Originals and photocopies, relating to individual clocks and watches, clockmaking news, Robert Hooke and Captain James Cook.
Seven cuttings, mostly from unidentified newspapers.
Includes signed typescript of L. Northcote's review of Clockmaking in Oxfordshire 1400-1850 by C.F.C. Beeson (1962); typescript of "Electronics in Timekeeping", a lecture given to the Electrical Horology Group by J.D. Weaver at the Science Museum (6 Dec 1975); typescript of an article on "The Watchmaker's Guild of Copenhagen" (n.d.), and handwritten notes and comments on the Flamsteed / Towneley correspondence and Towneley's pallets as revised by Tompion.
This collection comprises material relating to electrical horology created and collected by Arthur Mitchell. It contains subject and correspondence files concerning electric clock companies worldwide and their products, including the Synchronome Company.
Mitchell, ArthurOriginal articles from La Suisse Horlogère (August 1954), pp. 39–50.
Original article from Antique Collecting (April 1998), pp. 36–37.
Includes typewritten letters, five photographs, a tourist map of Alsace featuring a photograph of the clock, and typewritten articles on "Kunstuhr in Molsheim" and "Les horloges astronomiques et Monumentales: Molsheim".
Includes catalogues, photocopies of press articles, hand-drawn plan of Le Forges à Montécheroux, photographs and negatives, and related correspondence.
This collection comprises material related to the research, writing, laying-out and publishing The Clockmakers of Somerset 1650-1900 and The Clockmakers of Bristol 1650-1900, as well as assorted research papers and ephemera, including but not limited to a collection of photos, copies of deeds, correspondence with owners of clocks including enclosures, and photocopies of archival documents.
Moore, JimOriginal article from Antique Collecting, vol. 12 (February 1977), pp. 57–60.
Album containing the complete series of 25 cards. Purchased from The Good Olde Days shop in Brighton.
Includes typewritten letters, one photographic postcard and envelope. Also includes letter from Loughborough library, confirming that the Loughborough Carillion Tower is a replica of the Moulin tower.
Original article about a late seventeenth-century lantern clock by Richard Savage of Shrewsbury, from The Antique Collector (July 1986), pp. 48–49.
Original articles from The Connoisseur, vol. 5 (1903), no pagination.
Includes typewritten letters and a brochure titled Das Münchner Rathaus und sein Glockenspiel.
Two copies of an original article about musical boxes and clocks from The Antique Dealer and Collectors' Guide (November 1972), pp. 80–81.
Original article from The Antique Dealer and Collectors' Guide (June 1969), pp. 60–63. Includes issue cover.
Original article from Antique Collector (February 1980), pp. 62–64.
Original article about musical boxes from Art & Antiques Weekly (13–19 February 1981), pp. 20–23.
Includes catalogues, brochures, historical notes, photographs and related correspondence.
Printed, typescript and handwritten.
Original article from Journal Suisse d'Horologerie et de Bijouterie: Revue de la Société Suisse de Chronométrie, pp. 364–66. Annotated '83'.
Photocopy of an article from Pracitcal Engineering (13 January 1950), pp. 8–9.
Original page with news and book reviews from Antique Collector (August 1960). Includes a review of Clock and Watch Makers in Wales, a book by Iorweth C. Peate.
Includes articles about the clock sculpture in Gare St Lazare in Paris, the selling exhibition at Liberty, and heirloom Ducrow clock from the Weekend Telegraph (1994, 1995); long-case clocks and other "antiques of the future", and purchase of "the ultimate circuit timers" from The Daily Telegraph (1994, 1996).
This series contains prints from microfilms and photocopies of British newspaper extracts mentioning seventeenth- and eighteenth-century watches and watchmakers, compiled and annotated by Jeremy Evans. The newspapers include mainly the Daily Advertiser and other contemporary local papers such as The London Gazette, but twentienth-century catalogues and other publications are also present. Topics include mainly losses or thefts of watches, but also sales of goods, debts, bankruptcies, marriages, deaths, wills, appointments, absconsions, elopements, criminal charges, etc. The files also include some photographs of watches and clocks. Please note that some of the microfilm prints are not easily legible and in a few cases Jeremy Evans' attempts to decipher or identify the surnames were tentative, and alterative spellings of surnames are often provided.
Images of dials made by the Nicholas brothers, Birmingham factors and dial makers active in the 1790s–1820.
Original article from The Antique Dealer and Collectors' Guide (May 1978), p. 90–92.
Original article about fine English furniture collection from Antique Collector (June 1986), pp. 90–97.
This collection contains horological correspondence, research notes, photographs and printed material created and compiled by Lewis S. Northcote.
Northcote, LewisOriginal article from The Antique Dealer and Collectors' Guide (September 1979), pp. 70–73.
Original article from Country Life Annual (1956), pp. 180–185.
Original article from The Antique Dealer and Collectors' Guide (September 1975), pp. 69–71.
Contains handwritten note and a sketch scribbled on the back of an envelope dated 22 September 1936. No original number. Inserted between files 65 and 66.
Photocopy of the English translation of an article originally published in French in vol. 20 no. 21 of Les Comptes Rendus (May 1845). Translation published in Electrical Magazine vol. 2.
Handwritten. Includes: Deutsches Museum Munich, Bayerische Nationalmuseum Munich, Leiden Museum, Swiss museums and private collections (1957), Amsterdam 'Het Atoom' (1957), AHS German Tour 1959, AHS Austrian Tour 1961, and AHS Swiss-Italian Tour 1963.
This series contains notes, typescripts and publications compiled by Lewis S. Northcote, authored both by himself and others.
This series contains Roger Carrington's research papers and presentation scripts relating mainly to clockmaking and watchmaking in the north of England.
This series contains a notebook and a bound typescript of John W. Castle's planned publications.
Handwritten script of R.F. Carrington's presentation given to the Northern Section of the AHS in 1976. Also includes related correspondence.
Bound printed script of R.F. Carrington's presentation given to the East Anglian Section of the AHS at Manor House Museum, Bury St Edmunds, on 20 March 1993. 46 pages.
Bound printed script of R.F. Carrington's presentation given to the London Section of the AHS at the Science Museum, London, on 21 April 1994. 45 pages. Also includes slides and related correspondence.
Bound printed script of R.F. Carrington's presentation given to the Bedfordshire Branch of the BHI at Sherington Village Hall on 22 October 1992. 47 pages.
Bound photocopies of articles published in English Mechanic and World of Science.
Bound photocopies of articles published in English Mechanic and Mirror of Science.
Bound photocopies of articles published in English Mechanic and World of Science.
Printed copy of an article "communicated at Lancaster, 14th September 1933",
Original brochure, with description and photographs, of David Ramsay's star-shaped verge watch (now in the museum collection of the Worshipful Company of Clockmakers, who purchased it in 1958).
Original article about watch-key collecting, from Arts & Antiques (14 December 1974), pp. 25–27.
Oaktree Antiques, selling "town and country furniture, longcase clocks and works of art" is based in Marlet Harborough, Leicestershire.
Photocopy of an obituary of the British scientist, inventor and collector Edward Hall (1924–2001), published in The Times. File also includes photographs of clock movements and a comparison sheet between four Smiths Quartz Movements.
Original article from The Antique Dealer and Collectors' Guide (May 1955), pp. 29–30.
Original article from The Connoisseur, vol. 136 no. 547 (September 1955), pp. 22–26.
Includes two typewritten letters and envelope.
Original article from Antiques (January 1970), pp. 90–95. Includes issue cover.
Original pages from an unidentified colour magazine, with an artistic photograph of wall clocks of various designs and their prices.
Original article from The Antique Dealer and Collectors' Guide (April 1967), pp. 61–63. Also includes A penny plain and twopence coloured, an article on miniature theatres by Frederick Stanley.
Original article from The Connoisseur (1922), pp. 215–222.
Original article from Jeweller and Metalworker (15 December 1950), pp. 1128–1130. Includes a page with portrait photos of James Oakes and E. T. Wright from the June 1950 issue.
Bound copy of an article about acquiring long-case clocks, from an unidentified publication.
Original articles from Science News no. 16 (Penguin Books, 1950), pp. 33–39 and 65–77.
Original article beased on a lecture read on 15 January 1857, from the Transactions of the Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire (1987), pp. 11–20.
Contains three b/w photographs, captioned, showing Princess Alice, Sir Harold Spences Jones, H. Alan Lloyd, Kenneth Pickthorn, Mr Elicott, Dr F. Sherwood Taylor, Lily Hudson and others.
Original article from Antique Collecting, vol. 5 no. 7 (November 1970), pp. 14–17.
Original articles from Discovering Antiques no. 34 (1971), pp. 813–816, 793–796, 798–802 and 808–811.
Copy of an article on seventeenth-century night clocks, from an unidentified publication.
Images of dials made by Osborne & Wilson, Birmingham dial makers active in 1772–77.
Main dial: cream, very fancy gesso corners, gesso in arch of moon. Hemispheres: maps, transfers, unique.
Main dial: arched dial repainted, bird on breakarch, all gesso corners.
Main dial: flowery gesso corners, bunches of flowers in breakarch, painted fierce bird and sun in breakarch.
Main dial: flowery gesso corners, bunches of flowers in breakarch, painted fierce bird and sun in breakarch.
Main dial: flowery gesso corners, bunches of flowers in breakarch, painted fierce bird and sun in breakarch.
Main dial: creamy, unusual heavy gesso in imitation brass spandrels; rose and buds in breakarch with gesso side pieces; upside-down roses either side of decorated winding holes.
Main dial: cream breakarch, similar to very early dials, gesso work, pink ovals, corners floral in breakarch. Nice work.
Main dial: off-white, heavy bold gesso corners and breakarch; decorated winding holes.
Main dial: blue roses, corners distinctive, gesso with bow knots frame, figure of Drama / Melpomene (?) in breakarch, in not quite round gesso frame, bowknots and swags. Stub foot for date. Painted garland across centre hole.
Main dial: fine painting, girl and boy on the left, fort on the right; oval cutout, very detailed ship, all original.
Main dial: fine painting, girl and boy on the left, fort on the right. Oval cutout, very detailed ship, all original.
Moon faces: strong faces, unique. Moon scenes: exquisite detailed paintings, two land scenes.
Main dial: off-white, small blue and pink flowers in corners, blue-tinged roses in arch.
Main dial: off-white, dianthus, blue flowers in corners, blue-toned roses in breakarch, decorated gold winding holes.
Main dial: off-white, dianthus, blue flowers in corners; blue toned roses in breakarch, decorated gold winding holes.
Main dial: blue/white profiles of Plato and Socrates in breakarch, small strawberries and roses with blue flowers.
Main dial: blue/grey moss roses, top corners with small blue flowers, strawberries bottom. Gilded gesso framing. Strike/silent in breakarch. Two ovals with Plato and Socrates in breakarch, gilded winding holes.
Main dial: blue/grey moss roses, top corners with small blue flowers, strawberries bottom, gilded gesso framing, strike/silent in breakarch, two ovals with Plato and Socrates in breakarch, gilded winding holes.
4 b/w photographs, captioned. Originally in an envelope marked "Science Museum Property".
Includes H. Otto's and Charles Allix's correspondence with Prof. D.S. Torens, May & Philpot catalogue of furniture auction sale 2 November 1955, photocopy photographs, sketches, and extracts from The Horological Journal.
Original article from Newnes Pictorial Knowledge, vol. 9 (1952?), pp. 291–224. General editors R.H. Poole and Peter Finch.
Two copies of an original article from The Antique Collector (January 1977), pp. 68–72.
Three prints, with a compliment slip from Thanet Printing Works.
Original article from Endeavour, vol. 27 no. 100 (January 1968), pp. 18–22.
Original article from the Clocks supplement of The Antique Collector magazine (1989), pp. 81–84. Includes antique clock dealers' advertisement pages and issue cover.
Original article from Antique Collecting (September 1994), pp. 10–12. Includes advertisement page for Loomes' book and issue cover.
Original article from The Antique Collector (November 1978), pp. 75–77.
Photocopy, pasted into a notebook, of Wynn's description of his Society of Arts Gold Isis Medal winning invention of a time-keeper and a compensating pendulum (1817). Also includes, as front, C. G. McKay's short letter about William Wynn, published in Antiquarian Horology (Autumn 1977) and a biographical note about Wynn from the ninth edition of Britten's Old Clocks and Watches and their Makers.
Includes mostly typewritten letters, an excerpt from Chapter 3 of Castle's "Remarkable Clocks", a photograph of Oronce Fine's astronomical clock, and a photograph and copy drawing of De Vick's clock from the Palais de Justice. Also includes typewritten letter from the British Horological Institute .
Original article, probably from from Journal Suisse d'Horologerie et de Bijouterie: Revue de la Société Suisse de Chronométrie (n.d.), pp. 52–56. Annotated '91A'.
Original article about longcase clocks of the late-seventeenth and early-eighteenth century, from The Antique Dealer and Collectors' Guide (October 1990), pp. 44–46.