Main dial: blue/grey moss roses, top corners with small blue flowers, strawberries bottom. Gilded gesso framing. Strike/silent in breakarch. Two ovals with Plato and Socrates in breakarch, gilded winding holes.
Main dial: blue/grey moss roses, top corners with small blue flowers, strawberries bottom, gilded gesso framing, strike/silent in breakarch, two ovals with Plato and Socrates in breakarch, gilded winding holes.
Main dial: flowery gesso corners, bunches of flowers in breakarch, painted fierce bird and sun in breakarch.
Main dial: flowery gesso corners, bunches of flowers in breakarch, painted fierce bird and sun in breakarch.
Main dial: flowery gesso corners, bunches of flowers in breakarch, painted fierce bird and sun in breakarch.
Main dial: blue/white profiles of Plato and Socrates in breakarch, small strawberries and roses with blue flowers.
Main dial: off-white, dianthus, blue flowers in corners, blue-toned roses in breakarch, decorated gold winding holes.
Main dial: cream breakarch, similar to very early dials, gesso work, pink ovals, corners floral in breakarch. Nice work.
Main dial: cream, very fancy gesso corners, gesso in arch of moon. Hemispheres: maps, transfers, unique.
Moon faces: slightly pop-eyed. Moon scenes: landscape and ship at sea (moon had been repainted or 'touched up' because of paint loss; paint too thick).
Main dial: blue/grey, gesso corners, oval pattern, two birds in centre of dial. Hemispheres: narrow, North America, ecliptic above equator.
Main dial: blue/grey, roses in corners, gesso ovals set widthways, flat gold scrolling in corners, two long-necked birds in centre, roses with some blue petals. Hemispheres: curious maps, North America, ecliptic below equator.
Main dial: dotted oval and spandrel-type corners, fancy gesso breakarch, grommets used in winding holes.
Main dial: dotted oval and spandrel-type corners, fancy gesso breakarch, grommets used in winding holes.
Main dial: off-white birds in corners, gesso-framed birds in centre (but none are the earlier type of long-necked birds).
Two Osborne breakarch dials together. Main dial left: roses and anemones, corners with gesso framing, bird with roses? in breakarch. Main dial right: gesso with long oval in corners, urn gesso in breakarch.
Moon faces: squinty eyes. Moon scenes: landscape with figures, unusual angel with trumpet on medium blue sky.
Main dial: blue/grey, very dark blue ovals in corners with gesso. Hemispheres: North America, with ecliptic above equator.
Main dial: blue/grey, all transfer print, breakarch with crowing cockerel in oval, elaborate swags, two profiles lower down of Plato and Socrates? (see 1069 and 1076).
Main dial: gesso corners with coloured ovals, fine painted hunting scene in breakarch, framed with gesso, gilded winding holes.
Main dial: blue-petalled roses and ranunculus, corners framed with dot gesso, gold leaf shells in breakarch corners. Automata has coastal scene with ship missing (ship taken from Wilson).
Main dial: blue/grey, anemone and roses corners, bird centre with flowers.
Moon faces: squinty eyes. Moon scenes: landscape; ship at sea, very slanting waves.
Main dial: roses with touches of gold corners, gesso-framed pink decorated swags around winding holes, garlands under date, fully painted scene.
Moon faces: pale, slightly squinty-faced. Moon scenes: cottage on mill with two figures; good ship at sea with very white sails and blue and white pennant.
Main dial: slightly blue/grey, breakarch with bird in gesso oval, morning glory and pansy corners.
Main dial: blue/grey, thick-necked long-tailed birds centre.
Moon faces: pleasant. Moon scenes: ship with rigid waves; brown cottage and lake.
Moon faces: very serious, pursed up, small mouth. Moon scenes: large ship in rough seas; landscape with house and river, pink in sky.
Main dial: blue/grey pink roses and pale auriculas, gesso-framed corners, lead plug in centre of seconds hole, urn with roses painted on top. False plate: CA with false winding square attached.
Moon faces: smiling. Moon scenes: ship at sea; cottage with yellow tree, church in distance.
Main dial: peaches and gold band corners, maps.
Main dial: gold flowers in corners, gritty paint, worlds with dove of peace, scalloped gold edges in humps. Hemispheres: scalloped gold edges.
Main dial: gold flowers in corners with feathers. Hemispheres: gold dove of peace, gold scalloped edges, humps.
Main dial: some gold geometric corners, gold leaf heavy shells centre, odd checkerboard gold leaf black equator. Hemispheres: blodgy maps.
Main dial: gold flowers, black outlines. False plate: stamped sheet iron.
Main dial: geometric corners with oval, dull colours.
Main dial: blue-grey off-white, peaches and anemones in corners, four-arts corners, "Trade" in breakarch.
Main dial: blue-grey, tulip and semidouble rose in corners, odd birds with willow branch dial centre. Hemispheres: distinctive maps, same as Ashwin, flowers overlap maps.
Main dial: pale blue-grey, wide oval shape, rather bold garlands with roses either side, low oval, gold-banded, containing the battle of Nile. False plate: cast iron.
Main dial: blue-grey, scythe and hourglass corners in red and blue, complicated scrolling in breakarch, vignette with Cybele, mother goddess of Phrygia, elaborate gesso framing, gilded winding hole.
Main dial: blue-grey, gesso circles with motif in middle, mid-green with dots around this, gesso dot-framed corners, girl with wineglass in high oval, elaborate gesso scrolling either side. False plate: cast iron.
Main dial: blue-grey, Wilson-style roses but odd leaves, gesso-framed corners, cherries and small blue flowers in centre. Hemispheres: early maps, North America, eclyptic below equator, very wide. False plate: four long feet.
Main dial: blue-grey with blue domintaing, gesso circle with ray motif centre, green background, gesso-framed peculiar longtailed bird (see bird on 611), two bunches of flowers.
Main dial: blue-grey, almost Finnemore-style corners with gold and convolvulus corners, no gesso, very blowsy bunch of flowers including rose in breakarch. False plate: cast iron.
Main dial: blue-grey, roundels with scrumbly green centres corners and gesso wheatsheafs. Centre gesso motif high oval with girl breakarch lots of wheatsheaf, gesso in breakarch. False plate: cast iron, not Wilson.
Main dial: blue-grey, typical Byrne gesso corners, ditto date dial.
Main dial: blue-grey, corners Byrne type but more elaborate, cornucopia in breakarch, lots of gesso. False plate: cast iron.
Main dial: blue grey Britannia with lion in arch, gesso to side, red medium birds corners tops, nests bottom.
Moon faces: slightly surprised. Moon scenes: ships at sea; square Georgian house.
Moon faces: red cheeks and nose. Moon scenes: ship at sea; ruined tower on hill.
Moon faces: dotted eyebrows, red cheeks and nose. Moon scenes: small ship; mansion with pine trees.
Moon faces: small faced moon. Moon scenes: peanut boat; windmill.
Main dial: very rare level Roman, green background to corners, roses and auriculas, cherries in centre.
Main dial: large pink roses with gilt 'feathers' corners, large parrot tulip top dial centre.
Main dial: completely gold and black flowers in corners and breakarch. False plate: cast iron.
Main dial: off-white, roses, long-tailed birds, flowers centre. Hemispheres: castles. False plate: sheet iron.
Moon faces: red cheeks and noses, slightly surprised. Moon scenes: ship at sea; Georgian home.
Main dial: pink roses on yellow background, gold band with flowers corners.
Main dial: fat pink roses in vague geometric corners.
Main dial: roses in corners with diamond and ovals in two bands.
Main dial: pink roses, gold leaf roses corners, also gold leaves.
Main dial: gold ovals with fine rays in corners; pink and orange large rose above centre; ship approaching cottage in breakarch.
Main dial: star in dark corners with gold, red and yellow ochre.
Main dial: off-white, gold cornucopias with fruit and flowers in corners. Hemispheres: maps; USA on left, ecliptic below equator. False plate: cast iron.
Moon faces: red cheeks, loose red mouth. Moon scenes: red-roofed house; log-like ship at sea.
Main dial: off-white, roses and orange daisies set in blue corners. False plate: cast iron.
Main dial: four-seasons ladies corners; centre painting with windmill, sails move instead of second hand. Hemispheres: gold leaf, basket of flowers. False plate: cast iron.
Moon faces: full lower lips and mouths. Moon scenes: ship at sea; cottage.
Moon faces: pink noses, very small mouths. Moon scenes: ship at sea; cottage by waterside
Main dial: off-white, roses and gold corners; very well-painted background and Adam and Eve. False plate: cast iron.
Moon faces: very red cheeks, eyes close together, full red mouths. Moon scenes: ship at sea; watermill scene.
Main dial: cream, four Apostles corners. Hemispheres: maps. False plate: cast iron.
Main dial: black background to corners with pears, gold edge to corners, vignette (ruins) above centre
Main dial: four Apostles corners; Britannia in breakarch. Walker influence in fine lines in breakarch gold band. False plate: CA.
Main dial: cream, roses corner. Hemispheres: very fine maps. False plate: cast iron.
Moon faces: very pale. Moon scenes: ship at sea; cottage and leaning tree.
Main dial: gold flowers in corners. Hemispheres: maps.
Moon faces: very red cheeks and noses. Moon scenes: two seascapes, one with a large ship with Dutch flag, other with a building.
Main dial: dirty, geometric corners. Hemispheres: maps. False plate: cast iron.
Main dial: gold roses corners with yellow ochre band; shepherdess in breakarch. False plate: cast iron.
Main dial: breakarch automata, shagreen centre, name in gold, fan corners. Originally rocking ship in breakarch; clockmakers changed this to two figurines, one with short axe. False plate: cast iron.
Main dial: breakarch automata, shagreen centre, name in gold, fan corners. Originally rocking ship in breakarch; clockmakers changed this to two figurines, one with short axe. False plate: cast iron.
Main dial: cream, castles with no background corners. Hemispheres: North America on right, ecliptic below equator. False plate: cast iron.
Main dial: ladies of four continents, pale faces, artistically painted, delicate colours; gold band outside chapter ring. Hemispheres: maps, North America on right, ecliptic above equator. False plate: cast iron.
Main dial: mid-blue background, brightly coloured four seasons ladies; gold band on outside chapter ring. Hemispheres: North America, ecliptic below equator. False plate: cast iron.
Main dial: pale cream, anemones and tulips in corners, pigsticking in India in breakarch; probably inspired by print of the period. False plate: cast iron.
Main dial: creamy, flowers in blue corners, other version of pig sticking in breakarch; very small pony.
Main dial: four continents corners, long faces. False plate: cast iron.
Moon faces: prissy. Moon scenes: boat with sail; building with tower and corkscrew trees.
Main dial: gold shells corners, swan, strawberries.
Main dial: L-shaped corners with morning glories, tiny fans, romantic scene breakarch with white border.
Main dial: off-white, corners in pink/black with gold oval and laurel leaves. False plate: Hipkiss cast iron.
Main dial: gold flared Arabics on dark blue chapter ring; bluebell inn in breakarch, mountain in background; man with four seasons in corners, long clay pipe. False plate: cast iron.
Main dial: centre painting Britannia, lion and ship at sea, gold flowers corners.
Moon faces: round eyes, close-set, rather worried expression. Moon scenes: ship at sea; lakeside with tower and building.
Main dial: four seasons corners, fully painted centre, shepherds and shepherdess in humps. False plate: cast iron, marked "E Hobson".
Moon faces: rather pensive, pink cheeks. Moon scenes: small ship at sea; elaborate ruin.
Main dial: eight-day, shells with decorated bands corners, two ships fighting in breakarch, no real background. False plate: cast iron, marked "E Hobson".