Photocopy of an article published in Journal of the Royal Naval Scientific Service (vol. 22 no. 2).
Original article from Antique Collecting, vol. 16 no. 3 (July/August 1981), pp. 58–59.
Original article from The Connoisseur, vol. 159 no. 640 (June 1962), pp. 117–120.
Original article from The Connoisseur (1922), pp. 217–221.
Original extract of an article published in the Proceedings of The Physical Society of London vol. 29 part 2 (February 1917). File also includes revised proof and related correspondence
Photocopy of an article about Benjamin Vulliamy from Country Life (15 June 1967), pp. 1256–1258.
Original article from the "Notes" section of The Connoisseur (n.d.), pp. 163–164, 167.
Reprint of an article about Keith Harding and his team, originally from Clocks Magazine (October 1980).
Original article from Antique Collecting, vol. 15 (November 1980), p. 65.
Original article from The Connoisseur, vol. 189 no. 762 (August 1975), pp. 259–261. Also includes issue cover.
Original article from an unidentified publication, pp. 76–79.
Description and photograph of a reproduction of a mediaeval monastic clock, made by Anthony Fox of Clerkenwell, London, in memory of Colonel Antonio Simoni of Bologna.
Original article from The Antique Dealer and Collectors' Guide, vol. 39 no. 3 (October 1985), pp. 82–84.
Original article from Antique Collector (April 1964), p. 44.
Original article with a bibliography of horological books from The Antique Dealer and Collectors' Guide (October 1985), pp. 100–101. Also includes "Restoring antique clocks: pleasures and pitfalls" by Christopher Lowe on p. 102.
Article in three parts from The Connoisseur (1944), pp. 110–111, 38–39 and 120. Parts I and II are original, part III is a photocopy.
Original article about wood and porcelain furniture, from The Antique Dealer and Collectors' Guide (March 1971), pp. 58–60.
Original article from Antique Collector (January 1991), pp. 30–34.
Photocopy of an article published in Journal of the Royal Naval Scientific Service (vol. 3 no. 5).
Original article from Journal Suisse d'Horologerie et de Bijouterie: Revue de la Société Suisse de Chronométrie (n.d.), pp. 327–337. Annotated '80'.
Original article from Journal Suisse d'Horologerie et de Bijouterie: Revue de la Société Suisse de Chronométrie (n.d.), pp. 435–437. Annotated '91A'.
Original article about French origins of the watchmaking craft, from an unidentified publication, pp. 263–267.
Original article from The Connoisseur, vol. 190 no. 764 (October 1975), pp. 102–107.
Original article from The Antique Dealer and Collectors' Guide (February 1948), p. 27.
Original article about Gerald Benney, silversmith and jeweller, from Antique Collector (July 1980), pp. 72–73.
Original article from The Connoisseur (February 1969), pp. 111–114.
Original article about a Geneva auction of Breguet watches, from The Antique Dealer and Collectors' Guide (April 1991), pp. 40–42.
Original article from The Connoisseur in America (December 1935), pp. 348–349. Pages also include short articles about other, non-horological collectibles.
Bound copy of an article published in the Post Office Electrical Engineers Journal.
Original article from The Illustrated Exhibitor and Magazine of Art (1852), pp. 246–252.
Short letter from an unidentified original issue of The Connoisseur (n.d.), p. 102, referencing "A clock-watch by Edward East" article from the November 1923 issue.
Bound extracts from HMSO Patents for Inventions (London) for "class 139" specifications for watches, clocks and other timekeepers. Contains subject-matter and name indexes in several chronological sections.
Photocopy of an article about Cottonian Charter XXI 21, from an unidentified publication.
Typescript. Also includes two b/w photographs of "clock with fusees, indicating Nürnberg hours" and "flint and steel alarm" from Germanisches Museum, Nürnberg.
Includes letters, two photographs and a brochure titled Petite Historie d'Aigueperse.
Original article in two parts about Smiths English Clocks Ltd at Wishaw, Scotland, from The Engineer (11 and 18 February 1955), pp. 191–193 and 241–243.
Original article about gold alloys and hallmarks from Antique Collecting, vol. 17 no. 9 (February 1983), pp. 37–39.
Original article from Discovering Antiques, issue 57 (1971), pp. 1362–1365.
Original article from Antiques (October 1986), pp. 756–767.
Bound photocopy of an article published in Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy of 1788.
Original article from The Connoisseur, vol. 154 no. 621 (November 1963), pp. 147–153.
Bound description, with photographs, of the reproduction of the Salisbury Cathedral Clock, made by William W. Cope.
Original articles from Antique Collecting (March 1985), pp. 37–43 and 62–63. Also includes antique clock dealers' advertisement pages and directory.
Original article from The Connoisseur (April 1958), pp. 163–167.
Original article from Antique Collector (October 1954), pp. 190–192.
Original article from The Connoisseur, vol. 5 (January 1903), pp. 30–33.
Original article from Antique Collecting (March 1995), pp. 16–19.
Original article from the international English edition of La Suisse Horlogère (April 1960), pp. 1–16.
Original article from The Connoisseur, vol. 162 no. 651 (May 1966), pp. 2–7.
Original article from Antique Collector (October 1962), p. 205. Also includes pp. 223–226 with book reviews and saleroom news.
Original article from Art and Antiques Weekly (9–15 January 1981), pp. 18–21.
Photocopy of a fragment of an article published in Journal of the Royal Naval Scientific Service (vol. 4 no. 3).
Original article from The Antique Dealer and Collectors' Guide (May 1952), pp. 34–35.
Original article from The Connoisseur (n.d.), pp. xxxv–xlii.
Original article about modern sundials from Country Life (18 August 1994), pp. 44–45.
Original article from Journal Suisse d'Horologerie et de Bijouterie (n.d.), pp. 25–29. Annotated '91A'.
Original article from The Antique Collector (April 1977), pp. 61–63.
Original article about Charles Spindler and his furniture, from The Antique Collector (May 1985), pp. 34–39.
Original article/chapter 11 from The Pictorial Gallery of Arts (n.d.), pp. 381–384.
Includes copies of: "Recent developments in the manufacture of batteries, and their use in the watchmaking industry" by J. Piguet (published in La Suisse Horlogerie et Revue International de l'Horlogerie no. 2, August 1962), "Watch batteries: an aid to extra sales" By Richard Thornley (Horological Journal August 1983); handwritten notes on Dujardin Planté battery company; and a newspaper cutting battery advertisement.
Original articles from The Antique Dealer and Collectors' Guide.