Includes letters, two photographs and a brochure titled Petite Historie d'Aigueperse.
Typewritten and published. Includes "It's about time" (talk with slide list), "An 18th century whimsy", "Some old clocks of West Country", "The Tower of Babel" (Antiquarian Horology December 1953), related correspondence, and an article "How the Chinese invented the mechanical clock" by Joseph Needham (The New Scientist December 1958).
Typescript and six photographs, including "La joueuse de tympanon" and "Oiseaux chanteurs" from Musée du Conservatoire National des Arts et Metiers in Paris, St Mark's Clock Bell in Venice, and various figurines from the British Museum.
Includes letters, a typewritten extract from La Cathedrale de Beauvais by V. Leblond, and a photographic postcard.
Includes letter and a photographic postcard.
Includes letters, a typewritten article, an illustration of the clock, and three photographs.
Includes letter, photographic service receipts, and one photograph.
Typewritten and handwritten. Includes notes on the Mayan calendar with related correspondence with the Legation of Guatemala; notes on the calculation of the birth of Jesus, notes on the months, the calendars of Kalasasaya, Egypt, the Muslim and Jewish calendars, and perpetual calendar; a draft copy of Chapter 1 of "Once Upon a Time", and The Sunday Express article on "When 11 days vanished from the calendar" (31 December 1961).
This collection comprises mostly John W. Castle’s correspondence with local authorities of European towns and cities enquiring about famous local clocks, conducted in course of his research for a book about famous clocks of Europe. The files contain information obtained as a result, including photographs and publications. The book has never been published.
Castle, JohnIncludes letters, six photographs and a drawing.
Includes three photographs of the Dondi Clock and article from Horological Journal (June 1961), and a brochure titles Globes and Spheres by H. von Bertele.
Includes clocks from Bowes Museum at Barnard Castle, Horniman Museum, Bethnal Green Museum, James Cox Musical Clock, the Bridges Clock, Helleicher's Singing Clock, the Thomas Dallam Organ, etc. 12 photographs.
Includes nine photographs, two postcards, one printed drawing and two negatives of clocks from Bowes Museum at Barnard Castle; Musée du Conservatoire National des Arts et Metiers in Paris; a sixteenth-century automatic clock in the shape of a ship from a private collection, and some of unidentified origin.
Includes over 25 photographs and photographic postcards and six articles on chiming clocks, Thomas Tompion clocks, curious clocks, "Pendulum to Atom" exhibition, and a number of other individual clocks.
Includes letters, a photographic postcard, and typewritten articles on "Compiegne (Oise): Hotel de Ville" and "La Bancloque de Compiegne".
Includes an order form brochure for the book on Jens Olsen's astronomical world-clock by Otto Mortensen (1957), two photographic postcards and envelope.
Typescript. Also includes four drawings.
Includes typewritten letters, photographs, copy drawing of La Place Royals de Dijon, Guide to Dijon booklet, Promenade a travers Dijon booklet, and a typescript of an article "The Jacquemart Clock of Dijon". Also includes handwritten letter from the AHS regarding inclusion of the article in the journal.
Includes typewritten letters in German, with English translations.
Includes letters, three press cuttings, and 17 photographs and photographic postcards.
Includes one letter and envelope. NB. the clock had been destroyed in 1945 in an air raid on Wuerzburg and Heidingsfeld.
Includes letters, three photographs and photographic postcards, a typewritten article "Uber die Kunstuhr am Heilbronner Rathaus" and a press cutting from Amtsblatt, a local newspaper, about the restoration of the town hall.
One typewritten letter. Also includes a seemingly unrelated handwritten and undated (incomplete?) letter to "Mr Genge [?]".
Two typewritten letters only. The description and postcard of the clock refered to in the letter are not included in the file.
Includes four photographs and a 1930 Uhrmakerkunst article reprint on "Die neue Regulierung der Uhr der St. Marienkirche in Lübeck".
Includes four photographs and a typescript article "The Clock of Lund", translated from German.
Includes letters, five photographs and photographic postcards, two typescript copies of John W. Castle's article "The astronomical clock of Lyon", a copy of an article from La Nature (1895) on "L'Horloge Astronomique de Lyon", copy drawings and typescript article (in French) on the astrolabe of Lyon. Also includes handwritten letter from the AHS regarding the publication of the article.
Includes typewritten letters, eight photographs and envelope.
Also includes press cuttings from Newnes Practical Mechanica on orrery, planetarium and timing and delay mechanisms.
Four drawings, including the "stackfreed" and "mainspring barrel and fusee".
Includes typewritten letters, five photographs, a tourist map of Alsace featuring a photograph of the clock, and typewritten articles on "Kunstuhr in Molsheim" and "Les horloges astronomiques et Monumentales: Molsheim".
Includes typewritten letters, one photographic postcard and envelope. Also includes letter from Loughborough library, confirming that the Loughborough Carillion Tower is a replica of the Moulin tower.
Includes typewritten letters and a brochure titled Das Münchner Rathaus und sein Glockenspiel.
This series contains a notebook and a bound typescript of John W. Castle's planned publications.
Includes two typewritten letters and envelope.
Includes mostly typewritten letters, an excerpt from Chapter 3 of Castle's "Remarkable Clocks", a photograph of Oronce Fine's astronomical clock, and a photograph and copy drawing of De Vick's clock from the Palais de Justice. Also includes typewritten letter from the British Horological Institute .
Includes typewritten letters, two printed photographs, and a newspaper cutting from Beschaulich Daheim (1933) with an article "Die Kunstuhe an Rathaous zu Plauen".
Includes typewritten letter, an extract from the Official Guide Book about the "Astronomical Clock at Prague Town Hall", and a magazine cutting with the photograph of the clock.
Bound typescript, 11 chapters. Contents: 1) A little history; 2) Some lost treasures; 3) The Strasburg Clocks; 4) The Great Clock of Prague; 5) The Astronomical Clock of Lyons; 6) The Jacquemart Clock at Dijon; 7) The Zimmer Clock of Lierre; 8) The Clock Tower of Berne; 9) The Clock of Lund; 10) The Lubeck Clock; 11) Some minor marvels.
Includes typewritten letters, extracts from journal articles, and nine photographs and drawings. Also includes letter from Instituto e Museo di Storia della Scienza, Florence, Italy.
Includes typewritten letters, order slips, regulations, and a list of photographs and lantern slides of objects in the Museum's time measurement collection. Also includes an invitation to a private view of Huygens' pendulum clock, and a photographic postcard of the Dover Castle clock.
Includes a single typewritten letter.
Includes a typewritten letter and an article on "The Strasbourg Clocks", and ten photographs and photographic postcards.
This series contains alphabetically arranged subject files of correspondence, photographs, drawings, press cuttings and publications relating mainly to remarkable European clocks.
Includes an extract from Vitruvius on sundials and waterclocks, a journal page showing "A Strange House in Fex", articles from Newles Practical Mechanics, pages from The Antique Dealer and Collectors' Guide; letters from the Moroccan Embassy in London, The Science Museum, and Prof. Paul D. Espinasse of Hull University, handwritten notes and sketches, and 20 photographs and photographic postcards.
Notebook, 47 pages, containing John W. Castle's handwritten notes, mostly on individual clocks, and some drawings. A signed note on inside cover reads "The notes in this book represent hours of research in museums and libraries all over England and half Europe".
Includes a typewritten letter and article "Die Ulmer Rathausuhr: Ein handwelkliches Meisterstück deutscher Renaissencekunst von Albrecht Rieber", and a photograph. Also includes a letter from the mayor of Olomuc, Czechoslovakia, regarding a booklet on the Olomuc town hall clock (the booklet is not included).
Includes letters, order forms, rules for ordering and sale of photographs, and two photographs.
Includes "The Accutron: the world's first electronic watch" (Horological Journal 1961), typescript of "The watch of to-morrow", list of the Horstmann collection of antique watches, and two photographs.
Includes typewritten and printed versions of an article on "The Wells Clock" and six photographic postcards.
Includes typewritten letter, a newspaper cutting with an article on the restoration of the tower, its English translations (handwritten and typed), and a photograph.