Contains one b/w photograph, captioned, pasted onto card. Caption does not give the names of people in the image.
This series comprises photographs and papers relating to the British Horological Institute’s trips and the “British Clockmaker’s Heritage” exhibition, as well as some later material.
Contains snapshots and portraits from Paris, Lyons and Besancon (38 b/w photographs, captioned, one loose and the rest pasted onto 7 cards); two photographic postcards; three banquet menus (two with guests' signatures); map of Paris public transport; and Lily Hudson's Foire de Paris pass. Captions do not give names of people in the photographs.
Contains snapshots and group portraits from Zurich and Bad Attisholz (nine b/w photographs, uncaptioned, loose), five postcards, and two tour programmes and timetables.
Contains one sepia photograph, uncaptioned, loose.
Contains four colour photographs, uncaptioned, loose, showing people boarding a coach, posing for the portrait and seated at a dinner table.
Contains three b/w photographs, uncaptioned, loose, showing seated audience and men inspecting chronometers or pocket watches.
This collection comprises photographs and papers relating to the British Horological Institute’s trips to France and Switzerland organised by Lily Hudson, its “British Clockmaker’s Heritage” exhibition, as well as some later material.
Hudson, LilyContains three b/w photographs, captioned, showing Princess Alice, Sir Harold Spences Jones, H. Alan Lloyd, Kenneth Pickthorn, Mr Elicott, Dr F. Sherwood Taylor, Lily Hudson and others.