Main dial: gold-decorated lozenges corners with morning glories, small rose garland dial centre, yellow oval with roses.
Main dial: small geometric apex in corners, morning glory as well, garland with one large rose dial top centre; large pears etc in breakarch.
Moon faces: pale, pensive and dreamy. Moon scenes: smaller ship at sea; house on bank.
Main dial: four-seasons corners. Hemispheres: good maps; North America on right, ecliptic below equator.
Moon faces: very red cheeks and noses. Moon scenes: ship at sea; windmill.
Main dial: shell and geometric corners with Greek key banding, two birds dial centre. False plate: cast iron.
Main dial: small fans, morning glory and gold leaf roses corners; shells and seaweed dial centre. False plate: cast iron.
Main dial: shells and seaweed corners; long tailed bird centre; ship at sea in breakarch.
Main dial: roses in lattice corners, similar to Walker and Finnemore work.
Main dial: off-white, fat pink roses corners with reverse fan; three stylized peacock feathers top dial centre.
Main dial: cows by lakeside top corners, blue clad fisherman bottom corners; two blue-clad fishermen in boat in breakarch. False plate: cut from old dial with Arabic numerals, roses and gold ovals in corners.
Main dial: gold in corners with pink flowers, two roses centre, decorated ribbon below date aperture. Hemispheres: maps; North America on right, ecliptic below equator. False plate: cast iron, faint trace of Walker left.
Moon faces: eyes close together. Moon scenes: ship at sea; girl on rocks, details of foliage scratched in painting.
Main dial: castles corners; battle of Waterloo in breakarch, well painted Duke of Wellington missing; two birds on roses dial centre. False plate: cast iron.
Moon faces: pale, dreamy. Moon scenes: ships with spread sails; swan.
Moon faces: round-eyed, pink nose. Moon scenes: ruined abbey; ship at sea; blue-clad fishermen.
Main dial: gold flowers and peaches in corners. Hemispheres: maps. False plate: cast iron.
Moon faces: squinty-faced, not attractive. Moon scenes: cottage; small boat.
Main dial: off-white, roses and gold corners; very well-painted background and Adam and Eve. False plate: cast iron.
Moon faces: pop-eyed, very red cheeks and nose. Moon scenes: log-like ship; yellow ruined temple.
Main dial: roses in gold corners. False plate: cast iron.
Main dial: cream background; gold ovals in corner with fat pink roses and lots of fine lines; garland lower centre, lead plug. Hemispheres: good maps. False plate: cast iron.
Main dial: pink background, gold leaf flowers, fine black detail. False plate: cast iron.
Main dial: fan corners with whirligig border.
Main dial: gold squared anchor and gold flowers corners; breakarch cottage on left, church on right, ship rocking. Hemispheres: unusual corners.
Main dial: creamy, very elaborate morning glories; fan in breakarch with gold and blowsy large rose.
Main dial: complicated artwork circles, diamond centre; ovals in breakarch, sombre effect. False plate: cast iron.
Main dial: complicated artwork circles, diamond centre; ovals in breakarch, sombre effect. False plate: cast iron.
Main dial: gold wheatsheaf, heavy L-shaped corners. Hemispheres: maps.
Images of dials made by William Francis, a Birmingham dial maker active in the 1810s–1830s.
Main dial: breakarch automata, shagreen centre, name in gold, fan corners. Originally rocking ship in breakarch; clockmakers changed this to two figurines, one with short axe. False plate: cast iron.
Main dial: blue background, four Evangelists, well painted, gold band. Hemispheres: maps, North America on right, ecliptic above equator. False plate: cast iron.
Moon faces: pop-eyed, red cheeked. Moon scenes: ship at sea; church by waterside.
Main dial: off-white, bronze powder background four Apostles, gold band outside chapter ring. Hemispheres: North America on left. False plate: cast iron.
Main dial: small downhill castles corners, fantastic ruined house.
Main dial: four seasons, funny faces. Hemispheres: gold pagodas. False plate: cast iron.
Main dial: off-white, flared tulips on gold corners with unusual border. False plate: cast iron.
Image of a dial made by Josiah Hayes, a Birmingham dial maker active in the nineteenth century.
Main dial: gold flared Arabics on dark blue chapter ring; bluebell inn in breakarch, mountain in background; man with four seasons in corners, long clay pipe. False plate: cast iron.
Images of dials made by Hipkiss & Harold, Birmingham dial makers active in 1780s–1800s.
Main dial: off-white, flame tulips in gesso-framed corners. Hemispheres: maps, Africa on left. False plate: cast iron.
Main dial: off-white, flared tulips, gesso-framed corners, carnation in centre.
Main dial: off-white, green fan corners, pink centre, framed in yellow ochre, long-tailed bird, Wilson-style, with foliage in background. False plate: cast iron.
Main dial: pheasants with backgrounds corners, stylized baskets of flowers dial centre. False plate: cast iron, marked "Hobson".
Main dial: pheasants with backgrounds in corners, cottage in centre. False plate: cast iron, marked "Hobson".
Main dial: corners well painted. Hemispheres: scenes in humps.
Main dial: stylised wheat ears in corners with decorated band; grotto and fortress in breakarch with rocking ship. False plate: cast iron.
Moon faces: round-eyed, jolly looking. Moon scenes: ship at sea; large cottage on bluff.
Main dial: off-white, very elegant gesso, high oval in top, goddess holding palm leaf. False plate: cast iron.
Main dial: modified fan corners, green, gold, red, brown shells with seaweed, some gold in breakarch. False plate: cast iron.
Main dial: gold flowers in corners, octagon in breakarch, fish egg in it, flowers either side water, bird above centre.
Main dial: small morning glory and roses corners. Moon scene: large ship at sea.
Main dial: slight blue-grey tone, moss and full roses corners impinge on chapter ring; girl with funny dog in high oval breakarch. False plate: cast iron.
Main dial: blue-grey four-seasons ladies, gesso surround. Hemispheres: detailed maps with outside numbers. Named false plate.
Moon faces: very serious. Moon scenes: small ship at sea; tower by lakeside. False plate: iron.
Main dial: off-white, fan corners with gold. Very bright small birds in centre. False plate: cast iron.
Main dial: rose top, moss rose and vetch, no gesso, bold painting, all script, decorated date aperture. False plate: cast iron.
Main dial: fully-painted centre, scene at an inn or house; cornucopia with fruit and flowers in corners.
Moon faces: round-eyed, red noses, pleasant expression. Moon scenes: ship at sea; lakeside cottage, red roof.
Main dial: sweet pea and primula gesso-framed corners, pale blue-grey background paint.
Main dial: blue-grey diamond centre, scrolling spandrel-type gesso corners. Hemispheres: North America on left, ecliptic below equator. False plate: cast iron.
Main dial: off-white; elaborate corners in oval; Greek key design; gold rope edge. False plate: cast iron.
Main dial: off-white; elaborate corners in oval; Greek key design; gold rope edge. False plate: cast iron.
Main dial: four parts of Great Britain corners; Britannia in seascape dial centre, fully painted with oval pictures, Nelson and Collingwood; breakarch scene "General Le Fevre attacking Cossacks". False plate: cast iron.
Moon faces: very round protuberant eyes, serious expression. Moon scenes: dog (springer spaniel); cottage by lakeside, tree in middle of scene.
Main dial: elaborate corners, gold shield with pink edging, blue anchor, green laurel leaves, green fan like rest of corner, woman weeping in breakarch. False plate: cast iron.
Main dial: four continents, gold bands, unusual dial. Same painter as Edward Glaze. Hemispheres: Father Time and a nun or saint.
Moon faces: pleasant expression, red noses, red cheeks. Moon scenes: ship; cottage with odd roof.
Main dial: off-white, greenish scrumble background and roses corners; centre shepherd on rock, gold band arch and man selling cow. False plate: cast iron, named.
Moon faces: reasonably pleasant expression. Moon scenes: cottage at lakeside with tree; ship.
Main dial: cream background; gold shells on black corners with gold band. Unusual to have black as dries slowly.
Main dial: off-white, anemone bottom, tulips top; gold framing windmill with revolving base in breakarch. False plate: cast iron, Fire Sharp.
Main dial: curious corners, green with bug and oval striped.
One card per dial. Set also includes some miscellaneous cards with notes. Each card gives dial maker's name, slide numbers, and detailed description of dial that includes: date, type, graphics, signature, main dial description, hemispheres, type of gilded gesso, date aperture, date dial on main dial, seconds dial on main dial, base paint, condition when received, date dial metal, date dial condition
This series contains prints from microfilms and photocopies of British newspaper extracts mentioning seventeenth- and eighteenth-century watches and watchmakers, compiled and annotated by Jeremy Evans. The newspapers include mainly the Daily Advertiser and other contemporary local papers such as The London Gazette, but twentienth-century catalogues and other publications are also present. Topics include mainly losses or thefts of watches, but also sales of goods, debts, bankruptcies, marriages, deaths, wills, appointments, absconsions, elopements, criminal charges, etc. The files also include some photographs of watches and clocks. Please note that some of the microfilm prints are not easily legible and in a few cases Jeremy Evans' attempts to decipher or identify the surnames were tentative, and alterative spellings of surnames are often provided.
Makers' surnames include: Appley, Archambo, Archer, Arding, Aris, Ayris, Arland, Arlandy, Armand, Armstrong, Arnley, Arnold, Arson, Arundal, Arundell, Ashbee, Ashburne, Ashley, Ashman, Ashmore, Aslatt, Asselin, Astley, Aston, Atfield / Adfield, Atherley, Atkins, Atkinsin, Atwood, Aubert, Aubury, Austall, Aunale, Austin, Aveline, Avenell, Averton, Avery, Avril, Ayres, Ayrs, Ayscough, Azier.
Makers' surnames include: Beake, Beale, Beard, Beasley, Beate, Beaucamp, Beauchamp, Beauvais, Beavis, Bebley, Beccles, Bechoe, Beck, Beckett, Beckford, Beckman, Bedford, Beding, Beecham, Been, Beet, Beets, Behoe, Beighton, Belew, Belfield, Bell, Bellamy, Bellard, Bellette, Belling, Bellis, Bellwood, Bemish, Benban, Benbrick, Bence, Bendall, Benge, Benn, Bennet, Bennett, Benning, Benson, Bentley, Benton, Benyon, Berge, Bergeau, Berkeley, Bernard, Bernarde, Berridge, Berrington, Berry, Bertram, Beson, Best, Beste, Bethell, Betteridge, Betterton, Betts, Beverly, Bewley, Beyman.
Makers' surnames include: P. G., Richard G[...], Gaab, Gadsdon, Gainsborough, Gaite, Gakeman, Galabin, Galileo, Galindo, Gallant, Gallois, Galloway, Gambier, Gammon, Ganeron, Ganeroon, Garden, Gardiner, Gardner, Garfoot, Garner, Garnett, Garon, Gharon, Garrard, Garret, Garstin, Garth, Gascoine, Gascoyne, Gatward, Gaudin, Gaugain, Gautier, Gawthorne, Gazuet, Geary, George, Gerbe, Gernier, Gerrard, Gervais, Gib, Gibbard, Gibbons, Gibbs, Gibson, Gilbert, Giles, Gill, Gilpin, Gimblett, Ginn, Girle, Girod, Giroust.
Makers' surnames include: Gladman, Gladstone, Glasco, Gloria A Dieppe, Glover, Glyd, Glynn, Goblop, Goddard, Goddock, Godfrey, Godin, Gold, Goldby, Goldsmith & Delander, Goldwin, Golling, Golway, Goode, Goodfriend, Gooding, Goodlad, Goodison, Goodman, Goodo, Goodwin, Goodyere, Goolan, Gordon, Gorsuch, Gosselin, Gosier, Gossier, Gossop, Gotobed, Goubert, Gough, P. G., Goujon, Gould, Gouldar, Gouldsborough, Goush, Gout, Govers, Goweth.
Makers' surnames include: Heardman, Hearn, Heath, Hebb, Hebert, Heckel, Heeley, Heigel, Heinrici, Helmes, Helot, Heming, Hemming, Hemmsings, Henderson, Henrison, Henery, Henry, Henshaw, Henson, Herald, Herbert, Herdman, Herloin, Herlot, Herring, Herriot, Herve, Hes, Heskin, Hester, Hewer, Hewitt, Hewlett, Heyden, Heyman, Heyter, Hibbert, Hiccox, Hickman, Hicks, Hide, Higgins, Higginson, Higgnett, Higgs, Higgs & Evans, Higsby, Hildebrand, Hill, Hills, Hilliard, Hillier, Henley, Hindley, Hindmore, Hine, Hineham, Hitchin, Hitchins, Hitchings, Hitchman.
Makers' surnames include: Hubbard, Hubert, Huckle, Huddleston, Hudleston, Hudson, Huggeford, Hughes, Hulbert, Hull, Humber, Humphreys, Humphries, Humphrys, Hunsdon, Hunt, Hunte, Hunter, Hurst, Hurt, Husset, Hussey, Hutchinson, Hutchason, Hutson & Johnson, Hutton, Hynam.
Makers' surnames include: Thomas [L...], J. L., Lockman [?], Lacam, Lacum, Lade, Lafoe, Lamaye, Lamb, Lambell, Lambert, Lamble, Lambell, Lamborn, Lambracht, Lamburg, Lampe, Lampriere, Lamude, Lancaster, Landrau, Lane, Langford, Langley, Lanny, Laport, Lapper, La R[…], Larouche, Larpent, Lashbrooke, Lashbrook, Latham, Laughton, Lawton, Lavender, Law, Lawrence, Lawson, Layton, Lazarus, Lea, Leadbetter, Lear, Leare, Le Brun, Le Chevalier, Lecoeur, Le Count, Ledgard, Lee, Leekey, Legg, L'Heuteux, Leicester, Leigh, Leith or Keith, Leivsley, Lemair, Lemaire, Lemaistre, Lemen, Lemon, Leman, Lemastre, Lemoyne, Lenerd, Lenoir, Leroux, Le Roux, Le Roy, Lesire, Lester, Lestourgeon, Levens, Levy, Lewington, Lewis, Ley [?], Leybourn, Leybourne.
Makers' surnames include: Shadly, Shadwell, Shallcross, Sharenbeck, Sharpe, Sharp, Sharplin, Sharpy, Sharrat, Shaw, Sheafe, Shearwood, Sheilds, Sheldrake, Shelton, Shepard, Sheppard, Shepley, Shergold, Sherley, Shervey, Sherwood, Shield, Shindler, Shingler, Shipton, Shirley, Shore, Shoertgrave, Shotten, Shrimpton, Shrowsbridge, Shucksborough, Shuckford, Shuckforth, Shute, Shuttleworth, Sibley, Siddell, Sidey [Yedis ?], Sidley, Sidney, Silvers, Silvester, Sylvester, Simkins, Simpkins, Simmons, Simon, Simpkinson, Simpson, Sims, Simms, Sinclair, Singleton, Sisson, Skargell, Sheggs, Skelton, Skikelthorpe, Skinner, Slack, Slade, Slan, Slatter, Slingsby, Sly.
Makers' surnames include: Smallman, Smallpage, Smallwood, Smart, Smelt, Smith, Smyth, Smith & Wingfield, Smith & Wooden, Smithyes, Smorthwaite, Smoult, Snelling, Snow, Sofflaw, Soffleow, Soldano, Somersall, Somerson, Sones, Soret, South, Southam, Sowtheby, Sotheby [?], Soyer, Sparke, Sparkes, Sparrow, Speakman, Spence, Spencer, Spiegel, Sprigg.
Makers' surnames include: W[...], Wade, Wady, Wager, Wagstaff, Wagstaffe, Wainwright, Wait, Waite, Wayte, Waits, Waldron, Walker, Wall, Wallen, Walley, Wallis, Walpole, Walsh, Walthall, Waneman, Warburton, Ward, Ware, Wareing, Warfield, Waring, Warne, Warren, Warrington, Warwick, Washbourn, Washburn, Washington, Wasland, Wass, Wat[…], Watkins, Watson, Watt, Watts, Way.
Makers' surnames include: Weasles, Weaver, Webb, Webster, Weedon, Weeks, Welbeck, Welch, Welsh, Weldon, Welldon, Weller, Wellit, Wellman, Wells, Weleys, Wentworth, West, Westbrook, Westenham, Westlaws, Westley, Westoby, Weston, Westwood, Weyandt, Weyanett, Weyat, Weyar [?], Weylandt, Wheatley, Wheeler, Wheelwright, Whichcote, Whiston, White, Whitefield, Whitehead, Whitehouse, Whitehurst, Whitham, Whiting, Whitlache, Whitley, Whittern, Whittit, Whittle.
Makers' surnames include: Wogden, Wolfull, Wolverstone, Wolverton, Wood, Woodham, Woodhouse, Woodland, Woodman, Woods, Woodward, Woodard, Woolhead, Woollerton, Wootton, Worley, Wornell, Worsfold, Worswick, Worthey, Worthington, Wrench, Wrigglesworth, Wright, Wright & Sellon, Wroth, Wych, Wich, Wyld, Wylder, Wyllie, Wynell, Wynn, Wynne, Wyth.
Also includes a few pages of lantern clocks and general articles on longcase clocks and lacquer.
Makers' surnames include: Farwell, Faulkener, Fearnley, Fenn, Fennell, Fenton, Fenwick, Ferguson, Ferron, Fielder, Finch, Fish, Fladgate, Fleureau, Flook, Follit, Fontaine, Ford, Forde, Foster, Fowll, Fox, Freeman, French, Freshfield.
Makers' surnames include: Kefford, Kember, Kening, Kent, Kenton, King, Kipling, Kirk, Kirkpatrick, Knifton, Knottesford, Knowles.
Makers' surnames include: Pace, Padgett, Page, Pain, Palmer, Pare, Parkinson, Parr, Parre, Patrick De Parshore, Pearson, Peckover, Peers, Penford, Penton, Penyston, Pepys, Perigal, Phillips, Philp, Pinchbeck, Pingstone, Pitcher, Pitt, Pleydell, Plimmer, Plumbe, Porthouse, Post, Poulton, Power, Poy, Prevost, Price, Prime, Puller, Purden, Pyke, Pyne.
Makers' surnames include: Rant, Ray, Rayment, Raymond, Raynes, Raynsford, Recordon, Redstall, Reed, Renouf, Rice, Richardson, Rigby, Rimbault, Risbridger, Rivers, Riviere, Robb, Robin, Robinson, Rogers, Rooker, Rose, Rouch, Rudrupp.
Makers' surnames include: Ince and Mayhew, Ireland, Jackson, Jakeman, Jarratt, Jefferys, Jenkins, Jersey, Johnson, Jones, Jordan.
Makers' surnames include: King, Kipling, Kirk, Knight, Knottesford.
Makers' surnames include: Lagisse, Lamb & Webb, Lambert, Lampe, Land, Latham, Lee, Leroux, Lestourgeon, Lindsay, Liptrot, Loddington, Lowndes, Lumpkin.
Makers' surnames include: Naylor, Nethercott, Neve, Newman, Newton, Nicolason, Nicholson, Norcott, Norris, Norton, Ogden, Oosterwyck.
Makers' surnames include: Tawney, Taylor, Templer, Thornton, Thorp, Threlkeld, Thuret, Tomkins, Tomlinson, Toppin, Toulmin, Tregent, Trewinnard, Trubshaw, Turnball, Turner, Tyler.
Includes correspondence, photocopies of seventeenth- and eighteenth-century newspaper extracts, brochures, journal and newspaper articles, cutouts of catalogue listings, photographs and notes.
Includes correspondence, photocopies of seventeenth- and eighteenth-century newspaper extracts, newspaper articles, cutouts of catalogue listings, photographs, notes, and a transcript of Gretton's accounts of 1694.