Main dial: blue/grey base, mid-blue background for gesso corners, typical Byrne Ashwin; gesso pattern, gold outlined in black - very fine. Hemispheres: maps. False plate: CA Ashwin, shallow but clear.
Main dial: blue/grey, shield shaped gesso corners, moss roses centre. Hemispheres: very good maps, same as Byrne. False plate: cast iron.
Main dial: blue/grey, roses and tiger lilies, small blue flowers corners. Hemispheres: good maps, part outside numbers. False plate: cast iron (clear).
Moon faces: pink-faced moons, small mouth. Moon scenes: lakeside scene, two people in foreground; two people in boat on lake, sailing ship; artwork sketchy and thin.
Moon faces: very serious, pursed up, small mouth. Moon scenes: large ship in rough seas; landscape with house and river, pink in sky.
Moon faces: smiling. Moon scenes: ship at sea; cottage with yellow tree, church in distance.
Main dial: blue/grey pink roses and pale auriculas, gesso-framed corners, lead plug in centre of seconds hole, urn with roses painted on top. False plate: CA with false winding square attached.
Reverse of dial, showing name and '366' stamped on false plate and dial.
Main dial: blue/grey, pink roses and moss roses corners, strawberry centre. False plate: cast iron.
Main dial: off-white, all gesso decoration, quite elaborate in breakarch.
Main dial: slightly grey off-white; blotty roses, vetch and morning glory corners, lemon part framing; red lines, birds in centre. Hemispheres: maps. False plate: cast iron. Rare dial, was a Factor so someone else might have made the dial.
Main dial: off-white, geometric corners, balloon in breakarch with gilt dots.
Moon faces: very red cheeks. Moon scenes: cross-looking swan, quite large; quite bright cottage.
Main dial: four seasons corners, fully painted centre, shepherds and shepherdess in humps. False plate: cast iron, marked "E Hobson".
Moon faces: rather pensive, pink cheeks. Moon scenes: small ship at sea; elaborate ruin.
Main dial: dark-blue corners with auriculas, shells in decorated arch, use bronze powder paint. False plate: cast iron, marked "E Hobson".
Main dial: fat pink roses corners, one very large ship, with sea painted edge of breakarch. False plate: cast iron, marked "E Hobson".
Main dial: formal corners with gold leaf, Hobson ship dial centre.
Main dial: wider minute band, green background, blue anemone corners with gold ends, fat rosebuds centre. False plate: cast iron.
Main dial: very wide minute band, fancy ovals and roses corners, two bright birds centre. False plate: cast iron.
Main dial: rabbits, upside-down tulips and flower centre, very impressive dial. False plate: cast iron, named.
Main dial: quite wide minute band, oval with shell top corner, bottom corner, fleur-de-lys, flared tulips centre. Hemispheres: maps, North America left, ecliptic below equator. False plate: cast iron.
Main dial: corners well painted. Hemispheres: scenes in humps.
Moon faces: very round-eyed, full mouth, pink cheeks. Moon scenes: ship at sea; ruined church.
Moon faces: tiny pursed mouth, serious. Moon scenes: nice ship; Gothic ruins. Presumed Hobson; no moon dial so I made one in style of 19 and 20 using new blank (no teeth), December 1996.
Main dial: eight-day, shells with decorated bands corners, two ships fighting in breakarch, no real background. False plate: cast iron, marked "E Hobson".
Main dial: silly sheep corners, flared tulips centre, fantastic house in landscape breakarch. False plate: cast iron, marked "E Hobson".
Main dial: pheasants with backgrounds in corners, cottage in centre. False plate: cast iron, marked "Hobson".
Main dial: pheasants with backgrounds corners, stylized baskets of flowers dial centre. False plate: cast iron, marked "Hobson".
Main dial: Owen dial cut out from original, much larger dial with Arabic numbers; name may not be original clockmaker. Carnation and primrose corners. Hemispheres: maps. False plate: cast iron. Owner most uncooperative about any photos or article.
Main dial: four-seasons gold band. Hemispheres: maps. False plate: cast iron.
Main dial: Owen dial cut out from original, much larger dial with Arabic numbers; name may not be original clockmaker. Carnation and primrose corners. Hemispheres: maps. False plate: cast iron. Owner most uncooperative about any photos or article.
Main dial: Owen dial cut out from original, much larger dial with Arabic numbers; name may not be original clockmaker. Carnation and primrose corners. Hemispheres: maps. False plate: cast iron. Owner most uncooperative about any photos or article.
Main dial: well-painted four seasons, gold line framing. Hemispheres: USA maps, ecliptic below equator. False plate: cast iron.
Main dial: blue-grey diamond centre, scrolling spandrel-type gesso corners. Hemispheres: North America on left, ecliptic below equator. False plate: cast iron.
Main dial: blue-grey, primula or auricula gesso-framed corners; cottage and windmill in centre. Hemispheres: good maps, North America on right, ecliptic below equator. False plate: cast iron.
Main dial: blue-grey; four-seasons ladies, small heavy thighs, gesso framed, gold band inside chapter ring. Hemispheres: good maps, North America on right, ecliptic below equator. False plate: cast iron.
Main dial: blue-grey; four-seasons ladies, small heavy thighs, gesso framed, gold band inside chapter ring. Hemispheres: good maps, North America on right, ecliptic below equator. False plate: cast iron.
Main dial: four-continents ladies with pink faces, gold framed; outside chapter ring. Hemispheres: North America on left, ecliptic below equator. False plate: cast iron.
Main dial: four-continents corners, gold framed, gold circle outside chapter ring. Hemispheres: North America on right, ecliptic below equator. False plate: cast iron.
Main dial: four-seasons pink-faced ladies corners, gold framed, gold circle. Hemispheres: North America on left, ecliptic below equator.
Main dial: gold band, crooked pots of flowers corners. Hemispheres: maps. False plate: cast iron.
Main dial: Owen moon roller; moon image missing; urns in corners in ovals blue with white and pink. Hemispheres: maps.
Main dial: four continents, gold bands, unusual dial. Same painter as Edward Glaze. Hemispheres: Father Time and a nun or saint.
Main dial: sheep in corners, framed on outside only. A late Owen with poor artwork. Hemispheres: sepia maps, North America on right. Partly visible moon scene: landscape with church on one side. False plate: cast iron.
Main dial: off-white; pink, brown and ochre birds and foliage gesso-framed corners; urn in oval; two side pieces in breakarch gesso frame. False plate: cast iron.
Moon faces: very round eyes, funny noses, blue around mouth and chin. Moon scenes: ship at sea; cottage with pointed roof by lakeside, tree in the middle.
Moon faces: pink faces. Moon scenes: cottage; ship at sea.
Moon faces: reasonably pleasant expression. Moon scenes: cottage at lakeside with tree; ship.
Moon faces: pleasant expression, red noses, red cheeks. Moon scenes: ship; cottage with odd roof.
Moon faces: round-eyed, pleasant expression. Moon scenes: ship at sea; landscape with ruin and pointed-roofed house and tree.
Moon faces: very round protuberant eyes, serious expression. Moon scenes: dog (springer spaniel); cottage by lakeside, tree in middle of scene.
Moon faces: pop-eyed, surprised look. Moon scenes: ship entering harbour; landscape, cottage and windmill.
Moon faces: round-eyed, red noses, pleasant expression. Moon scenes: ship at sea; lakeside cottage, red roof.
Moon faces: sleepy-eyed, pleasant faces, quite pink all over. Moon scenes: ship at sea, side view; landscape with house and old tower.
Moon faces: serious expression, red noses. Moon scenes: girl with hay fork; ship at sea.
Moon faces: pleasant expression, round-eyed, red noses. Moon scenes: blue-roofed, three-storey house; ship at sea.
Main dial: pale blue-grey centre, black with blue underneath, background to gold work; grapevine in breakarch.
Main dial: elaborate corners, gold shield with pink edging, blue anchor, green laurel leaves, green fan like rest of corner, woman weeping in breakarch. False plate: cast iron.
Main dial: four parts of Great Britain corners; Britannia in seascape dial centre, fully painted with oval pictures, Nelson and Collingwood; breakarch scene "General Le Fevre attacking Cossacks". False plate: cast iron.
Main dial: grey-blue geometric corners, girl in scene breakarch, using gold leaf and bronze powder; gold leaf shell above centre hole.
Main dial: pale blue-grey, gold leaf roses with black outline to corners; death of Nelson in breakarch, gold square and circle. False plate: cast iron.
Main dial: off-white, greenish scrumble background and roses corners; centre shepherd on rock, gold band arch and man selling cow. False plate: cast iron, named.
Main dial: girl and Nelson monument in breakarch; four-seasons funny faces in corners. Named false plate.
Main dial: off-white, anemone bottom, tulips top; gold framing windmill with revolving base in breakarch. False plate: cast iron, Fire Sharp.
Main dial: nativity scene breakarch; Bible, cross, chalice, Holy Spirit in corners, some gold.
Main dial: four parts of Great Britain corners; Britannia in seascape dial centre, fully painted with oval pictures, Nelson and Collingwood; breakarch scene "General Le Fevre attacking Cossacks". False plate: cast iron.
Main dial: pale blue-grey, no decoration.
Main dial: pale blue-grey primulas, auriculas in corners, gold-framed and gold band all around outside of chapter ring. False plate: cast iron.
Main dial: off-white, ship in centre, ranunculus top and vetch on bottom. Very similar Wilson.
Main dial: sweet pea and primula gesso-framed corners, pale blue-grey background paint.
Main dial: off-white, gold leaf roses in corners, dotted framing on outside, orange band outside of chapter ring; sepia ruins dial centre. False plate: cast iron.
Main dial: cream background; gold shells on black corners with gold band. Unusual to have black as dries slowly.
Main dial: off-white, rainbow corners with gold floral band, "D Attenborough" scratched on the back.
Main dial: blue-grey background; anemone corners of two types top and bottom; small scene above centre.
Main dial: curious corners, green with bug and oval striped.
Main dial: grey-white, small oval with branches framing fat bird in centre.
Main dial: fully-painted centre, scene at an inn or house; cornucopia with fruit and flowers in corners.
Main dial: blue background, red-green fan corners with gold-leaf shells, two profiles in laurel wreaths dial centre (Wellington? Nelson?) False plate: cast iron.
Main dial: blue background; gold roses in corners with black outlines; single roses fruit at bottom. False plate: cast iron.
Main dial: roses and poppies corners, small sailing ship in breakarch, cockerel above.
Main dial: creamy, gold band, gold shells, leaf band in corners. False plate: cast iron, faint "Owen".
Main dial: off-white; elaborate corners in oval; Greek key design; gold rope edge. False plate: cast iron.
Main dial: off-white; elaborate corners in oval; Greek key design; gold rope edge. False plate: cast iron.
Main dial: off-white, geometric corners with ovals and some gold. Hemispheres: flowers in gold.
Main dial: well painted, four seasons in corners, no borders. Hemispheres: USA maps on left. False plate: cast iron.
Main dial: four-seasons ladies, white-faced Greco-Roman, ladies corners, gold band on outside chapter ring. Hemispheres: North America, ecliptic below equator.
Main dial: tulips and auriculas, pattern-framed corners on outside only, birds centre with small flowers. Hemispheres: North America, ecliptic below equator. False plate: cast iron.
Main dial: four apostles (plates on head), thin painting. Rare date dial. Hemispheres: maps.
Main dial: off-white four continents, well and distinctively painted - not usual sort. Hemispheres: North America, ecliptic below equator. False plate: cast iron.
Main dial: bright, well-painted four continents corners, gold band. Hemispheres: maps. False plate: cast iron.
Main dial: shell corners, gold leaf roses and oval motif in breakarch. False plate: cast iron.
Moon faces: round eyes, red nose and cheeks, smiling. Moon scenes: Duke of Wellington; small boat at sea.
Moon faces: supercillious. Moon scenes: ship at sea; ruined tower on hill.
Moon faces: red cheeks and nose. Moon scenes: ship at sea; ruined tower on hill.
Moon faces: jolly-looking, red cheeks. Moon scenes: ship with lateen sail; landscape with red church house.
Moon faces: small faced moon. Moon scenes: peanut boat; windmill.
Moon faces: slightly surprised. Moon scenes: ships at sea; square Georgian house.
Moon faces: dotted eyebrows, red cheeks and nose. Moon scenes: small ship; mansion with pine trees.