Album containing the complete series of 25 cards. Purchased from The Good Olde Days shop in Brighton. Also includes a letter from the seller, a photocopy of "An Unusual Collection", an article about the cigarette cards published in Antique Clocks vol. 11 no. 10 (March 1989), and of a press cutting about books on sundials.
Complete series of 25 cards, duplicates of those in the album.
Copy of an article published in The Illustrated London News.
Includes Ray-o-Vac, Duracell, Seiko, Renata, Exide, etc. Most undated. Includes an article from an unidentified publication, in French and English, on watch batteries, no. 403 of Southern Watch and Clock Supplies Ltd News, and a photocopy of the United States Patent Office patent for alkaline dry cell (1951).
Also includes a catalogue of Dorset clocks and related correspondence.
Contains a list of all exhibits.
Copy of an article published in Mat. Med. Nordm. vol 23.
Original volume, 445 pages. Full title: Transactions of the Society instituted at London for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufacturers and Commerce (London). Includes chapters on: Premiums offered in 1799, Papers in agriculture, Papers in polite arts, Papers in Mechanicks, Paper in colonies and trade, Rewards bestowed, Presents received, Catalogue of models and machines, List of officers, List of members, and Index.
Includes related correspondence.
Loose copy of an article published in two parts in Wireless World.
Large folder of booklets, articles, circulars, notes, photographs and related correspondence.
Large folder of booklets, articles, circulars, notes, photographs, transparency slides and related correspondence.
Gives fair dates for 2000.
Special issue about watches and their sales, two copies.
Original Royal Society of Arts publication of six lectures delivered before the Society in January and February 1908.
Photocopy of an article about the collection of John Hendry, published in Worcester Evening News.
Bound copy of an article published in Journal Suisse d'Horlogerie (March 1929), reprinted in the Watchmaker, Jeweler, Silversmith and Optician, translated by J. Eric Haswell.
Includes copy of "Timekeepers of character", an article about the collection by George Worswick, published in Country Life in January 1978.
Four bound issues: September 1930 (section 3c), January 1932 (section 5f), April 1932 (sections 1g and 2f), July 1933 (section 1k). Also includes leaflet 222f for "Electro-matic Frequency Clocks" (June 1934). Produced by Tangent.
Three bound issues: November 1927 (Section 3a), January 1928 (section 1b), March 1928 (section 5c). Produced by Tangent. Includes related correspondence.
11 colour photographs, individually labelled. Exhibition organised by David Day.
Pasted photocopy of a children's short story published in Grandfather's Tales (Leicester: Winks and Son).
Original issue, with an article on "Description of a proposed new uniform pressure clock", news items on a grant to Horological Institute and rating chronometers, and queries re. building seconds clock and lever escapement.
Two original issues, containing articles on sundials, poetry in watches, and horology-related advertisements.
Photocopy, pasted into a notebook, of an article published in The Quarterly Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society vol. 28.
Delivered at a Northern Section meeting on 11th May. Copy of an article published in Antiquarian Horology.
Bound photocopy of an HMSO publication, subtitled "comprising determination and division of time, dialling, clocks, watches and other time-keepers". Includes a circular from The Patent Office Library about its transfer to the British Library.
Large folder of booklets, articles, patents, circulars, notes, photographs, transparency slides and related correspondence.
Also includes press release regarding sale of Important Clocks and Watches (n.d.).
This collection comprises horological papers collected by Dr Alan Shenton and his wife Rita Shenton. It contains mostly printed material, such as books, journals, catalogues, brochures, advertisements, photographs and collectibles, but some original research notes and correspondence are also present.
Shenton, AlanLoose leaflets showing various clocks and their specifications, brochures, three photographs, Dr Shenton's chronologically arranged handwritten list of clocks. Also includes related correspondence.
Eight pages. Includes information about a silver pair-cased watch from 1789 and three pedometers.
Photocopy of an article published in Wireless World.
Bound copies of extracts from Horological Journal.
Enlarged photographic copy, previously framed, showing the inside of the shop with a naval officer purchasing a chronometer, the "Tempus Fugit" motto and establishment date of 1749. J. W. Benson was a watch and chronometer maker.
Held at Hôtel des Bergues on Sunday 14th November 1993. By Antiquorum Auctioneers.
41 postcards, mostly blank, some with greetings addressed to Rita Shenton and E. J. Tyler. Also includes one colour slide of Overdrawn at the Bank, a painting by Charles Spencelayh.
15 blank postcards showing watches and clocks from the collection, as well as the museum and the town. Includes a set of six transparency slides .
Complete series of 20 cards, with some duplicates.
Mainly from N.P. Mander Ltd, pipe organ builders. In an envelope addressed to Rita from N. P. Mander.
Photocopy, pasted into a notebook, of Wynn's description of his Society of Arts Gold Isis Medal winning invention of a time-keeper and a compensating pendulum (1817). Also includes, as front, C. G. McKay's short letter about William Wynn, published in Antiquarian Horology (Autumn 1977) and a biographical note about Wynn from the ninth edition of Britten's Old Clocks and Watches and their Makers.
Copy of an article on seventeenth-century night clocks, from an unidentified publication.
Bound copy of an article about acquiring long-case clocks, from an unidentified publication.
Photocopy of an obituary of the British scientist, inventor and collector Edward Hall (1924–2001), published in The Times. File also includes photographs of clock movements and a comparison sheet between four Smiths Quartz Movements.
Oaktree Antiques, selling "town and country furniture, longcase clocks and works of art" is based in Marlet Harborough, Leicestershire.
Original brochure, with description and photographs, of David Ramsay's star-shaped verge watch (now in the museum collection of the Worshipful Company of Clockmakers, who purchased it in 1958).
Bound photocopies of articles published in English Mechanic and World of Science.
Bound photocopies of articles published in English Mechanic and Mirror of Science.
Bound photocopies of articles published in English Mechanic and World of Science.
Photocopy of the English translation of an article originally published in French in vol. 20 no. 21 of Les Comptes Rendus (May 1845). Translation published in Electrical Magazine vol. 2.
Includes articles about the clock sculpture in Gare St Lazare in Paris, the selling exhibition at Liberty, and heirloom Ducrow clock from the Weekend Telegraph (1994, 1995); long-case clocks and other "antiques of the future", and purchase of "the ultimate circuit timers" from The Daily Telegraph (1994, 1996).
Album containing the complete series of 25 cards. Purchased from The Good Olde Days shop in Brighton.
Originals and photocopies, relating to individual clocks and watches, clockmaking news, Robert Hooke and Captain James Cook.
Seven cuttings, mostly from unidentified newspapers.
Inscribed "J.A. Sutcliffe, Blackpool".
Held at the School of Horology, Blanchardstown, Dublin, on 14 Dec 1976 to mark the bicentenary of the death of John Harrison. Signed by W. Stuart.
Seven cards. Purchased in 1988 from L. M. C. Nierynck, the Netherlands.
With synopsis and chapter titles.
With bibliography on telecommunications.
With an invitation to "See how the wheels go round", a Dorset County Museum event held on 23–25 June 2000.
Handwritten, with diagrams.
Typescript with photographs.
Bound copy of an article published in Les Merveilles de la Science.
Copy of an article published in "La Clessidra" (no. 6).
Also includes copy of the obituary of Dr Jacob Kienzle (1935), one photograph and related correspondence.
Photocopy of an article published in Journal of the Royal Naval Scientific Service (vol. 11 no. 6).
Bound copy of an article published in La Clessidra. With translation and review by Charles K. Aked.
Bound photocopies of articles published in English Mechanic and World of Science.
Two copies of an article published in Antiquarian Horology.
Bound photocopy of articles originally published in Le Génie Civil (Paris, 1910).
Two originals torn out of Jeweller and Metalworker (January 1951 and March 1952) and two photocopies from Jewellers Journal Book of Recipes (n.d., nineteenth century).
Includes "The mystery of time", an article by S.H. Sharpe about mystery clocks (p. 434).
Bound photocopy. 49 pages.
Published by Centre d'Information de l'Horlogerie Française, Paris. 159 pages.
A black comedy directed by Sam Walters, performed at The Orange Tree Theatre (Richmond, Surrey) and Stephen Joseph Theatre (Scarborough) in March–May 2001.
Photocopy of two news pages, including articles on "Honors for the Trade", "Casket for the American Ambassador" and "The Silver Market".
Portfolio of small and large electric and electronic clocks produced in Germany, published in 1973 by Verband der Deutschen Uhrerindustrie (VDU). Also includes three photographs of electric watches and a circular from VDU, in English, about "watch fashions autumn and winter 1981/82".
Scrapbook of notes, copies of articles and cuttings. Arranged chronologically by date of publication, covering dates 1951–1988.
Published by Percival Marshall & Co. Ltd (London, n.d.). 197 pages, hardback. Signed by the author for Daniel E. Buckney.
Two b/w photographs. Annotated "L'Heure Electrique EXA pour le petite horloger electricien amateur".
Includes "A forgotten Norfolk clockmaker", an article about John Oldfield by Peter Bolton (p. 418).
Published in NAWCC Bulletin vol. 9 no. 11.
File of loose cuttings and pages from illustrated magazines, journals, bulletins and auction catalogues. Includes photographs.
Original pages extracted from The Horological Journal (1910-26) and photocopy from The Jeweller and Metalworker (1894). Also includes notes about Watch and Clock Makers' Pension Society and the Clockmakers' Company (1910) and statistics for exports of clocks and watches in 1926.
Photocopy of alphabetical name index, giving also year and locality, from an unknown publication. Also contains five photographs and postcards of clocks from Wiltshire and Westmorland.
One colour photograph, showing general view of the exhibition and the Rita Shenton Books stall.