Contains annotated tracing.
This collection comprises Philip Thornton’s reports, notes, sketches and tracings which document the repairs and restorations of mainly bracket clocks, carried out by him primarily in the 1930s and 1940s, with a few later instances. Most papers record the date of restoration and the name of the client. The files vary in size and content from single pieces of scrap paper to more comprehensive bundles containing condition reports and detailed large-format drawings. Many of the papers are in very fragile condition.
Thornton, PhilipContains annotated sketch.
Contains notes, tracings, sketches and a typewritten report on the clock's condition and provenance.
Contains handwritten report, annotated sketches and tracings.
Contains handwritten notes, sketches and tracings.
Contains annotated sketches and tracings. Annotated "see photos" but no photographs are included in the file.
Contains letter from Mrs F. H. Pratt and sketches of back and front plates.
Contains handwritten notes, sketches and tracings.
Contains annotated sketches.
Contains handwritten notes, sketches and tracings.
Contains one note only.
Contains letter from "John" and a small sketch.
Contains handwritten notes, sketches and tracings.
Contains annotated sketches and tracings.
Contains annotated sketches and tracings.
Contains handwritten notes and tracings.
Contains handwritten notes, sketches and tracings.
Contains handwritten notes, sketches and tracings.
Contains two tracings.
Contains annotated sketches.
Contains annotated sketches.
Contains handwritten notes, sketches, tracings and cutouts.
Contains annotated sketches.
Contains annotated tracing.
Contains one note only.
Contains handwritten notes, sketches and tracings.
Contains sketches and tracings.
Contains handwritten notes, sketches and tracings. Originally numbered "C10" (duplicate number).
Contains handwritten notes, sketches and tracings.
Contains annotated sketches and tracings.
Contains notes, tracings and sketches. Originally numbered "C52-52a".
Contains handwritten notes and tracings.
Contains notes and tracings.
Contains handwritten notes, sketches and tracings.
Contains one sketch and tracing.
Contains letter from 'John', notes and sketches.
Contains handwritten notes, sketches and tracings.
Contains handwritten notes, sketches and tracings.
Contains handwritten notes, sketches and tracings.
Contains handwritten notes, sketches and tracings.
Contains notes on the history of the clock, sketches, tracings and one b/w photograph.
Contains handwritten report, notes, sketches and tracings.
Contains handwritten notes, sketches and tracings.
Contains annotated sketches.
Contains handwritten notes, sketches and tracings.
Contains handwritten notes, sketches and tracings.
Contains handwritten report, notes, coloured sketches and tracings. Originally numbered "C1-22".
Contains annotated sketches and tracings. Originally numbered "C25-25a".
Contains handwritten notes, sketches and tracings.
Contains tracings and annotated sketches.
Contains annotated sketches and tracings.
Contains annotated sketches and tracings.
Contains handwritten notes, sketches, tracings and a b/w photograph. No original number. Inserted next to file 26.
Contains handwritten notes, sketches and tracings.
Contains annotated tracing of old backplate.
Contains handwritten description, notes, annotated sketches and tracings.
Contains tracings of plate only.
Contains handwritten notes, sketches and tracings.
Contains tracings only. No original number. Inserted between files 68 and 69.
Contains one note only.
Contains one tracing of backplate only.
Contains one tracing only.
Contains notes, sketches and tracings.
Contains notes, sketches and tracings.
Contains handwritten notes, sketches and tracings.
Contains handwritten notes and sketches.
Contains handwritten notes, sketches (some coloured) and tracings.
Contains one tracing of backplate only.
Contains handwritten notes, sketches and tracings.
Contains notes, sketches and tracings.
Contains handwritten notes, sketches and tracings.
Contains tracing of backplate only.
Contains handwritten note and tracings.
Contains handwritten notes, sketches and tracings.
Contains handwritten notes, sketches and tracings, and a note on "Knibb hands".
Contains notes, sketches and tracings.
Contains handwritten notes, sketches and tracings. No original number. Inserted between files 78 and 80.
Contains handwritten notes and sketches. No original number. Inserted between disordered files 11 and 17.
Contains handwritten notes, sketches and tracings.
Contains annotated sketches.
Contains tracings only. No original number. Inserted between disordered files 79 and 40.
Contains handwritten notes, sketches and tracings.
Contains handwritten notes and sketches.
Contains one sheet of notes with tracings.
Contains handwritten notes, sketches and tracings.
Contains handwritten notes and tracings.
Contains annotated sketches and tracings.
Contains annotated sketches and tracings.
Contains handwritten notes and sketches.
Contains handwritten notes, sketches and tracings.
Contains annotated sketches.
Contains notes only.
Contains annotated sketches and tracings.
Contains handwritten notes, sketches and tracings.
Contains handwritten notes, sketches and tracings
Contains annotated sketches and tracings.
Contains typewritten description, annotated sketches and tracings.
Contains annotated sketches and tracings.
Contains typewritten description, annotated sketches and tracings.