File report

Archival descriptions hierarchy

# Reference code Title Dates Access restrictions Retrieval information
1 CAS/01/001 "The Story of Timekeeping": notes 1946–1949 None
2 CAS/01/002 "Remarkable Clocks" by John W. Castle 1951 None
3 CAS/02/001 Aigueperse: correspondence with the mayor of Aigueperse, France, concerning the town hall clock 1957 None
4 CAS/02/002 Articles: talks and articles by John W. Castle 1953–1958 None
5 CAS/02/003 Astrolabes: postcard from the National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, showing a French astrolabe of the seventeenth century n.d. [1950s] None
6 CAS/02/004 Automata: "The Story of Coppelius" and photographs of objects featuring automata n.d. [1950s] None
7 CAS/02/005 Beauvais: correspondence with the Mayor of Beauvais, France, regarding the astronomical cathedral clock 1951–1952 None
8 CAS/02/006 Benfield: correspondence with the Mayor of Benfeld, France, regarding the town hall clock 1957 None
9 CAS/02/007 Berne: correspondence with the Municipal Publicity Office of Berne, Switzerland, regarding the Historical Clock 1950 None
10 CAS/02/008 British Museum: correspondence with J.S. Barnard, deputy librarian, regarding the Habrecht Clock 1950 None
11 CAS/02/009 Calendar notes: notes of various calendar systems 1956–1961 None
12 CAS/02/010 Clepsydra: correspondence with Harvard University and the Greek government regarding the water clock at the Tower of the Winds in Athens 1954–1960 None
13 CAS/02/011 Clocks curiosity: images of various curiosity clocks n.d. [1950s] None
14 CAS/02/012 Clocks astronomical / Dondi Clock: correspondence, articles and photographs of the astronomical Dondi Clock 1961 None
15 CAS/02/013 Clocks automata: photographs, articles and correspondence regarding clocks featuring mechanical figures 1950–1961 None
16 CAS/02/014 Clocks miscellaneous: photographs, press cuttings, journal articles and correspondence regarding miscellaneous clocks 1949–1961 None
17 CAS/02/015 Cosmology: extracts from Worlds in Collision by Immanuel Velikowsky (1950) n.d. [post-1950] None
18 CAS/02/016 Compiegne: correspondence with the secretary of the mayor of Compiegne, France, regarding the town hall clock 1959 None
19 CAS/02/017 Copenhagen: brochure and postcards of Jens Olsen's world-clock n.d. [c.1957] None
20 CAS/02/018 Dijon: correspondence with Archives de Dijon, France, regarding the Jacquemart clock 1950–1955 None
21 CAS/02/019 Dresden: correspondence with The Dresden Historical Museum regarding "The Tower of Babel" clock by Hand Schlottheim 1949 None
22 CAS/02/020 Exeter: correspondence, photographs, newspaper cuttings regarding Lovelace's Exeter clock, St Mary's church clock, University Clock and Cathedral Clock 1949–1952 None
23 CAS/02/021 Heidingsfeld: correspondence with Mr Muehling of the city of Würzburg, Germany, regarding the "Giemau" clock 1959 None
24 CAS/02/022 Heilbronn: correspondence with Heilbronn city archives, Germany, regarding the town hall clock 1953–1957 None
25 CAS/02/023 Letters: correspondence with C.A. Murray, Astronomer Royal, regarding the Photographic Zenith Tube 1958 None
26 CAS/02/024 Lierre: correspondence with the mayor of Lierre, Belgium, regarding the Zimmer clock 1950 None
27 CAS/02/025 Lubeck: photographs and article about the astronomical clock in St Mary's Cathedral in Lubeck, Germany n.d. [1950s] None
28 CAS/02/026 Lund: photographs and article about the astronomical clock in Lund Cathedral, Sweden n.d. [1950s] None
29 CAS/02/027 Lyons: correspondence with Abbot A. Michalon regarding the astronomical clock of Lyon Cathedral, France 1957 None
30 CAS/02/028 Malta: photographs and correspondence with the Valetta Museum and Maltese government regarding antique clocks kept mainly at Valetta Palace and St Antonio Palace 1952 None
31 CAS/02/029 Manuscripts: John W. Castle's typewritten drafts and handwritten notes for "Remarkable Clocks" 1955 None
32 CAS/02/030 Mechanisms: drawings of various clock mechanisms n.d. [1950s] None
33 CAS/02/031 Molsheim: correspondence with the mayor of Molsheim, France, regarding the Anciennes Boucheries "Metzig" clock 1957 None
34 CAS/02/032 Moulins: correspondence with the mayor of Moulins, France, regarding the medieval clock tower 1957 None
35 CAS/02/033 Munich: correspondence with the mayor of Munich, Germany, regarding the town hall automaton clock 1956 None
36 CAS/02/034 Ochsenfurt: correspondence with the mayor of Ochsenfurt, Germany, regarding the town hall astronomical and automaton clock 1957 None
37 CAS/02/035 Paris: correspondence with Bibliothèque Sainte-Geneviève, Ministry of Education, Palais de nouveauté, and Bijoutiers Horlogers, Paris, France, regarding various clocks 1949–1957 None
38 CAS/02/036 Plauen: correspondence with the mayor of Plauen, Germany, regarding the town hall automaton clock 1957 None
39 CAS/02/037 Prague: correspondence with the Department for Foreign Relations, Prague, Czechoslovakia, regarding the town hall Horologe clock 1946 None
40 CAS/02/038 Rolling Ball Clocks: correspondence with H. von Bertele, photographs and drawings relating to rolling ball clocks 1956–1960 None
41 CAS/02/039 Science Museum: correspondence, mainly regarding the borrowing of lantern slides and publications 1957–1961 None
42 CAS/02/040 Soleure: correspondence with the mayor of Solothurn (Soleure), Switzerland, regarding the city's clock tower 1957 None
43 CAS/02/041 Strasbourg: correspondence with the bishopric of Strasbourg regarding the astronomical cathedral clock 1950 None
44 CAS/02/042 Sundials: articles, correspondence and photographs regarding sundials 1955–1960 None
45 CAS/02/043 Ulm: correspondence with the mayor of Ulm, Germany, regarding the astronomical town hall clock 1957 None
46 CAS/02/044 V&A Museum: correspondence regarding the photographing of the Carpenter Clock 1950–1957 None
47 CAS/02/045 Watches: articles and photographs 1961 None
48 CAS/02/046 Wells: articles and photographs of the astronomical Cathedral clock n.d. [1950s] None
49 CAS/02/047 Zoug: correspondence with the town librarian of Zug, Switzerland, regarding the clock tower n.d. [1950s] None