Main dial: blue-grey, typical Byrne gesso corner small dial.
Main dial: blue-grey, fat roses and strawberries bottom, roses and lilies at top, smaller roses either side seconds dial covering dial post, thin base paint. False plate: cast iron.
Main dial: off-white, floral corners, gold leaf framing, large Byrne-type flowers in breakarch. Fine dial, good Byrne work. False plate: cast iron, factor's name.
Images of dials made by Eli Fenton, a Birmingham dial maker active in 1807–31.
Main dial: tulips and auriculas, pattern-framed corners on outside only, birds centre with small flowers. Hemispheres: North America, ecliptic below equator. False plate: cast iron.
Main dial: off-white, geometric corners with ovals and some gold. Hemispheres: flowers in gold.
Moon faces: round eyes, red nose and cheeks, smiling. Moon scenes: Duke of Wellington; small boat at sea.
Main dial: very rare level Roman, green background to corners, roses and auriculas, cherries in centre.
Main dial: cream-gold background to everything, roses, poppies in corners; corners fine painting of Durham Cathedral named in breakarch. False plate: sheet iron.
Main dial: gold leaf decorated apex of corner, black background to pink and yellow roses, blue morning glories, two long-tailed birds dial centre.
Main dial: anemone, morning glory and daffodil corners. Hemispheres: good maps, late type; North America on left, ecliptic below equator. False plate: four long feet.
Main dial: modified fan corners with decorated bands, two long-tailed birds dial centre.
Main dial: pink roses in corners, pink morning glories and birds; mother and child at pool in breakarch. False plate: sheet iron.
Main dial: fan corners, fat bird with long tail dial centre.
Main dial: pink roses with orange band corners.
Main dial: pink roses with anenomes in corners; cottage by river in breakarch. False plate: sheet iron.
Moon faces: rather dreamy, pink cheeks and nose. Moon scenes: ship at sea; ruins and cottage.
Main dial: geometric corners with morning glory; bunch of gold flowers above dial centre; large peaches and plums in breakarch.
Main dial: blue ovals in corners; well-painted ships automata in breakarch, two other ships in background. False plate: cast iron.
Main dial: pink background, except for centre; gold flowers outlined black; gold decoration around aperture. False plate: cast iron.
Main dial: gold with pink convolvulus corners; shells in breakarch.
Main dial: ruins in corners; Finnemore birds and flowers centre; very large lion with rolling eyes in breakarch. False plate: sheet iron.
Moon faces: red cheeks, red noses, full lips. Moon scenes: cottage with tower; small ship at sea.
Main dial: fan corners with gold roses. Hemispheres: maps.
Main dial: gold squared anchor and gold flowers corners; breakarch cottage on left, church on right, ship rocking. Hemispheres: unusual corners.
Moon faces: loose-lipped, red cheeks. Moon scenes: ship; cottage by water.
Main dial: off white; green shagreen corners with tulips and roses.
Main dial: green-based corners with roses and morning glories; anemone centre.
Main dial: cream, medium dull-blue background with a crudely painted strawberry; gold band outside chapter ring. Hemispheres: North America, ecliptic below equator. False plate: cast iron.
Moon faces: round-eyed, short pink nose, pink cheeks. Moon scenes: ship with odd sails at sea; landscape with cottage on bluff with lake.
Main dial: cream, shells in corners, tower with flag in centre.
Moon faces: round-eyed, red cheeks, pleasant expression. Moon scenes: ship at sea, bright sky; cottage with two figures.
Main dial: blue anemone, yellow tulips. Hemispheres: bird and vague worlds. False plate: cast iron.
Main dial: bright-blue background to floral corners, gold leaf corners, roses in corners. False plate: Francis W.
Main dial: no grommets, gold band.
Main dial: gold ovals, shaded green corners, odd breakarch, Walker-style use of bronze powder stencil motifs.
Main dial: off-white, pink ovals set in green with gold leaves, flat gold-framed corners. False plate: cast iron.
Main dial: off-white, corners in pink/black with gold oval and laurel leaves. False plate: Hipkiss cast iron.
Main dial: off-white base colour, pink draped corners, gold fans, green wreath with red berries. Hemispheres: almost gone.
Moon faces: wide-eyed, pursed lips, heavy varnish. Moon scenes: house with mountains; peanut ship.
Main dial: fat pink roses corners, one very large ship, with sea painted edge of breakarch. False plate: cast iron, marked "E Hobson".
Moon faces: very round-eyed, full mouth, pink cheeks. Moon scenes: ship at sea; ruined church.
Main dial: formal corners with gold leaf, Hobson ship dial centre.
Main dial: anemone and tulip corners, two birds centre. False plate: cast iron.
Main dial: off-white, seaweed and shells corners, odd flowers (gold) centre. False plate: cast iron.
Images of dials made by Jones & Carter, Birmingham dial makers active in 1809–19.
Main dial: baskets of flowers corners with decorative band, decorated unusual low oval containing name, funny motif under date.
Main dial: gesso whirligig corners; decorated arch seascape in breakarch with two ships.
Main dial: roses and crocus corners, long-necked birds centre with thin foliage. False plate: cast iron.
Main dial: roses and tulips in gold with black detail in corners. False plate: cast iron.
Main dial: four-seasons corners, roses centre. Hemispheres: maps, gold edges.
Moon faces: slightly squinting, very red nose. Moon scenes: ship at sea bright blue sky; ruined abbey with two figures.
Moon faces: pink-faced, round-eyed, small features. Moon scenes: ship at sea; landscape with lake, good foliage.
Main dial: blue-grey, anemone and rose corners, gesso-framed two birds in centre. False plate: cast iron.
Images of dials made by Edward Owen, a Birmingham dial maker active in the 1800s–1820s.
Main dial: four-continents corners, gold framed, gold circle outside chapter ring. Hemispheres: North America on right, ecliptic below equator. False plate: cast iron.
Main dial: blue-grey, primula or auricula gesso-framed corners; cottage and windmill in centre. Hemispheres: good maps, North America on right, ecliptic below equator. False plate: cast iron.
Moon faces: round-eyed, pleasant expression. Moon scenes: ship at sea; landscape with ruin and pointed-roofed house and tree.
Main dial: sheep in corners, framed on outside only. A late Owen with poor artwork. Hemispheres: sepia maps, North America on right. Partly visible moon scene: landscape with church on one side. False plate: cast iron.
Main dial: off-white, gold leaf roses in corners, dotted framing on outside, orange band outside of chapter ring; sepia ruins dial centre. False plate: cast iron.
Moon faces: very round eyes, funny noses, blue around mouth and chin. Moon scenes: ship at sea; cottage with pointed roof by lakeside, tree in the middle.
Main dial: blue background, red-green fan corners with gold-leaf shells, two profiles in laurel wreaths dial centre (Wellington? Nelson?) False plate: cast iron.
Main dial: roses and poppies corners, small sailing ship in breakarch, cockerel above.
Main dial: off-white, rainbow corners with gold floral band, "D Attenborough" scratched on the back.
Main dial: four-seasons gold band. Hemispheres: maps. False plate: cast iron.
Moon faces: pink faces. Moon scenes: cottage; ship at sea.
Main dial: Owen dial cut out from original, much larger dial with Arabic numbers; name may not be original clockmaker. Carnation and primrose corners. Hemispheres: maps. False plate: cast iron. Owner most uncooperative about any photos or article.
Main dial: Owen dial cut out from original, much larger dial with Arabic numbers; name may not be original clockmaker. Carnation and primrose corners. Hemispheres: maps. False plate: cast iron. Owner most uncooperative about any photos or article.
Main dial: Owen dial cut out from original, much larger dial with Arabic numbers; name may not be original clockmaker. Carnation and primrose corners. Hemispheres: maps. False plate: cast iron. Owner most uncooperative about any photos or article.
Main dial: pale blue-grey centre, black with blue underneath, background to gold work; grapevine in breakarch.
Main dial: off-white, ship in centre, ranunculus top and vetch on bottom. Very similar Wilson.
Gives clockmakers' names and dates, slide numbers, and brief description of dials
Makers' surnames include: B[...], Babbington, Bachan, Bacharn, Bachofen, Backhouse, Bacon, Bacot, Baddin, Baddy, Badger, Badiley, Bagley, Bagyer, Baily, Bailey, Baley, Baillon, Baker, Balcher, Baldwin, Bale, Baley, Balie, Ball, Ballard, Balleure, Bamber, Bamford, Banks, Banister, Banner, Bannister, Banson, Banton.
Makers' surnames include: Br[...], Brabant, Brackley, Bradbury, Bradford, Bradgate, Bradley, Bradshaw, Brady, Brafield, Brayfield, Bramer, Bramston, Brand, Brasier, Brass, Brassett, Brather, Braun, Bray, Bredo, Brentwood, Brew, Brewer, Bride, Bridgeman, Bridges, Briggs, Brightridge, Bristow, Brittain, Broadbent, Brockbank, Brodu, Brogden [donbrog], Bromfield, Bromley, Brooke, Brooks, Brookes, Brooksby, Brosy, Brown, Browntree, Bruce, Bryan.
Makers' surnames include: Buank [?], Buchanan, Buck, Buckenhill, Buckingham, Buckman, Bucknall, Budgen, Budgeon, Buffet, Bull, Bulline, Bullock, Bumstead, Bunce, Burch, Burden, Burdet, Burfield, Burgi, Burgis, Burges, Burgess, Burn, Burnett, Burnham, Burport, Burry, Burton, Busby, Bush, Bushman, Buschman, Bushman, Bushnels, Butcher, Butler, Butterfield, Butts, Buxton, Byfield, Bynham.
Makers' surnames include: J.C., Cabrear, Cabrier, Cacket, Caillate, Calder, Calderwood, Callowe, Calloway, Caltro, Cambro, Cambden, Camden, Cameel, Cambell, Campbell, Cane, Cannon, Canton, Card, Cargill, Carlson, Carlyon, Carne, Carpenter, Carrington, Carte, Carter, Cartier, Cartwright, Carus, Cary, Castel, Castell, Castle, Cater, Catlin, Caton, Cattell, Cattle, Cawdron, Cawley.
Makers' surnames include: J. F., Faby, Facio, Fail, Farrey, Fairy (Fairey?), Faizan, Faldo, Fanjoux, Fardoil, Farewell, Farwell, Farmer, Farnworth, Farrell, Farr, Farrington, Farow, Fasch, Faulkner, Faver, Favor, Favore, Favour, Favre, Fawkes, Fayle, Fayrer, Fayting, Fazakerley, Featherstone, Fell, Fellowes, Fellows, Fels, Fenester, Fenn, Junn [probably Fenn], Fennell, Fennimore, Fennymore, Fennymare, Fenton, Ferguson, Ferment, Ferrers, Ferron, Ferrot & Thuilier, Fichtner, Field, Fieldhouse, Filler, Fillery, Finch, Finchett, Finney, Fish, Fisher, Fitter, Fitzsimons, Fitzwilliam.
Makers' surnames include: R. H., Haber, Habler, Haden, Hadley, Hagen, Haggar, Hailes, Haines, Haland, Halding, Hales, Halifax, Hallifax, Hall, Hallett, Halley, Hally, Halsted, Halstead, Ham, Hamarsly, Hamers, Hambleton, Hamilton, Hammond, Hancorn, Hancorne, Hand, Handanought, Handisyde, Hindside, Hands, Hanet, Hannet, Hankin, Hanscombe, Hanson, Hanwell.
Makers' surnames include: Liddell, Liddiard, Liford, Lifford, Lyford, Lilly, Lillie, Lindley, Lindsay, Lindsey, Linsey, Linter, Lipscomb, Lipscomb, Lisceur, Littleton, Liveze [Liversey?], Lloyd, Lock, Lockwood, Lockyear, Lokyer, Lodge, Lodington, Loft, Loftus, Lomax, Long, Longcraft, Looker, Lorman, Lormier, Louis, Lovage, Love, Loveday, Lovejoy, Lovelace, Lovell, Lovet, Lovick, Low, Lowe, Lowcocke, Lowder, Lowndes, Lownds, Loundes, Loyne, Lozano, Lucant [Ellicott?], Lucas, Ludlow, Lullin, Lum, Lumley, Lynes, Lyon, Lyons.
Makers' surnames include: Mason, Masquernit, Masquenir, Massey, Massy, Masters, Matchett, Machett, Mather, Mathew, Mathews, Mathias, Mathuff, Maud, Mawley, Maxwell, May, Mayfield, Maynard, Mayor, Mayer, Mayr, Maysmore.
Makers' surnames include: Meakins, Meares, Measure, Medcalf, Medley, Meelech, Meers, Meigh, Melvill, Menitrier, Mercer, Merchant, Mercier, Meredith, Merigcot, Meroes, Merrett, Merriman, Merryman, Merry, Metcalfe, Metham, Meunier, Michell [Mitchell], Micklewright, Middleton, Miege, Milbourn, Milbourne, Mylbourn, Mylbourne, Miles, Miller, Millington, Million, Millis, Mills, Milner, Minchall, Minchener, Minchiner, Minshull, Minton, Mintern, Minten, Miroir, Mitchel, Mitchell, Mitchelson, Mitchnell.
Makers' surnames include: Naas, Napier, Naish, Nash, Natson [Watson?], Nau, Nauta, Naylor, Neal, Neale, Neath, Neaton, Neau, Nelmes / Elmes, Nelson, Nethercott, Neave, Neaves, Neve, Nevill, Neville, Craig & Neville, Newbolt, Newborough, Newcomb, Newell, Newham, Newman, Newsam, Newson, Newton, Nicasius, Nicholl, Nicholls, Nichols, Nieuwenhof, Nightingale, Nitinglass, Noah, Noakes, Noble, Noel, Norcot, Norcott, Noman, Norman, Norris, Norsworthy, North, Northcote, Norton, Noyer, Noyes, Nufingter, Nunkorn [?].
Makers' surnames include: O[…], Oakley, Odell [?], Ogbourne, Ogden, Oldfield, Oliver, Olliver, Olivermaes, O'Neal, Orpion, Orrery, Orson, Orton, Osborne, Osland, Osmond, Otteridge, Otting, Ourry, Overhall, Overs, Overturn, Overzee, Ovett, Owen, Owens, Oyens.
Makers' surnames include: Peachy, Peachey, Peacock, Pearson, Peirson, Pierson, Peckham, Pedler, Pegg, Peke, Pellettier, Pellour, Penavayre, Penkethman, Penlease, Penton, Penn, Pennington, Penny, Penticross [Pentecost ?], Penton, Pepfenhauser, Pepin, Pepper [?], Pepys, Percival, Perier, Perigal, Perrigal, Perkins, Perries, Perrin, Perins, Perrins, Perry, Perry & Price, Peters, Peterson, Petit, Petty, Pew, Peyton.
Makers' surnames include: A. R., Rabe, Rabby, Radford, Ragg, Paynisford, Rainsford, Raynsford, Ram, Ramsden, Ran, Ranals, Ranales, Rand, Randell, Ranson, Rant, Rape, Rapson, Rasanwarne [Rawsthorne ?], Rasberry, Raules, Ravenshaw, Rawlings, Rawlinson, Raworth, Rey, Ray, Rayment, Raymond, Rayne, Rayner, Read, Reader, Reaplin, Recordon, Reddish, Redknap, Redol, Reeve, Reeves, Regard, Regiem, Reigem, Reilly, Reipolt, Reith, Renou, Renow, Rewalling, Reyendorff, Reym, Reynolds, Rhodes.
Makers' surnames include: To[...], Todd, Tolson, Tollison [?], Tombs, Tomkin, Tomkins, Tomlin, Tomlinson, Tompion, Tomson, Ton, Topping, Torado, Torboch, Torin, Torrop, Tortore, Toulmin, Towler, Towne, Townele, Townsend, Tracy, Travis, Tree [?], Trebor, Tregent, Tregidgeon, Trenholm, Trent, Trestam, Tribe, Trigge, Triggs, Trinall, Trippett, Trosillon, Trossy, Trout, Trowe, Trubshaw, Trusted, Tucker, Tuckey, Tudman, Turner, Turquand, Tuttell, Tyler.
Makers' surnames include: Witham, Wickstead, Whittyat, Whitwell, Wiege, Wightman, Wightwick, Wightwick & Moss, Wigley, Wikelman, Wilbraham, Wilcocks, Wild, Wilkins, Wilkinson, Will, Willats, Willett, Williams, Williamson, Willioc, Willis [?], Willoughby, Wills, Willsnam, Wilmot, Wilmott, Willmott, Wilmshurst, Wilsdon, Wilsman, Wilsmore, Wilson, Wilter, Wimble, Wimple, Winder, Windsor, Wing, Wingfield, Winkels, Winnell, Wynnell, Winrow, Winrowe, Wint, Winter, Wirgman, Wise, Wiseman, Wickell, Witchell, Whichwell, Witcher, Witham, Withers, Withill, Withy.
This series contains cutouts and photocopies of twentieth-and early twenty-first-century catalogue entries and advertisements describing seventeenth- and eighteenth-century longcase clocks, annotated by Jeremy Evans. The files also include photographs and some related correspondence and reports.
Makers' surnames include: Abbott, Abdell, Abraham, Ackerley, Adamson, Ainsley, Alder, Aldworth, Alexander, Alfield, Allam, Allaway, Allsop / Alsop / Alsope, Amyot, Anderton, Andrews, Appleford, Appley, Archambo, Archer, Argos, Arnold, Ashbrook, Ashton, Aslat, Asselin, Aubert, Austin, Avenell, Aylward, Aynsworth, Ayres.
Makers' surnames include: Bailey, Baker, Barber, Barnes, Barnet, Barnett, Barraud, Barrett, Barron, Barrow, Baseley, Bayford, Bayley, Beake, Beale, Beavis, Bedford, Behoe, Bennet, Bennett, Berry, Bertram, Bewley, Bicknill, Bilbie, Billings, Billop, Bird, Birt, Blackborough, Blackbourn, Blake, Blanchard, Blundell, Booth, Boreham, Bouquet, Bowyer, Boyce, Bradford, Bradley, Brafield, Brass, Bridge, Bridgman, Brooking, Brooks, Brown, Browne, Bryan, Buckingham, Bull, Bunce, Burges, Burgis, Burputt.
Makers' surnames include: Cabrier, Caldwell, Callam, Calver, Cam, Cannon, Card, Carrington, Carte, Carter, Cartwright, Catlin, Chapman, Chater, Chilcott, Chotard, Church, Clapot, Clark, Clarke, Clay, Clayton, Clegg, Clement, Clifton, Clowes, Cockey, Cole, Collins, Colston, Cook, Cooper, Cooper & Hedge, Corderoy, Corless, Coulon, Covington, Coward, Cox, Craig, Creak, Cressener, Crockford, Crolee, Cromey, Crosbey, Crow, Crucefix, Crucifix, Cruttenden, Cumming.
Makers' surnames include: Jackeman, Jackman, Jackson, Jacob, Jacques, James, Jarrat, Jarratt, Jeffreys, Jenkins, Jerman, Jersey, Jercelin, Jobson, Johnson, Jones, Jordain / Jourdain / Jourdian, Joyce.
Makers' surnames include: Lakin, Lambe, Lambert, Langford, Latham, Lawley, Leadbetter, Le Bass, Le Count / Lecount, Ledgard, Lee, Leigh, Lester, Lestourgeon, Lindsay, Lock, London, Longland, Lovelace, Lowndes, Lowry, Lugg, Lumpkin, Lyons, Lys.
Makers' surnames include: Macham, Maggs, Mallet / Mallett, Manley, Margetts, Markham, Markwick, Marsh, Marshall, Martin, Martineau, Mason, Massam, Massey, Massy, Matham, Matthew, May, Mayhew, McCabe, Meredith, Mariton, Meriman, Merryman, Michel, Miller, Molyneux, Moncrief, Monkhouse, Moore, Mory, Morgan, Morland, Muddle, Mudge, Mundey, Murdock, Murphy.
Makers' surnames include: Nash, Neale, Newbrough, Newborough, Newby, Newton, Nicholls, Nickals, Norcott, Norris, Northcote, Northey, Norton, Nourse, Ogden, Olden, Ollive, Orton, Osborne, Overzee.
Makers' surnames include: Yeates, Yoakley, Young, Younge.
This series contains cutouts and photocopies of twentieth- and early twenty-first-century catalogue entries and advertisements describing seventeenth- and eighteenth-century bracket clocks, annotated by Jeremy Evans. Some files also include photographs, journal articles and related correspondence and reports.
Makers' surnames include: Galabin, Garner, Garon, Gerrard, Giroust, Goddard, Godden, Godfrey, Goode, Goubert, Gould, Grace, Grant, Grantham, Gray, Green, Greenhill, Gregg, Gregory, Grevill, Grey, Gribelin, Guepin, Guiguer, Gwilt.
Makers' surnames include: Pain, Panchaud, Papavoine, Pare, Peckover, Pepys, Perigal, Perinot, Perry, Penny, Philp, Pinchbeck, Pingo, Pistor, Pleydell, Pluet, Poy, Prevost, Prime, Prior, Procter, Pryor, Puller, Purden, Pyke.
Makers' surnames include: Sadler, Sanderson, Sands, Scafe, Scott, Sebire, Seddon, Seymour, Sharpe, Shaw, Shepley, Simon, Simpson, Sly, Smalley, Smith, Snelling, Snow, Somersall, Speakman, Spencer & Perkins, Squire, Stanton, Steevens, Steiner, Stephens, Stone, Stones, Story, Strelley, Strigel, Stubbs, Style, Sully, Sympson.