File report

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# Reference code Title Dates Access restrictions Retrieval information
1 BUN/01/001 Watch and Clockmakers in Ordinary: handwritten transcripts and notes on individuals mentioned in original sources from 1317 to 1617 compiled in the 20th century None
2 BUN/01/002 Watch and Clockmakers in Ordinary: handwritten transcripts and notes on individuals mentioned in original sources from 1613 to 1708 compiled in the 20th century None
3 BUN/01/003 Watch and Clockmakers in Ordinary: handwritten transcripts and notes on individuals mentioned in original sources from 1676 to 1717 compiled in the 20th century None
4 BUN/01/004 Watch and Clockmakers in Ordinary: handwritten transcripts and notes on individuals mentioned in original sources from 1714 to 1801 compiled in the 20th century None
5 BUN/01/005 Lost and Stolen Watches: handwritten transcripts of adverts from eighteenth-century London newspapers compiled in the 20th century None
6 BUN/01/006 Transcript of Benjamin Gray's Daybook 1704–19 compiled in the 20th century None