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Archival descriptions
FRE/01 · Series · 1955–1966

This series contains scrapbooks of press cuttings, excerpts from publications and ephemera relating to horological news and curiosities.

FRE · Collection · 1955–1966

This collection comprises a series of eleven scrapbooks and one volume of Honeybone family history. The scrapbooks contain photographs, press cuttings, brochures, booklets, postcards, drawings, cartoons, typewritten quotations, handwritten notes, excerpts from fiction, music scores and other ephemera related to clockmaking and watchmaking, collected by Mildred Frederiksen. The descriptions of each volume in this catalogue provide contents highlights, but do not list every item. Most items are not individually dated.

Frederiksen, Mildred
FRE/01/009 · File · 1959–1964

37 pages. Includes short history of clocks; floral clocks; Player's Cigarettes cards featuring clocks and other timekeeping devices, with notes; types of devices used for the measurement of time (list with descriptions); "Look and Learn" feature on timekeeping; Breguet watches; Phoenix clock at Westbury; Gamle Ure brochure from the clock museum on Denmark; Chinese clockmaking industry; timing the Olympics [Winter Olympics, Innsbruck]; clock towers of France; "Early provincial clockmakers" by J.K. Bellchambers; The Science Museum Timekeepers booklet; Ferenc Magyar clock and watch collection in Budapest; clock designed for lunar explorers; The Wuppertal clock museum, etc.

FRE/01/008 · File · 1960s

37 pages. Includes giant floral clock of Frankfort, Kentucky; astronomical clock at Strasbourg; article on mental clocks "So that's why women are always late..."; 30-hour Tompion clocks; water clocks; Geneva's new automatic clock; turret clock at Lockinge; 93-dial Wonder Clock at Washington Museum; Synchronome clock factory; Tompion clock in Bath Pump Room; Dover Castle clock; "Collecting Old Watches" by Cecil Clutton; Edward East, watchmaker to Charles I; sixteenth to eighteenth century table clocks; "Clocks by Thomas Tompion in American Collections"; clocks of Austria, Holland and Germany; clocks of New Zealand, etc.

FRE/01/007 · File · c.1961

37 pages. Includes candle-lighting clock; "The story of the British watch and clock industry"; Mr Vine's matchstick clock; "Clocks", an article by Sheila Richardson about clocks of Nuremburg, Prague, Strasbourg and Lund; Kienzle watch museum brochure (in German); article on Stanley Humphrey's maintenance of government clocks; the Birdcage Clock; long case clocks; Winchester Empire Clock; John E. Ginson's article on the passing of time; Big Ben; Mr and Mrs Bromley's clock collection at Belper; American clocks; new battery-driven clocks; radiation risk of luminous dials; Crucifix Clock, etc.

FRE/01/006 · File · 1955–1961

41 pages. Includes Honeybone clock at Bristol; clock collection at Belper; "From Clock-watch to Wrist Watch" and "The Rare Grandmother Clock”, articles from Country Life Annual 1955; "Sixteenth century and earlier public clocks" list by G. H. Baillie; clocks of Denmark, Holland and Germany; clocks of Coventry and Winchester; auction sale of Tompion long case clock; "A clock to time the Earth", an article on John Harrison by Alben Philips; floral clocks; copy will of Thomas Honeybone; extract from Cats in the Belfry by Doreen Tovey; Jens Olsen's world clock brochure; Guinness Festival Clock; Westminster Abbey clock overhaul; The Musselburgh Tolboth clock; Ilbert horological collection; the world' first astronomical clock at the Science Museum; extract from The Dean's Watch by Elizabeth Goudge

FRE/01/005 · File · 1955–1959

37 pages. Includes address on "Our Ancestors' Clocks and Watches" by M.F. Frederiksen; astronomical clock on Strasburg Cathedral; "Pendulum to Atom" booklet for the centenary exhibition of the British Horological Institute at Goldsmiths' Hall; "Collecting old Watches" by Cecil Clutton; Conquete du Temps (booklet presented to visitors of the Swiss Pavilion at the Brussels Exhibition 1958); "Time in Broadcasting' (BBC Booklet produced for the centenary exhibition of the British Horological Institute); Burgos Cathedral clock, Spain; clocks of Southwark and Clerkenwell; Zimmer Tower astronomical clock at Lierre, Belgium; flower clocks; British horologists; atomic clock; clocks of Bornholm; Buenos Aires "Big Ben" clock; world's largest electric clock; work of summer time clock changers; English ormolu mounts; Black Forest cuckoo clocks; Big Ben centenary; broadcast of "Ancient clocks of the West of England"; clocks of Germany and Switzerland; Kravchenko's Sputnik Clock; English church clocks; music scores for "My Grandfather's Clock" by Henry C. Work and "Song of the Clock" by Rex Burchell; early English watches, etc.

FRE/01/004 · File · c.1958

41 pages. Includes royal palace clocks; clocks of Salzburg, Loches and Milan; the Christ (or the Twelve Apostles) clock at Goslar, Germany; clocks around the world (Ceylon, the USA, France, Italy, Holland, Belgium, Poland) and Britain; Michael Bateman's article on "Timing the Future"; watch exhibition at the Hague; Big Ben; Wells Cathedral clock; Timex Time through the ages brochure; tower clocks; notes on curious types of clocks (shadow clock, clock jacks, silent clock, Act of Parliament clock, water clock, sundial stained glass window); Alex Lloyd's article on collecting old clocks; Salisbury Cathedral clock; sundials; Jens Olsen's clock; clocks at the Nottingham Antiques Exhibition; clocks of Rothenburg and Nuremburg, etc.

FRE/01/003 · File · c.1956

40 pages. Includes clocks of Scotland; smallest watches; "Negress clock"; astronomical clock of Versailles; Salisbury Cathedral clock; the oldest clock in Paris; clocks of Germany, Holland, Hungary, France, Belgium, Malta, Denmark, Spain and Venice; summer time; clocks of York; Big Ben; concave dial clock at Bristol; grandfather clocks; brochure about the Peace Tower carillon in Ottawa; seventeenth-century clockmakers; Captain Scott's watch; watches in the Worshipful Company of Clockmakers collection; Strasbourg Cathedral clock; clock collection of Mr Hutton-Stott; grandfather clocks; detailed description of the Broadgate "Godiva clock" in Coventry (with original drawings); floral clocks; Lund Cathedral clock, Sweden; Honeybone clocks, etc.

FRE/01/002 · File · 1956–[1958]

41 pages. Includes various clocks (Hampton Court, Berkeley Castle, Houses of Parliament); George Honeybone; Salisbury Cathedral clock; various clocks of Britain, Prague, Germany, Switzerland, Denmark and France; curiosities; two well-known Danish clocks; bracket clocks; long case clocks; eighteenth-century clocks; Greenwich mean time; atomic clock; Honeybone clock; miscellaneous clocks; history of Big Ben, etc.

FRE/01/010 · File · c.1964

37 pages. Includes accidental demolition of Highbridge clock tower in a lorry crash; Weston's floral clock; "The world's first production line" article on Thomas Tompion; "Country ways of telling how time slips away" article by Kathleen Wiltshire; the Ilbert collection; the Great Clock of Prague; floral clock at Niagara Falls; "Timeless timepieces" article by Hilary Gelson, etc.

FRE/01/001 · File · 1955–1956

41 pages. Includes clocks quotations; famous clocks of the world; clocks of Berne, Switzerland; clocks of Italy; “My own town”, including Weston-super-Mare's floral clock; other floral clocks; The Festival of Britain clock; Somerset's Cathedral; Exeter's clocks; other clocks of interest; clocks of Denmark, including grandfather clocks and early clocks; clock legends of Hampton Court and Strasbourg; collectors, collections and quaint clocks; and dials ancient and modern. Pages 28 onwards comprise miscellaneous material on a variety of clock-related topics, including Gothic iron clock, long case clocks, other individual clocks, "The Old Clockmaker" article by Richard Church from Country Life (2 December 1949), and clockmaking events and exhibitions.