Prevost, Price, Prime, Puller, Purden, Pyke, Pyne.