File report

Archival descriptions hierarchy

# Reference code Title Dates Access restrictions Retrieval information
1 ALL/01/001 Banger: notes and photographs relating to Edward Banger watch(es?) 1980-1982 None
2 ALL/01/002 Gardner: correspondence and papers relating to Malcolm and Robert Gardner 1908–1988 None
3 ALL/01/003 Gould: correspondence, notes and publications relating to the life and death of Lieutenant-Commander Rupert Thomas Gould 1939–1989 None
4 ALL/01/004 Graham: correspondence, notes and publications relating to clocks and watches by George Graham (c.1673–1751) 1974–2003 None
5 ALL/01/005 Gravity Escapement: correspondence, notes and photographs 1917–1974 None
6 ALL/01/006 Haswell: correspondence with and regarding James Eric Haswell 1940–2002 None
7 ALL/01/007 Hindley: correspondence and photographs relating to clocks of Henry Hindley and the York school 1994–2003 None
8 ALL/01/008 Hobson: correspondence with and regarding Charles Hobson 1979–1988 None
9 ALL/01/009 Ilbert: correspondence regarding the Ilbert Collection 1944–1999 None
10 ALL/01/010 Jennings: correspondence with and regarding Charles Jennings 1973–1983 None
11 ALL/01/011 Jewelling: publications, notes and related correspondence about watch jewelling 1873–1981 None
12 ALL/01/012 Jump: papers relating to the Jump family and clocks 1984 None
13 ALL/01/013 Leroux: notes relating to clock 1985 None
14 ALL/01/014 Mercer St Albans: press cuttings relating to Frank Mercer and Thomas Mercer Ltd. 1938–1958 None
15 ALL/01/015 Merlin: correspondence and photographs relating to the sale of Merlin Clock 1986–1997 None
16 ALL/01/016 Montécheroux: publications, photographs and correspondence with Le Musée de Pinces [Pliers Museum], Montécheroux, France 1998–1999 None
17 ALL/01/017 Nardin: publications and correspondence with Ulisse Nardin [watch and chronometer manufacture] in La Locle, Switzerland 1966–1985 None
18 ALL/01/018 Otto: correspondence and publications relating to H. Otto clock 1955–2003 None
19 ALL/01/019 Prescot: correspondence and publications relating to clock and watchmaking in Prescot and Lancashire 1929–2004 None
20 ALL/01/020 Quare: publications, notes and photographs relating to quarter-repeating watches made by Daniel Quare 1931–1997 None
21 ALL/01/021 Reith: correspondence, notes and publications relating to clocks made by James Reith 1985–1993 None
22 ALL/01/022 Sabrier: correspondence with Jean-Claude Sabrier on horological maters 1985–2001 None
23 ALL/01/023 Sills: correspondence with C.H. Jennens regarding his grandfather E.A. Sills 1995 None
24 ALL/01/024 Spencer: correspondence with Lord Spencer on horological matters 1958–1989 None
25 ALL/01/025 Tools: correspondence, publications and photographs 1976–2001 None
26 ALL/01/026 Travers: correspondence and press cuttings relating to the life and death of John Travers 1899–2003 None
27 ALL/01/027 Vulliamy: correspondence, notes and photographs relating to Justin Vulliamy's clocks 1984–1995 None
28 ALL/01/028 Watches and clocks: correspondence and photographs 1983–2002 None