File report

Archival descriptions hierarchy

# Reference code Title Dates Access restrictions Retrieval information
1 WAR/01/001 Minutes of Committee meetings of the British Horological Institute Antiquarian Section 1951–1953 None
2 WAR/01/002 Dr Ward's reports on his tour of horological collections in Switzerland and SW Germany in June 1957, and his visit to the opening ceremony of the exhibition "Het Atoom Amsterdam" on 28 June 1957 1954–1969 None
3 WAR/01/003 Dr Ward's reports on the AHS summer tours of Germany, France, Switzerland, Austria and Italy 1959–1963 None
4 WAR/02/001 Science Museum: correspondence and circulars regarding the "British Clockmakers' Heritage" and "Collectors' Pieces: Clocks and Watches" exhibitions, with invitations and press notices 1950–1964 None
5 WAR/02/002 Cambridge: correspondence regarding the iron Gothic clock at the Cambridge University Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, with photographs 1955 None
6 WAR/02/003 Dr Ward's letter to an unidentified recipient regarding the meridian line in San Petronio Basilica, Bologna, Italy 1963 Oct None
7 WAR/02/004 Hever Castle: Dr Ward's correspondence with Gavin Astor (2nd Baron Astor of Hever) regarding the castle sundials 1969–1979 None
8 WAR/02/005 Hampton Court: correspondence regarding the turret clock at Hampton Court, Hereford 1971–1972 None
9 WAR/02/006 Sürrerwerk: correspondence with Alan Smith regarding the Sürrerwerk striking system in Italian and German clocks 1977 None
10 WAR/02/007 Lamport Hall: correspondence and notes regarding the depiction of a sixteenth-century clock in an oil portrait of John Isham at Lamport Hall, Northampton 1981–1982 None
11 WAR/02/008 Hollesley: letters to Dr Ward from Keith Bailey regarding a ring sundial found at Hollesley, Suffolk 1983 None
12 WAR/02/009 Haarlem article: correspondence regarding Dr Ward's Antiquarian Horology article on the clock in Pieter Saenredam's painting of St Bavo's Church, Haarlem, the Netherlands, with postcard 1983–1985 None
13 WAR/03/001 "Hour-glass": an article for Children's Brittanica 1950 None
14 WAR/03/002 Graham article: bicentenary commemorative lecture on George Graham, given in 1951 by the late H. Alan Lloyd and abridged by Dr Ward 1951 None
15 WAR/03/003 Notebook containing Dr Ward's notes on visits to German, Swiss, Italian, Austrian and Dutch museums, including AHS tours 1953–1963 None
16 WAR/03/004 "Der chemische Prunkofen und Wertvolle alte Uhren aus dem Astronomisch-Physikalischen Kabinett des Hessischen Landesmuseums in Kassel", bound reprints of articles by Paul Adolf Kirchvogel 1954 None
17 WAR/03/005 AHS German tour and the Burgundy Clock: list of items to be seen and correspondence 1959 None
18 WAR/03/006 Exhibit description forms for the "Collectors' Pieces: Clocks and Watches" AHS birthday exhibition 1964 Unavailable for general access due to data protection
19 WAR/03/007 Waddesdon: draft catalogue descriptions of clocks and watches at Waddesdon Manor, Aylesbury, reviewed and annotated by Dr Ward 1964 Jul 17 None
20 WAR/03/008 Waddesdon: draft catalogue descriptions of clocks and watches at Waddesdon Manor 1973–1979 and n.d. None
21 WAR/03/009 "An outstanding domestic clock rediscovered at Waddesdon": a copy of Dr Ward's article published in "Connoisseur" 1965 Sep None
22 WAR/03/010 Waddesdon Metzker: articles, notes and correspondence relating to a clock by Jeremias Metzker from the Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna 1965–1976 None
23 WAR/03/011 Horological lectures and notes, and a chronological list of "Landmarks in the History of Greenwich Mean Time" 1966–1968 None
24 WAR/03/012 V&A watches lecture: notes and correspondence, mainly relating to a lecture on watches at the V&A Museum 1968–1982 None
25 WAR/03/013 Dr Plomp: "List of early Dutch pendulum clocks", "Notes about early Dutch pendulum clocks" and "Memorandum of the 'Dutch' origin of the Fromanteels", articles by Dr R. Plomp 1969 and n.d. None
26 WAR/03/014 "Eli Terry and the patent shelf clock", an article by Kenneth D. Roberts 1972 None
27 WAR/03/015 Material relating to V&A's watches catalogue: Dr Ward's introduction, classification and glossary 1975 Oct None
28 WAR/03/016 St John's College Cambridge: a catalogue of manuscripts, and cover letter regarding reproduction 1976 None
29 WAR/03/017 Illuminated manuscripts: notes and lists of early manuscripts containing illustrations of clocks 1976–1980 None
30 WAR/03/018 Reprints of Dr Ward's Antiquarian Horology articles, with original photographs submitted for publication 1976–1985 None
31 WAR/03/019 Bodleian Library: catalogues of colour transparencies and filmstrips of manuscripts, including horology-related ones, and photocopies of illustrations from publications 1977 and n.d. None
32 WAR/03/020 Urs Graf drawing: Dr Ward's notes on an early pocket sundial illustrated by the Swiss Renaissance artist Urs Graf, and a Royal Academy of Arts exhibition catalogue of "Selected Works of Art from the Robert von Hirsch Collection" which lists the drawing 1978 None
33 WAR/03/021 Lists of clock illustrations in illuminated manuscripts and colour transparencies of early clocks and water clocks 1978 None
34 WAR/03/022 "Clock and watches of the V&A Museum" and "Public clocks" lecture notes 1979–1981 None
35 WAR/03/023 "The evolution of European domestic clocks" lecture notes, with photographs and correspondence 1981 None
36 WAR/03/024 Important illustrations: lists of photographs of clocks and watches in foreign museums and the Science Museum B list n.d. [1950s–1960s] None
37 WAR/03/025 Draft of an untitled article (or book chapter) on the history of timekeepers, annotated, with bibliography n.d. [1967?] None
38 WAR/03/026 A.R. Hall's lecture on Robert Hooke: Dr Ward's notes on a lecture given at the Imperial College n.d. [post 1976] None
39 WAR/03/027 Clocks and Watches in Denmark: list of "Important Clocks and Watches to be seen in Denmark", by the AHS n.d. [1980?] None
40 WAR/03/028 Tarsia panels: a list of tarsia panels in the churches of Italy and the V&A, and "Un Famoso Documento per la Storia Dell'Orologeris", an article on that topic by Antonio Simoni n.d. [20th century] None
41 WAR/03/029 Collections in Italy: notes on Italian clocks and horological collection n.d. [20th century] None
42 WAR/03/030 Simoni type clock in Sloane Street: description n.d. [20th century] None
43 WAR/04/001 National Maritime Museum Planispheric Astrolabe: description brochure by H. N. Saunders, plastic model, notes and "Make-it-yourself: Nocturnal" instruction brochure 1976–1979 None
44 WAR/04/002 Brochure and order form for "A special limited edition of the unique film British Clocks 1600–1850 on video cassette" n.d. [1981] None
45 WAR/04/003 Catalogue of "Famous Books in the History of Science", a British Library exhibition in Nov 1981–Jan 1982 1981 None
46 WAR/04/004 Mary Rose: brochures, bulletins, advertisements for sundial replicas, and a certificate acknowledging Dr Ward's support to the raising and conservation of the Mary Rose ship 1982 and n.d. None
47 WAR/05/001 Leiden: photographs and postcards of clocks and their movements, and airpumps 1950 None
48 WAR/05/002 Photographs of "founder members etc. [of the AHS]" 1950–1957 and n.d. None
49 WAR/05/003 Würzburg: photographs of early clocks and sundial from Mainfränkisches Museum, Würzburg, Germany 1959 Aug None
50 WAR/05/004 Photograph of a clock by Andreas Illmer, Innsbruck (1559) 1961 Sep 19 None
51 WAR/05/005 Austrian tour: photographs of clocks taken during the 1961 tour (1587 astronomical clock, night clock by Campanus and bracket clock by Preisacher) 1961 None
52 WAR/05/006 Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna: list of clocks and sundials to be seen in Vienna, with photographs 1961 and n.d. [20th century] None
53 WAR/05/007 Photographs of Temperance (1560) and The Triumph of Time (1574), engravings by Pieter Bruegel the Elder 1963 None
54 WAR/05/008 Photographs of the opening ceremony of the 1964 "Collectors' Pieces: Clocks and Watches" exhibition at the Science Museum, showing guests and exhibits 1964–1966 None
55 WAR/05/009 Kassel: photographs of mostly sixteenth and seventeenth-century clocks from Hessian State Museum in Kassel, Germany 1967 and n.d. None
56 WAR/05/010 Hugyens Museum, Voorburg, the Netherlands: postcards depicting Christian Huygens' statue and pendulum clock 1967? None
57 WAR/05/011 Cracow: photographs of fifteenth-century sundials and celestial globes from the Jagiellonian University Museum, Cracow, and the Science Museum, London 1971–1976 None
58 WAR/05/012 Brochure with photographs and description of a Japanese lantern clock 1974 None
59 WAR/05/013 Wideman Clock: original pages from a Christie's sales catalogue and price list, showing a c.1650 gilt-metal table clock by Jacob Wideman 1977 None
60 WAR/05/014 Clocks in paintings at the Sir Thomas Moore exhibition: photograph of "Sir Thomas More and his Descendants", a 1593 painting by R. Lockley after Holbein 1978 Mar None
61 WAR/05/015 Fremersdorf's "Die Kaisermonument-Uhr": greeting card depicting Charles the V and his c.1550 figurine clock c.1989 None
62 WAR/05/016 Photographs of the Waddesdon Manor elephant automaton clock, its movement and mechanism n.d. [20th century] None
63 WAR/05/017 Winterthur and Bayerische: postcards and photographs of sixteenth and seventeenth-century clocks and their movements from museums in Winterthur, Switzerland; and Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam n.d. [20th century] None
64 WAR/05/018 Brome Hall: photographs of a sundial and a Tompion clock and its movement n.d. [20th century] None
65 WAR/05/019 Photographs of a Fromanteel clock n.d. [20th century] None
66 WAR/05/020 Clocks at Penhurst Place: photographs of a Gothic clock, iron clock, and an eighteenth-century longcase clock n.d. [20th century] None
67 WAR/05/021 Stuttgart: photographs of a table clock (Nürnberg, 1548), astronomical table clock by Gebhardt (Strasbourg, early seventeenth century) and Wooden Black Forest alarm clock (c.1740) from the Stuttgart Museum n.d. [20th century] None
68 WAR/05/022 Bayerisches Museum, Munich: photographs of sundials, monstrance clocks, and sixteenth-century table clocks n.d. [20th century] None
69 WAR/05/023 Photographs of paintings depicting clocks: St Jerome with Clock and Sir Thomas More and His Descendants n.d. [20th century] None
70 WAR/05/024 Early clocks: photographs of a chamber clock by Erhard Liechti (1579) and an Italian monastic alarm-clock n.d. [20th century] None
71 WAR/05/025 Deutsches Museum München: photographs of clocks, sundials, barometers, air pumps, etc. n.d. [20th century] None
72 WAR/05/026 Danish clocks: photographs of sixteenth, seventeenth and eighteenth-century clocks from Danish castles and museums n.d. [20th century] None
73 WAR/05/027 Österreichisches Museum für Angewandte Kunst: photographs of sixteenth-century clocks by Erasmus Pirennbruner and Andreas Ron of Augsburg n.d. [20th century] None
74 WAR/05/028 Photographic copies of plates 6 and 38 of Giovanni de' Dondi's Tractatus astrarii, showing the dial and framework of an astrarium n.d. [20th century] None